Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Everybody but Paul – Everybody but Jesus Christ?

Everybody but Paul means you do Everybody but Jesus Christ?

I’d write President Clinton about issues and they my ideas were used. The thing is this was in 1996 and my mail went to P.O. Box 2511, which was Egeria P.O. Box and mines and I got mail there. I used to write a few political leaders like Ways and Means Commttee Chairman Charles B. Rangel. This was about the time of the Katrina Floods and the passing of the Clean Water Act? Was that it?

This scripture means something to me, I know that I AM getting tired and the Lord will not have me carry my cross further than I can bear. And, I know sometimes Faith is doing what you do not want to do, but you do it anyway. People really do not understand the times. It is not about getting the pot of gold, but placing production processes in motion. The next big shots will be people making ideas come to life. And owning copyrights is a good start. The second part about court settlements using people from outside your community to decide what you should have been able to decide, is what happened to me. But more importantly is understanding the times to begin with. Money is losing its luster.

The Ritz Carlton Downtown, Los Angeles, Penthouse

They say I own this, yet, when I went to Los Angeles, CA, on Paul’s Journey, I had to sleep on the streets of Skidrow. Now many names I already mentioned had spots in there, but it was the policy, “Everybody but Paul.” could stay at the Ritz Carlton and the Havenhurst Residence. That is the truth. And, who owns the Marriott International nd the Ritz Carlton?

Marriott International, Inc. is an American multinational company that operates, franchises, and licenses lodging including hotel, residential and timeshare properties.[1] It is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland. The company was founded by J. Willard Marriott (1900–1985) and his wife Alice Marriott (1907–2000).

Marriott is the largest hotel chain in the world by the number of available rooms. It has 31 brands with 8,000 properties containing 1,423,044 rooms in 139 countries and territories.[1] Of these 8,000 properties, 2,149 are operated by Marriott, and 5,493 are operated by others pursuant to franchise agreements.[1] The company also operates 20 hotel reservation centers.[1]

Marriott International, Inc. was formed in 1993 when Marriott Corporation split into two companies: Marriott International, Inc., which franchises and manages properties, and Host Marriott Corporation (now Host Hotels & Resorts), which owns properties.[3]

Interpreting the Times

54 He said to the crowd: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain,’ and it does. 55 And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is.

56 Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time? 57 “Why don’t you judge for yourselves what is right? 58 As you are going with your adversary to the magistrate, try hard to be reconciled on the way, or your adversary may drag you off to the judge, and the judge turn you over to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison. 59 I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.”

Capstone Zulu  

The Janet Jackson Law Applies – Study it and develop ways to use it to end hatred against Jesus Christ.

The Fact Pattern is easy to follow. John Gotti or Butch Jones sent Nadine Jones and Billy Jackson and he knew who LaTonya was from the beginning. Nadine the Inspector, Billy the manager and the Control was Rene Elizondo the Son of who” See” That Controlled Janet Jackson. Then you got Janet Damita who is Beyonce’ and Oral made his move while she was young. He gains her trust as the industry standard while I seemed lame. Paul is a sucker, they are robbing him, but who open the door for them to rob me? But as long as you had something to take, you was safe. Then Oral ran Beyonce’ life and media and who ran Oral, Rene Elizondo? And they are all from Queensbridge and I knew of them. This is a conspiracy. And the fact pattern proves it.

In Queensbridge they crucified me at age 15 years old and left me for dead. Then as a young adult everyone could get an apartment but me and rent was never an issue, because most of them did not pay rent or it was paid for them.  But look at Queensbridge now, they turned it into a housing Security Institution. 

Post Crucifixion and the Beginning of Everybody but Paul

Blond Eva Funeral was the Carlo Gambino Funeral.  I did not attend and then she moves to California.  She had a second Funeral in Avon Park, Fl., Cora Jones whom I called Grandma Cora knew that body was not Blond Eva and almost messed up.  They would not let her touch that body.

Hon. Elijah Muhammad Funeral – 1975

Carlo Gambino Funeral – 1976

One of Walmart Superstores Services – They give away commodity currency. Often the vending machine be outside the store on the way going in, you will see them.

Notice, you never know what might come out of these machines. Look closely what kind of dollars are those?

Coin Star is the Money Earner at Walmart Superstores

According to this one penny is worth about 25 cents.

1909 – 1982 Copper Lincoln Cent Value (United States) · 1. Calculate 95% copper value: (3.8245 × .00220462262 × 3.11 × .95) = $0.0249106 · 2. Calculate 5% zinc …

They say a nickel is worth about 16 cents.

At $100,000 a ton, a nickel, composed of 25% nickel and 75% copper, is worth about 16 cents in metal, or “melt” value, Barron’s estimates. Each nickel weighs five grams—appropriately so—and contains 1.25 grams of nickel and 3.75 grams of copper.

In general, well-circulated Roosevelt dimes made before 1965 are worth between $1.25 and $2. Lightly worn examples of scarcer issues are worth significantly more. This includes the 1949, 1949-D, and 1949-S. Each are worth about $5 and up.

In general, any state quarter will be worth only its intended 25 cents. Some quarters in mint condition can be worth anywhere between $1 and $15, depending on the state and where it was minted, according to Coin Trackers. If it is silver proof, your quarter’s value could skyrocket to as much as $55

Are there any valuable Susan B. Anthony dollars?

Susan B. Anthony might have remained an important but little-remembered figure in American history if not for the decision to put her image on a $1 coin beginning in the late 1970s. Today, certain rare varieties of that dollar coin are worth up to $500.


DenominationVariable Printing Costs
$1 and $22.8 cents per note
$54.8 cents per note
$104.8 cents per note
$205.3 cents per note

You do the math the value of commodity currency v. the paper dollar.

Luke 21

The Widow’s Offering

1As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3“Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others.

4All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

And it was a joke that I slept on Egeria Sofa.  Then it was to the Homeless Shelters.  Why?  Because the policy was everybody but Paul, which was always Everybody but Jesus Christ, until this day. The days on the sofa was not a joke. They took it all but did not take my dignity.

The story goes the Artist Prince would walk the streets listening to his own music. This is near Houston Street headed to Alphabet City where I live. I’d visit Egeria and walk home on 13th Street and Ave A. This would be around the era of the His-Story World Tour. I may not had the parties and clubs, the people and the attention, but I really did have my music. I used to walk all over NYC and have on my headphones, listen to music and be outdoors and free.

These are the conditions I did not know walking and listening to music. But being Mr. Bad Ass to impress who and what for what to end up in a situation like this years at a time? No!

But look at what many got for being at the clubs and parties, the drugs and orgies. I had my freedom in a way. I did!

They crucified me then said Blond Eva Died and called themselves giving her everything or all my stuff. I knew I was going to suffer. OK, in Queensbridge since after I left, everybody but Paul could get an apartment. Oh, I could sleep on Egeria sofa, which was a Hollywood Joke, that everybody but Paul could get an apartment. Then I get into SUS, but they say I AM crazy to be able to be there. The bottom line is all my adult life, it has been everybody but Paul with you all, wherever I go, you be there, but it be everybody but Paul. Why? So since 1976-77 – it has been everybody but Paul with You’ll.

This is when I joined the U.S. Army. Now about 45-50 years later, still you say, Everybody but Paul, but what you are really saying and doing is Everybody but Jesus Christ and you are supposed to be God’s children?

Follow the fact pattern. All jokes, Beyonce’ denies she is Illuminati, but did not deny the Jay Z and Beyonce’ relationship. I know who Oral Brennan is and he is really into the dark world. Some say in the Holy Bible he is Jesus Christ, Son of Mary and is talked about in the book of Hebrews.

This is Oral Brennan the Fake Jay Z – We went to Jr. High School Together and I did not know he was doing my artist Jay Z and managing my daughter Janet Damita who is Beyonce’ This is said to be Jesus Son of Mary. So now the fact pattern of Rene Elizondo and Janet Jackson and Jay Z and Beyonce’ is like and or and, because regardless of their reality or fantasy, all the time I was not even considered? Just a damn stud, it seems these are the daddy’s. They know them and I don’t.

Meanwhile to the world he is me and she endorsed it and I AM nobody, I AM dead, a has been, crazy. This is wrong and they are supposed to be children of God.

In this photo taken about 2009 towards the end of the year. Me, now I AM Michael Jackson, next to me is Egeria who is Oprah Winfrey and the one with the RIP MJJ T-Shirt is Rene Elizondo. Now they say he is the Son of God in the Holy Bible and it talks about his craft in the book of James. Since 2009, my family acted estranged towards me here, Everybody but Paul. I got Baker Act about 40 times, denied the right to go to the Post Office and City Hall to pay my water bill, no mail, no lights, no water and nobody even really cared. Rene Elizondo had access to my family and children and I did not.

I remember one day when Shawanda Adams whom at the time I did not know was Rene Elizondo asked me, “Paul when are you going to have some children?”  Now I understand what he meant!  It is about who you serve!

Matthew 18:15-20

Dealing With Sin in the Church

15“If your brother or sister [b] sins, [c] go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ [d]

17If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

18“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be [e] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be [f] loosed in heaven. 19“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

20For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

My Understanding is how can Sin in the Church be dealt with indoors, when I never even got a postcard to begin a conversation or dialog?  Wherefore, how can I apply the scripture with nonbelievers? All because I did not sell dope and coke.

Capstone Zulu

Understand this video. I got convicted based on perjury and fraudulent acts by Rene Elizondo on court documents. OK! This here was just the start of what they had planned for me..

The Prophesy for God is perpetual humiliation:

REV: 20:1,2 – Who is he really calling Satan? How can a mortal do 1,000 years?  They are saying they plan to dog my ass out and then we go at it again or some crazy ass shit.

Bro. Roberts used to say to me, anything true in the gospel must be witnessed three times.  OK, whatever, but, still I can testify to the truth and that equal being witnessed by two. Anyway, something strange about this scripture you need to be aware of.

In the Book of Mark: 9:44,46,48 = Isa:66:24 – The last verse in the of Isaiah. Willie Mays wore the number 24 = 8 = perpetual humiliation is what they planned for me.

Now what is it saying, but that a lot of people are going to or already died.  These are really the last days.

Isaiah 66:24 – The last verse of the last chapter in the book of Isaiah – The prophesy

24“And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.”

Who is John Supposed to be?

Read the conclusion of the book of Revelation:

Rev:22:8 7“Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll.” 8I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me.

I, John?

Rev:22:16 16“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you [a] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

I, Jesus?

Rev: 22:18-21

 18I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll.

19And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.

20He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. 21The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.

From 2001 to 2009 – I stayed with SUS. I was treated good, worked at the Central Office in Manhattan, Went to College and was doing studio stuff. But, I had to be considered a consumer to get these services and I was messed up in many ways. But I was treated kindly by SUS.

This interview took place at the Malibu, Mansion. OK! The News Journalist doing the Interview is Nadine Jones, who had an order of Restrain back in the days of James DeBarge. This interview places Nadine Jones in the Malibu, Estate. These lies, again, who is the facilitator?

All these years they stood behind this lie. Was it by duress? The fact remains since 2009 here in Avon Park, FL. to the extreme measure it was everybody but Paul will know everything and he will know nothing. Watch this interview. It is wrong.

Since 2009 this is basically how I was treated here in Avon Park, FL., and they all know it, because they were all a part of it, the Code here that followed from Queensbridge is “EVERYBODY BUT PAUL” They all know it, everybody is in the know, has phone numbers and keys and homes and invitations to visit but Paul. The whole time I was here, this is how they did me. All Lies! Games! OK!

You may take it as I AM crying out for love, OK. – There was cities my humans got to too late. This kind of stuff is going on in this Union. It is that bad! Really?

But do you understand the decision you all are making? See, Satan is going to destroy everybody who is against God. But he made them that way. He wants to prove there is not one righteous person in this town and that you are all liars to have an excuse to go off on you all. You don’t see it?

What Can You Do To Help Paul?

All I AM Saying and let us keep it real. You all did all types of things that caused me harm. Now all I ask is that you undo some of the things you did to me. How can you still stand by Michael Jackson dead and Frank Paul Jones is Janet Jackson Stalker and all of these lies as I AM trying to move forward with my nonprofit agenda and my life and to me serious damages have been done and is ongoing.

The Song Do Me Right is a good song calling out to be loved and it used to be that way and mattered. And then came The New Jack City when Cocaine ruled. And a lot went on, I was unaware of, but should have known.

The things it made people do for another hit, both male or female.

Frank Paul Jones the ultimate Betrayal – A Must Read.

The Ultimate Betrayal of Frank Paul Jones

Click Link Above

This is the BLOGS with my argument.  Why can’t somebody speak up for Paul?

My Six Sons who carry the title Prince – My Point being made is nobody ever stood behind Paul in this Union. There are not a lot of options on YouTube and for example this video, Beyonce’ could copy and paste it to a message and upload it on YouTube, “This is not true.” But it is too hard to upload a 3 minute video on YouTube for Paul.

When is somebody going to say Paul to Paul, Good Morning or good to see you?

This says, I slept with Jay Z that night. OK!, but in real life, I do not even know my children names. So what is better and what is worst. to have a fake relationship you respect and promote and/or have a real person whom you totally neglect, who do not even know his children names. But Jay Z, he is the man! Now has Oral Brennan ever met my sons and family?

And there is no other option on YouTube, you never said it is not true. See the problem here? You are endorsing this shit and in the meantime, I live in this town whereby it is everybody knows but Paul and you all played into that too.

That makes Capstone Zulu weak! This makes Frank Paul Jones weak! These are act of the anti-Christ. And that is the issue, all this anti-Christ behavior is old.

In the Holy Bible it talks about disciples, angels and Prince’s.  I have sons almost as old as me and will go from angel or disciple to King real fast. But there are things they cannot possibly understand about certain desires.

My sons who carry the title Prince is my current concern. They are all young and coming to age. They all have their testicles and are under tight security. But unlike me, they are not fertile, they are like little boys. Now who is to instruct them on humanly things?  They really had no right to do this to me or my family.

The reason they qualify to be called a Bonafede Prince is because they have their gender but are not fertile.

This type of stuff is time sensitive.

The Problem is I do not know one of them. I really never met them. This is to include my two little boys from Janet Damita DBA Beyonce’. and Alisha DBA Ashanti who was right here in Avon Park, Alana the twin of Zendaya had two boys also. People got to see them and kick it with them, but I never met them. They never introduced me to really any of my children. But these 6, they really had no right, they are about to grow into humanhood.

What is sad, everybody in town but me know my sons and everybody knows they are my sons. Understand me, everybody in town but me know my sons and everybody in town knows they are my sons.

Capstone Zulu

A Mailbox has been installed, if you need information, you can write me: Rev. Frank Paul Jones at:

Jesus Christ, INC.

923 S. A. AVE,

Avon Park, FL. 33825

Jesus Christ, INC., is to get a grant from the ASACAP Foundation to setup the Blue House and use the 501c3 for accounting. Payees can be as a result of royalties and ASCAP Foundation funded programs.  We will require a major overview of our copyrights registered at the Library of Congress. Understand the team at ASCAP is not exactly a collections agency. There are a lot of people who careless about paying copyrights and/or collecting them. We have the FCC regulations and people to check into our copyrights. But the lack of collections is the reason the assets are as low as they are. But still there is plenty to work with. But Jesus Christ, INC., has to get directly involved with royalties payments and collections.

The ASCAP Foundation Platinum

New York City, NY|EIN: 51-0181769

“Children Will Listen” is funded by many donors who chose to honor Stephen Sondhem’s 75th birthday through gifts to The ASCAP Foundation in support of this program. The ASCAP FOUNDATION “Music in the Schools” Program partners The ASCAP Foundation with VH1 Save the Music Foundation and Alfred Music Publishing Co., Inc. to provide folios, sheet music, band arrangements and method books to the public schools … is a link to a variety of programs funded through The ASCAP Foundation Music Heals Division which focus on addressing challenges such as autism, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, homelessness, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, grief and aphasia. The ASCAP Foundation “Children Will Listen” program was established – in honor of ASCAP member and musical theatre great Stephen Sondheim (West …





This is a basic DAW setup and it could go where I have space or next door we have a studio booth room but it is being used as storage until I can assort stuff.

We can setup a podcast station without a problem with space. The idea is to change the 2nd floor around based on current use.

Basically these are the three designs we should use to facilitate those who are working at Jesus Christ, INC.


That is the code to this Music Video and we will go into my acts in Hollywood, I AM some of the biggest names.

I AM not going to make excuses or try to save face.  But what you can do for me and Jesus Christ, INC., even before you visit the Blue House is upload media in my behalf, using short videos of under 5 minutes, saying this or that is not true.

Face swap Software with google – This could be fun, remove photos of people and place my photo there.  I did not allow that back then because it was fake.  For example they wanted someone to play Q Tip and hang out with LaTonya as me, I said no.  But this would be a campaign against what they did.

How to Upload onto YouTube – This explains how to upload a video on YouTube and they sell accounts made for uploading onto YouTube.  If you uploaded stuff in my support and I spot it, I can use it in my fact patterns.  There are a lot of Beyonce’ and Janet Jackson, but which one are you going to endorse?

Frank Paul Jones the ultimate Betrayal

This is the BLOGS with my argument.  Why can’t somebody speak up for Paul?

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