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This is Janet Jackson’s man and not Capstone Zulu

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This is Capstone Zulu

Janet Jackson screwed every dope Kingpin in the world so she could dildo them in the butt hole and now it my turn and then I guess that makes me her punk and her the Queen pin and now they are supposed to hold me down tonight and show me. If they come anywhere near me handle the whole Tri-County – have no reason to stay and a few chose to leave as for this land – it’s the land of milk and honey and if we are overrun it must be totally destroyed for at least 30 years or they will be a Sovereignty and be back independent due to the resources.

The Reconstruction ends the occupation

she begs him for discipline and he beats her ass until the point of hospitalization and I AM the joke and all these years nobody told Paul because all of them are in line non of them can ever serve me in anyway but as a prostitute and all they do is take dope lay on their backs smoking coke and or shooting dope and I s brother who decided like them go.

the notes are so fake there is no promise of being insured or anything. All these years to make it home to their disappointment that I didn’t die and they had nothing for me but a plan to be in the streets where nobody was going to come toy rescue and I be in the street shitty and funky a bum on the street and the whole town was in on it.

fake money and a serpent sucker and that is it And she stalked me and robbed and give every last of my daughters to him to ruin them and that is why I have nothing in this place called Armageddon.

james:3:1-18 keynote James:3;7, 8 this is not human at all she loved a serpent dogs the whole time and carried white babies for him she slept with. So she can stay away from me.

you see me to the Left the Egeria Jones BKA Oprah Winfrey and Janet Jackson Man Shawanda Adams is Paul Adams is Rene Elizondo and in the Holy Bible he is found in book of Luke:3:38 Adam son of God.

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