Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

The Zulu-Hood and the Heartland

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The Zulu-Hood of the Heartland

Prince Music Videos Playlist

In Summary – This Union is under War Powers and Executive Authority G.O.T.A. Wherefore, at anytime several corporations may be taken back and given back to the rightful owner without notice.

Keeping it real, the Library of Congress has the lists of copyrights, for example Prince has about 10,000 entries,

The Prince Myth

This documentary is about the closet thing you are going to get about Prince. Basically I come on to the scene in the late 1970’s and all that build up and history is all publicist moves. But listen closely, like Morris Day as the drummer, that guy do not sweat on stage. They got to slow down until he cools off. Drummer or one man band? The story is this guy who did not have big money, but always had his music. And he processed music with electronics.

Motown like 872 or something, Mary J. Blige about 50 Janet Jackson about 60 and so on. It is going to be a job for a team to look up our artist, producers, writers and so on and find the copyrights information. And then we can use the Department of Justice, DMV, SSA and other agencies to get the passwords to the copyrights agreements and shares. This is a real job and will take commitment and we need a filing system for this. Below is Michael Jackson and SONY copyrights lists. The ones who is attracted to this are the ones I AM looking for.

Save A Lot

Alicia Keys and Madonna bought Save A Lot on I-27 S, in Avon Park, FL. I AM told they took it from them. This cannot be real? I use to walk to the store just to see Alicia Keys behind the cash register. The prices were great and the farmers looked out for them. I’d get Rib Eye Steaks at $6.99 per pound. Save A Lot is like Western Beef in NYC. Except it do not have a walk-in freezer, but you bag your own food and they have great meats and vegetables that be fresh.

The Conditions to Require Transition

You are surviving and things happened that few understood until now.  You understand your purpose in life and some of the prices that will come with it. OK!

At the time these things happened to Paul, there was arrangements that we were caught up in. Now who owns what and how, that is another question, but for reasons of rightful inheritance issues, around here people handle dispute in shared housing arrangements as a means of survival.  OK!

Next thing a person comes over like he owes the place, but behind him are perks, they drop off stuff. BBQ and stuff. If this ends there is no void to fill, but less traffic.  And this is the issue and it is time sensitive. Now the price of being the hangout spot is a burden.

There is too much going on to not change directions, Beyonce’ this and that to people here it is not important, but to us it is very important and all types of rights and laws are being broken.  There are all types of copyrights infringements and fraud going on in our DBA’s and dealing with them is time sensitive and everything requires commitment, time and energy.  And to accomplish anything like this, they cannot be the life of the party.

The Transition to Jesus Christ

The Conditions I left under was not good. I went on Paul’s Journey, Baker Act about 40 times, Locked in Detention, locked in Prison and Baker Act again. This had to seem very unstable to many looking in or out.  Now in Hindsight I explained to you things you did not know about me and my activities.

Most Important is I claimed my children from every generation. OK! Talking about being hated? In Chicago he is like public enemy number 1. See this face, this was who they was looking for. All fake. There was a person, who played this role and he….let me get his story on that one. But they was not looking for me, they hated some dude called R. Kelly.

They Hated Me

They hated R. Kelly, saying he was a sexual offender.

They hated Chris Brown, saying he was a sexual offender.

They hated Michael Jackson, saying he was a sexual offender.

The thing about this is nobody knows any of them, unless they were down with him.  The point is who are they talking about?  Like Prince and Morris Day, we could play with that…They are the same person…But Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, Chris Brown?  That was not going to happen!

Capstone Zulu

I understood the custody they were in and why?  I spent 6 weeks in a hotel after being released from Prison on 8 November 2023. I did what needed to be done to reinstate two nonprofit corporations and did everything lawfully to regain my authority as Agent and President.

See now I AM going to another level and have real concerns about business and family issues.  And, they know my lifestyle and things as they are may not be compatible for them or me.

So it is not like changing sides, but getting the house in order, to move forward dealing with a lot of old issues.

Since being out of prison I have seen few people if at all.   And that is the issue at hand.  Everybody knew my disposition and location, but everybody had plans.  OK, that is cool.  See but nobody tried to bring forth the transition.  But, because I had this time alone, I was able to see things differently.  There is really no issue, except that.  Read this scripture:

1 Corinthians 13

1 If I speak in the tongues [a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, [b] but do not have love, I gain nothing. 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Capstone Zulu

Depending on the venue you can get as little as 3 cents per stream.  Chump change, you might add. But the artist travels the commodity network.  Therefore, you might pay him 3 cents per stream, but you pay in commodity currency, pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.  They say one penny equals 3 grams of copper at 34 cents per gram?  I don’t know, you tell me.

The Michael Jackson Conspiracy

The Story goes they was going to kill me to steal my catalog. But still the story goes that I was killed and that is bull. The point is Michael Jackson’s name is relevant in Entertainment. The Reality concerning royalties were not being paid. We have about $10 Million nonprofit funds payable as grants which are non taxable.

ASCAP Foundation – Active

The ASCAP Foundation Platinum

New York City, NY|EIN: 51-0181769

“Chidren Will Listen” is funded by many donors who chose to honor Stephen Sondhem’s 75th birthday through gifts to The ASCAP Foundation in support of this program. The ASCAP FOUNDATION “Music in the Schools” Program partners The ASCAP Foundation with VH1 Save the Music Foundation and Alfred Music Publishing Co., Inc. to provide folios, sheet music, band arrangements and method books to the public schools … is a link to a variety of programs funded through The ASCAP Foundation Music Heals Division which focus on addressing challenges such as autism, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, homelessness, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, grief and aphasia. The ASCAP Foundation “Children Will Listen” program was established – in honor of ASCAP member and musical theatre great Stephen Sondheim (West …





The Concern with YouTube is royalties still payable. See the amount collected by ASCAP and the total amount in the Foundation Fund and then look at the revenue collected by YouTube and the amount collected total. They are not paying ASCAP Foundation.

The way is goes is simple, you register with the Library of congress and then donate it to ASCAP and get royalties for contributions to society, which are payable in the form of grants.

IndustryInternetVideo hosting service
ProductsYouTube KidsYouTube MusicYouTube PremiumYouTube ShortsYouTube TV
RevenueIncrease US$28.8 billion (2021)[1]
ParentGoogle LLC (2006–present)
(see list of localized domain names)
AdvertisingGoogle AdSense
UsersDecrease 2.514 billion MAU (January 2023)[citation needed]
LaunchedFebruary 14, 2005; 18 years ago
Current statusActive
Content licenseUploader holds copyright (standard license); Creative Commons can be selected.

How do you buy copyrights? Do you undo the documents at the Library of Congress? Do you un-donate your donations to the ASCAP Foundation? How are these rights being sold?

WebVoyage Titles ( – This is Michael Jackson copyrights list at the Library of congress – there is about 495 copyrights to include catalogs on this list.

Click Link Above to see Michael Jackson copyrights registered at the Library of Congress.

WebVoyage Titles ( – This is SONY who has about 845

Click Link Above to see the SONY copyrights list at the Library of Congress.

BMI – ALERT = Do not exist –

SESAC –ALERT –  Do not Exist – Fraud

There are a lot of copyright issues that must be addressed. One of the problems was that people did not know who to send royalties to.

How do you buy copyrights?

How do you buy these catalogs, do you undo the documentation at the Library of Congress? Or, do you un-donate your works to the Lord placing it under collections by ASCAP? How do you sell your Rights?

On YouTube you have an expert on royalties who works for BMI?  See what I AM saying?  People depending on where they was at, knew what they knew about paying out royalties and unpaid royalties is a lot of loot. 

It was an attack on our media, to include entertainment and technologies both hardware and software, they wanted it all to be free and our rights meaningless.  So by design, they was not concerned with royalties being paid.  All they was out to do is exploit their agenda.


How can you be taken serious about the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ and not say the word Zulu from out of your mouth?

The term Zulu needs to be used in order for people to understand the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ, God, The Apostle Paul, the Children of God, Angels, The Holy Spirit, the Son of Man, wherefore the use of the term Man in this case is Humanity, The Son or the bloodline of Humanity.  How can you even begin to understand the Holy Bible and never like the work Zulu come out of your mouth?

God is Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu, who is Frank Paul Jones and my DNA is the beginning of the bloodline of humanity and the end being the Spirit of God has become one in me.  The birth of Messiah.

How do Radios Work? (


I was raised in Queensbridge, there was no iron fences, we played in the grass. This place has turned into an institutionalized apartment complex. It is almost like being in a confined area, but the subway station is down the block.

The State of the Zulu Hood:

There are surveillance camaras everywhere and it is not much going on in the streets in this area. It is getting chilly here at night, which is part of why nothing is going on as far as outdoor events.

The area is very wireless, when you go onto the internet, you can see all the Wi-Fi signals in the area. You probably cannot see me yet, because I AM going Hot Spot and it has a weak signal, wherefore, you use it close to you and turn it off when not in use.  Here, you see signals, they are protected by passwords, but they are all over the place and anyone can see this.

For this reason, I really think we need to introduce walkie talkie communications into the Zulu Hood.  Everything damn near is wireless and if we loss the wire-less signals, I AM talking wi-fi, cell phones, nobody would know anything but that which is transmitted on the local radio stations. Losing Wireless could also mean HDTV?

The catch to walkie talkies is they will work as long as you have batteries. Some are rechargeable and some are both rechargeable and can use batteries.

Capstone Zulu

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  1. Rekomendasi Produk Avatar

    Wow !