Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Who is Beyonce’

AND MEET Capstone Zulu and Janet Jackson children in Entertainment.

Beyonce Superbowl Halftime show 2013

Who Is Beyonce’ – Click the Beyonce’ copyrights link to see.

Beyonce’ born Janet Damita Jones is the daughter of DBA Capstone Zulu and DBA Janet Jackson. She was raised in Queens, New York.  Janet Damita is the oldest of 6 children between Capstone Zulu and Janet Jackson and they are all female gender, because Janet Jackson is covenant and all of them are full blood Zulu.

Destiny Child Music Video Playlist

LaTonya Jones twin sister is Tatyana Jones DBA Tatyana Ali, Chili of TLC and Coco in SWV I both Spirit born and their two older sister Spirit born are Maria Theresa Jones and Priscillia Jones, both are major in entertainment.

Their two oldest sisters who were not born Spirit but was raised into the Spirit are Mona and Lujuana and all of them are children of Chaka Mosi Kanamu Zulu and Blond Jones AKA Blond Eva Austin, who is convenient and through her womb Jesus Christ was born, but he is not her son, she is his daughter.  And this is the story of the fulfilling of prophecy.  And in everything we do we invoke Jesus Christ, which is protected by the 1st Amendment, the right to religious practice.

I, Capstone Zulu remember the first time see called me daddy.  The guy people believed was her dad, told her the truth, because he believed she needed to know this.  So she says to Capstone Zulu, then known as the artist Prince in that side of town, hi Daddy.  I was in shock, because nobody called me dad in those days and after that she was kept away from me, but her twin sister Elizabeth Alisha Jones who is the singer Ciara I did continue to see.  We all lived in the same two-story house, but I was gone a lot and when I always there, I almost never saw her.


Janet Damita at this time was a little girl, the movies was made years later. This happened in Carona, first of all Etta James is who I called Aunt Vera, so Beyonce’ lived with Etta James as a child and Prince was in the house.  OK, Boykin was using steroids, he is DBA Rahmel.  And remember they kept Beyonce’ away from me and that was Short Time decision, who I called Uncle Brother. She was afraid because he was yelling at her saying come out of the bathroom. So he started hitting the door and broke the door.  When he saw her, she was afraid.  He talk me what happened and I told him to stop taking that stuff, it makes you too strong and crazy and he did. 

Michael Jackson – Dangerous – After I heard the album – it approved – The word got out Biggy Smalls IS DEAD. So I asked Rihanna, who was running with Biggy, how is Biggy Smalls going to duet with Michael Jackson and he is dead.  She was playing the role Lil Kim.  She says, I knew you loved me.  That role was dangerous too.

Then Donald Murrey played the role BIG and it was dangerous, so I let them RIP BIIGY. I AM BIGGY, Puffy Combs and Two PAC.  I did not want people to be wanted for a murder that was a fake person.

Beyonce’s as Etta James in Cadillac Records the movie singing All I do was cry

I remember when DBA Etta James who Beyonce’ acted as in the movie Cadillac Records the Muddy Waters Story, said to me, Paul you can’t have a mustache, Prince can’t have a mustache Paul, I said, look I AM shaving right, she says yea, I said now comeback in three days and I will be shaving again, f##k that Prince S##t, a Prince don’t get no pussy and she started laughing saying Paul you crazy.

It was the nature of my business with the government that required so much secrecy concerning me as well as all the things I was doing in entertainment. And because of all this secrecy that surrounded me, people took advantage of them and my hands were tide.

Prince produced both Janet Jackson and Beyonce’ and in the case of Janet Jackson, Prince in the names Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis actually produced all of Janet Jackson stuff, there was no Rene Elizondo or Jermaine Dupri.  I was always active in their lives and professional career, but often I had to do this in the shadows.

Janet Jackson Superbowl Half time show in 2004

Janet Jackson is the mother of several mainstream entertainer – singers.

The Arrangement of Consummation – Billy Jackson later in life became Janet Jackson GAY Connect manager the drugs and stuff in California

The events that led to the birth of Beyonce’


I and Billy went to see the Jackson Five in Concert, but it
was the day that a Pact was to be arranged for the Wedlock.
I saw little Janet in between her parents and Latoya was
with a girlfriend.

Paul knew that Latoya was afraid of Paul Castellano, and he
had a long road in front of him and what he had to say to
them was decided by his mother.


All right Joseph, here is the deal.
Paul made arrangements to marry Janet who was 9 year old at
the time and he was 16 years old. Latoya thought he was
crazy to pick Janet over her, being she was fine and Janet
was just a little girl at the time. But Paul knew it would
be many years before the Union would be fully realized where
they would actually live together. But, little did Latoya
know Paul had plans for her also.

Some guy notice the Parents of The Jackson Five, the Jackson’s
had no idea how famous they were. He tried to rip them off,
because he was mad that his girlfriend made him take her to
the Concert. Paul Castellano beat him up, and Janet applaud
him. What took place at this meeting changed the life of
Janet forever, as Paul entered into another Pact.
After the arrangement Billy spoke.


Now you have to marry her you Mother,
those people don’t play! They are
Jehovah Witnesses.


I look forward to that day that will
be the day of my glory. Billy do
you have something you want to tell


What do you mean?


I just wonder if you have something
to tell me, I guess not!

See how I was setup? At the time Janet Jackson was pregnant with twins. And at the time nobody knew about Beyonce’

Janet Jackson the last covenant and that is why the devil wanted to defile her so bad

Gal:3:16, 17

 16The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed,” [i] meaning one person, who is Christ. 17What I mean is this: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise.

Chaka Zulu and Cora Jones and Chaka Zulu is Frank Paul Jones

Frank Paul Jones and Junita Jones

Frank Paul Jones and Blond Jones

Frank Paul Jones and Blond Jones

Mona and Lujuana = Girls

Frank Paul Jones came out of the womb of Blond Jones

And then 4 Spirit Born Girls

Maria Theresa and Priscillia = Girls

Tatyana and LaTonya who is covenant and will have all girls and LaTonya is the younger of the two

The Consummation of the Birth of Janet Damita and Alicia Elizabeth.  The mistake Janet Jackson made was she opened her eyes and because of

Beyonce’ Ultimate Playlist

Beyonce’ and

Ciara Playlist


The best of Amerie

A-Marie and Lisa Marie

Monica Playlist

Imani and Stafani who is Monica

They are all Covenant children and all are full blood Zulu with the Spirit of God at birth.

Capstone Zulu

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