Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

What Christmas Meant to DBA Jesus Christ?

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The Blessing is Simple, when they called themselves baptizing Jesus Christ, they revealed themselves and their intents. Now they are a nation of do as you are told and you cannot improvise enterprise, who run by a code that has become Artificial Intelligence- AI, their destiny has already been written and they are just doing what they was made to do.

The Concern should be on, how to survive the last days.

Capstone Zulu

The FIST Call and the Reality of Security Breeches

By me revealing this protocol proof it is not my intent or call. 

  1. On Property Appraisal websites, On Google Earth Pro or less, GPS Devices, land parcels are given to everyone.  Was this by design?
  2. Land Parcel can be converted to Grid Co-Ordinance by click of view in what format.
  3. Wherefore, anyone with Google Earth Pro, can see your building via satellite.

This is the security breech and state of this Union and I mean Nationwide concerns.

Neutron Bombs – Enhanced Radiation Weapons (

The Myths about Neutron Technology created a sense of fear instead of awareness for your own self preservation. Believe me there will be people with oxygen to chambers to survive the worst possible and last resort. They have the same information, but understand the results if used.

The catch and last resort are the FFE – Neutron Bomb = Fire for Effect – Neutron. This munition kills fires if anarchy became an eminent threat.  It does not destroy the infrastructure like buildings and trees, but will eliminate anything that depends on oxygen.

The scientific probability if to happen would be many people would die, however, the Holy Spirit Population will all wakeup.  And the rescue teams will be able to locate by body heat density scans will locate human living lifeforms.

The only way this will be called is if for some reason or another by ground, air and sea, we could not be rescued for whatever reason.  Therefore, it cannot be my call, but intervention procedures could take place.  

Gal:4:8-11 Paul’s Concern for the Galatians

8 Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. 9 But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces [d] ? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? 10 You are observing special days and months and seasons and years!

11 I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you.

What Christmas Meant to DBA Jesus Christ?

Kids first addiction is usually sugar and it goes hand and hand with Christmas. Moms places sugar cane candy under the Christmas tree and tell little Boy, don’t eat all the candy off of the tree, this is all I have for decorations, lil boy eats it all and then comes Christmas Morning and no more candy on the tree? So he goes into the refrigerator gone crazy, eating up the pies and cakes and anything sweat. Momma gets up mad at Lil Boy and wanna foot up his butt…Not realizing she got Lil Boy hooked on Sugar?

If you understand this video, this is what Christmas used to be, families up all night doing decorations and parents going out of their ways and going into debt every year, to buy their children gifts to put under the tree.  Then it’s adult time to party and leave the toys with the kids as babysitters.  Then the kids broke all those toys and they wonder why?  The kids did not want those toys, sure getting a gift is cool, but they wanted that Holiday spirit love and gift giving became the theme and not love.

Christmas is not the same as it used to be to most Families

I spent Christmas with the Front Crew and school was always out.  We learned very early that there is no Santa Claus. Back then, the was telling children that Santa Claus brought you all those gifts under the Christmas Tree Christmas Morning. One of their first lesions was “There is No Santa Claus.”

The Story goes, this family went to Macy’s Department store in NYC, so the kids could meet Santa Claus.  So, all the children had their turn to sit on Santa Claus lap and you know the routine,

 “Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas and what do you want Santa Claus to bring to you for Christmas?”  Then he tells your parent, “Now write down the gift list.”

Then they buy all this stuff and tell you some fat white man came down the incinerator, we had no chimney and gave you all this nice stuff, you told him you wanted at Macy’s. 

Oh, Oh, The alter dark humor ended to this story.

So little girl becomes a nasty girl.  So her mother goes to crying, baby, baby, baby, please stop doing what you are doing…I will do anything if you just stop.  She replies,” OK, momma, let’s go on the Jerry Springer show. Momma says, OK, Baby, OK baby.

They get on the Jerry Springer show and she show her backside, man after man, be tricking with, of all sizes, complexions and ethnicities.  So, Mommy, goes on, oh, baby, why oh baby, why, why, why?

Out of Control Daughter says: “Momma, Momma, you don’t remember Momma? See when I was sitting on Santa Claus lap, while he was saying, ho, ho, ho, he had his finger in my booty hole.  You told me he was Santa Claus and I trusted you.  But see by age 6, I was doing tricks for banana splits. See when you sent me to the candy store to buy your cigarettes and 4 cents knowing I needed 5 cents for candy, oh, don’t worry, the candy store man will take a short?  Now you see momma, the candy store man always gave me what I wanted?  And when I gave you some candy, he gave me, did you ever ask me how I got it?

See Momma, when I asked him, he never say no$$$$$$$$$$$$????????!!!!!!!!

Now it is Getting Bold – Do You Understand this message? Who is the ones that are celebrating?

(3) The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima | The Daily 360 | The New York Times – YouTube

The Atomic Bomb Simulation and explained. This has to be investigated, if you understand Asia damn near got wiped out and many Hebrews in Germany got it during World War 2 and then came the Cold War and not the end of World War 2. The Question posed is why was Japan Nuked?

On The Masonic Calendar Christmas is not December 25th. What this is about? Ask them!

Carrie Wright my classmate in the 6th grade photo and Valarie are twins.  They are of DBK Barbara Johnson of 41-05 10th Street, Apt 2B and her mother is Ella Fritzgerald, the oldest among, her sisters, Billie Holiday and Devas.  The catch is she was the leader of that crew, but the Min target was Billie Holiday.  Why? All of her children, like her mother Maria Jones, came from Chaka Zulu?  Yes, but who was she other than Billie Holiday?

The Garment District,

also known as the Garment Center, the Fashion District, or the Fashion Center, is a neighborhood located in the borough of Manhattan in New York City. Historically known for its role in the production and manufacturing of clothing, the neighborhood derives its name from its dense concentration of fashion-related uses. The neighborhood, less than 1 square mile (2.6 km2; 640 acres), is generally considered to lie between Fifth Avenue and Ninth Avenue, from 34th to 42nd Streets.

OK, Valarie is Valarie Jones and she made that clear at SUS – Services for the Underserved. First, I was in Alphabet City on 13th street and Avenue A, then I moved to Marcy Hart, across the street from the Marcy Projects. I caught up to Paula Abdul when I was in Alphabet City, working at Bellevue Hospital, then I did the Michael Jackson HIS Story Tour in 1997, in 2001, I moved to Marcy AVE and in-between, I stayed here in Avon Park, FL.

She made it clear her name is Jones and then to staff started match making, a match made in heaven. So, one day we leave together and stopped at a fur store, we was located near the garment district, so I tell the guy to give her this fur and he did. How much did it cost? Like $100G or some crazy stuff. Those people down there new me.

A lot happened when I lived in Marcy AVE and Hart Street. I stayed there until about November 2009. I stayed there about 8 years.

She was the 1st Lady for President Franklyn Delaware Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt.  And Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu is Frank Paul Jones, who was FDR and BKA Willie Mays and Charie Chaplin and more entities. They did not want the World to ever know this.  It’s documented in the FBI Vault.

This brings you to General of the Army, G.O.T.A.

MacArthur – The myth is that he was an admiral because he was on a fleet, but all branches were under his command as the General of the Army with 5 stars.

They say he nuked Hiroshima, Japan, to protect the Union from a long and drawn-out never-ending war on the ground.  How do you justify this?  This is why there was no Vietnam. If the enemy are cannibals and already are dug it, how can you win this war with ground forces?

The USSR and Russia are not synonymous, Russia is the cradle to Asia and the USSR is an occupied Russia by the Communist or called the United Soviet Socialist Republic and the package they send to the occupied Nation is called COMPRO or COINTELPRO in FBI Vault or Communist Propaganda.  And for this reason many World Nations hate this country.

This is the reality of what is going on in this world today. Do not be misinformed – Be aware of reality.

The problem with this is the Serpent cannot change, A young man got busted for the 11th time for robbing his grandmother’s car. So he says, damn man my grandmother busted me again, but when I get out, I got a plan and this time she will not catch me. His modus operandi or a particular way or method of doing something, especially one that is characteristic or well-established is to steal cars. He has been Made.

How to make Communist Propaganda Videos – The first thing people need to learn is the terminology used in the news.  Who is really who? The Republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the Union Republics (Russian: Сою́зные Респу́блики, tr.Soyúznye Respúbliki) were national-based administrative units of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).[1] The Soviet Union was formed in 1922 by a treaty between the Soviet republics of ByelorussiaRussian FederationTranscaucasian Federation, and Ukraine, by which they became its constituent republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet

COINTELPRO: Why Did the FBI Target Black Activists Fighting for Equality? | NowThis (

COINTELPRO: Why Did the FBI Target Black Activists Fighting for Equality? | NowThis



Michael Jackson – Liberian Girl (4K Remastered) (

Liberian Girl is a funny Video. The one that got me was with Paula Abdul, she was talking crap, saying where is this Liberian girl? Show me this Liberian girl? The funny thing about that one is Maria Jones is the Liberian girl an African County next to Asia. If I find it, I will share it again.

LIBERIA WAS THE RUBBER CAPITAL OF THE WORLD. Do you remember Japan in the 1970’s making Boom Boxes out of plastic. All types of stuff comes from Rubber. They say they invented Rubber. THAT IS WHO LIBARIA WAS and IS until this day.

The Central Bank of Liberia is responsible for printing and maintaining the Liberian dollar, Liberia’s primary currency (the United States dollar is also legal tender in Liberia).[117] Liberia is one of the world’s poorest countries, with a formal employment rate of 15%.[97] GDP per capita peaked in 1980 at US$496, (~$1,762 in 2022) when it was comparable to Egypt’s (at the time).[118] In 2011, the country’s nominal GDP was US$1.154 billion, while nominal GDP per capita stood at US$297, the third-lowest in the world.[119] Historically the Liberian economy has depended heavily on foreign aidforeign direct investment and exports of natural resources such as iron orerubber, and timber.[75]

American and other international interests emphasized resource extraction, with rubber production as a major industry in the early 20th century.[39] In 1914, Imperial Germany accounted for three quarters of the trade of Liberia. This was a cause for concern among the British colonial authorities of Sierra Leone and the French colonial authorities of French Guinea and the Ivory Coast as tensions with Germany increased.[40]

Liberia was the first African republic to proclaim its independence and is Africa’s first and oldest modern republic. Along with Ethiopia, it was one of the two African countries to maintain its sovereignty and independence during the European colonial “Scramble for Africa“. During World War II, Liberia supported the United States war effort against Germany, and in turn received considerable American investment in infrastructure, which aided the country’s wealth and development.[11] President William Tubman encouraged economic and political changes that heightened the country’s prosperity and international profile; Liberia was a founding member of the League of NationsUnited Nations, and the Organisation of African Unity.

THE FRONT CREW KNEW BETTER AND IF THEY HAD TO PLAY THE ROLE AT THEIR HOME, SO BE IT, But we knew better and young, like when kids were still playing with toys.

Then as I started getting older, I knew I was not born on Christmas and what the celebration was about and it is ungodly, then they tried to play on me, like I was poison to the occasion and I remember when you Christmas Morning in Queens, New York, everyone in the house got a gift but me.  And this became this season in my life.  Because I do not celebrate Christmas, I got outcast from those who do. But to me, it is still a day in our lives.

Christmas is about slave culture and has been around among us for so long and is deeply embedded into society, it is more than likely will continue to evolve, but not come to a total stop.  It will never be again, what it once was, an excuse to exclude God.

Capstone Zulu

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