Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

The Story of the Social Worker

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Is this the Code the Battle of Armageddon – Satan Turned God’s Children into Anti-Christ?

All this to say include me in your lives. I mean you know what the Holy Bible says, right? And understand you can no longer say Satan is God. You cannot even say it to the public.

The Greatest Commandment

34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ [c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ [d]

40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

I got to put this up front – Gayle Wright is Jammie and Kenny mother and Egeria carried Lorenzo. Gayle was 13 years old and I was about 10. She got pregnant and they knew it was me at 10 years old? And then she carried Shanice for Rebecca. Then she had more children. Gayle is DBA Chaka Chan and is the daughter of Chaka Zulu and Josephine Baker, which gets into Karen White.

Chaka Khan video hits

From here on down is Yey-Yey, Kalisa

Stephenie Mills Video Playlist

Anita Baker Music Videos

Karen White music videos

I know Yey-Yey as kids. And we fell out in a way, because she did in front of me, in my spot, what everybody was doing anyway and to not be invited none of them ever invited me. But at the time was the Mafia Wars and they was out to send my unit on one way trip to the middle east and defile every last one of my children and/or kill them And that is more like what almost happened in Fort Polk, LA.

From the Screenplay the Apostle – INTEL Suggest they drugged me and dildo me in Germany and because I did not nut, I was not anal infatuated by this.

If you understand what happened at the Baptism of Jesus Christ, you will see how they screwed up and lied – making people think I AM post ordained when I was not. They asked me about me being a homosexual, no, but I was raped in the Army and childhood shit. When it was over, they said, I lied, it was consensual sex. the problem is there was no sex, I was assaulted and reported it to the infirmary the net morning and they said, no permanent damage. So my being post ordained based on what? But they ran with it.

I showed my Father a picture of the person who raped me with
his social security number on the back of it and I will make
him pay for what he did.
Give me that damn picture, he is
dead already.
Then he ripped the picture up. For about six months after
getting out of the Military I got drunk, because I was a
broken man.
I never really looked for a job, and
just before my six months was up
whereby if I reenlisted I would have
lost one rank, I joined the Army
again, but it wasn’t the same, even
as I reenlisted to go back to Fort
Polk. (MORE)

I married a stranger to get out of
the barracks in fear of being raped
again due to my drinking problem,
and I was put under a lot of pressure
by Sergeant First Class Felbush. He
would tell me John Gotti needs you,
but I didn’t understand what he was
talking about. I was burnt out from
all this covert shit and didn’t know
what was going on. One day I decided
I had to get out of the Army, and I
went AWOL. I went to [A Town in]
Louisiana and got a phone call at a
Motel and went to see this guy, who
blew his own head off. This was a
favor from John Gotti. Then the
next morning I got on the road and
drove to New York, stopping only for
food and relief. It took about one
and a half days. When I got to New
York I was taken to a secret meeting
that determined the fate of the fake
Godfather Big Paul. This meeting
took place in September 1995 and he
was whacked in December 1995, and
after I returned to the Army for my
punishment in September, I was
released from retraining in February
1996 and discharged in July 1987.
After I got out of retraining I was
still in the Army, I just didn’t
have a duty assignment, and I ended
up experiencing homelessness, because
I returned to New York short on money
and didn’t trust certain people enough
to put my Welfare in their hands
because of past experiences of
mistreatment and like I said, I was
a broken man.

The hierarchy of Satan has a piece to the puzzle that you need to understand.

Satan then his Spirit Hu-Wo and then the serpent and then the Hu-Wo and then a bitch ass nigger who is powerless in his own home.

Satan – Spirit Hu-Wo – serpent – hu-wo – Punk ass bitch nigger is what they tried to make me.

Now who are these Hu-Wo with the Spirit of God, who acts as a conduit for the devil or her Satanic Network?

For example, is Janet Jackson and Beyonce’ Hu-wo out to punk God and if so, who pulls their strings, people like Oprah Winfrey?

The point there is no code just Hu-Wo making up stuff as they go along.

You had those who was older than I and raised by my seed.  Most of the brothers got killed and many were raised as angels. If they tie their tubes, it becomes easy for them to lie and do wrong. INTEL suggest several Spirit Hu-Wo’s tied their tubes to serve the devil.

Capstone Zulu

Dan:8:24, 25 – who is this, the one who placed himself above his maker Satan. To get in the middle of this is nothing but trouble.

24 He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy those who are mighty, the holy people.

25 He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.

Satan told me, I defiled all of your children, but none of them are defiled. See, I cannot be seen talking to you, if someone sees me talking to you, it is not good. I am playing both sides against the middle. Now I took it, he was looking out for me and was the only friend here I had. Why? INTEL suggest he was directing traffic and made him the only person I talked to. Now I know these are the last days and what he did and plan to do. But him, he is not a threat to me, because death is not an option. Yet, my so-called children are still making excuses. Why? Mind Fucked! See Satan really knows his time up and is going to destroy all who are against God and he made them that way. ARE YOU MADE!

His job is done here.  He just arrived from Babylon – The Mother of all Prostitutes – And you all co-signed it!

They say John Gotti liked Albert and not Carlo

So who ran the Anastasia Crime family and tried to convince the world I Am the bad guy and hid himself.

Who is Satan in this picture? There is no Gambino Crime Family and the Family that disappeared is the Anastasia Crime Family. Now there was the Columbo Crime Family who claimed Queensbridge is their territory. Is this why he rebuked Satan?

Anastasia was murdered on October 25, 1957, on the orders of Vito Genovese and Carlo Gambino; Gambino subsequently became boss of the family. Albert Anastasia.

A Crown for Joshua

Zech:6:9 – Do you remember they say the Blue House is the symbol of Babylon.  I AM the slave master and not the emancipated because all my children belong to the devil and do what Satan say. Now this is the Gotti Family talking.

9 The word of the LORD came to me: 10“Take silver and gold from the exiles Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah, who have arrived from Babylon. Go the same day to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah.

Zech:4:10 – Now he owns the Capstone or plumb line – You are talking about perfect measurements.

10“Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the LORD that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone [a] in the hand of Zerubbabel?”

Zech:3:2 – It’s a turf war to restate their clock and do the same shit to you.

2The LORD said to Satan, “The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”

Gal:3:13 – Now understand what you all did to yourselves.

The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, it says, “The person who does these things will live by them.” [g] 13Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” [h]

Deut: 21:22, 23 – They left me and now they want to fight over what. This is called Desecration

Various Laws

22If someone guilty of a capital offense is put to death and their body is exposed on a pole, 23you must not leave the body hanging on the pole overnight. Be sure to bury it that same day, because anyone who is hung on a pole is under God’s curse. You must not desecrate the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.

The Action scenes was going to use the beat from this song. Speed Demons by Michael Jackson and I had Stackz Gotti do the demo to the Soundtrack to this movie.

“everybody has Demons, nobody’s perfect, perfect, The things you try to hide, will take you for a ride.

The keynote to the song: “Interlopers, sense the pain and wanna place us for personal gain, such a damn shame.”

The Wrote Everybody has Demons to be filmed in Avon Park, FL., And put it on the map. All the scenes are properties here, like the Beach Front, the Rib Shack and South Florida College. But the policy here was and still is, Everybody but Paul. and it cannot be justified only forgiven.

I registered Everybody has Demons with Writers Guild and the published it. It took about one month to write. When I wrote it I included Beyonce’s and Alicia Keys in my letters. Then I changed the scenery for example the Rib Shack and stuff to remove the inconsistences. They wanted to do it but without Paul. I got here in Nov. 2009 and nobody wanted to do it with me.

See I knew what I wrote about was going to happen. Here in this place Everybody has Demons.

Capstone Zulu

Everybody has Demons

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Now Stackz Gotti is down with Drake and not Capstone Zulu. But she did not do what everybody done already did, she just did it in my face. Look at this Rene Elizondo and Jay Z shit. See? She did what everybody was doing to Paul. Everybody but Paul and in my house, just like the rest of them. hating me in my house.

I registered Everybody has Demons with Writers Guild and the published it. It took about one month to write. When I wrote it I included Beyonce’s and Alicia Keys in my letters. Then I changed the scenery for example the Rib Shack and stuff to remove the inconsistences. They wanted to do it but without Paul. I got here in Nov. 2009 and nobody wanted to do it with me.

Stackz Gotti ReverbNation

This was supposed to be a Capstone Zulu Artist – Gambino Records

The Morse Code is 4Q = Fuck You, also used in Janet Jackson’s song, let’s what awhile. Stackz Gotti warned me, Paul nobody is going to do anything you say. I did not believe her. It was true. Everybody but Paul in this town. She did not want to standby the AIDS song. OK!

See I knew what I wrote about was going to happen. Here in this place Everybody has Demons.

Stackz Gotti took this picture of me Frank Paul Jones DBA Michael Jackson, Egeria is Oprah Winfrey and Rene Elizondo, but now who sent him? This is a fact, she dogged me out, but she was there. Where was the good girls? Doing the same shit in the same places. Everybody but Paul, So I guess what happened has two sides to the story and it adds up to the same shit, so I did learn something being around her in Hindsight>

Capstone Zulu

Everybody has somebody but Paul

Janet Jackson married to Rene Elizondo and now we know who he is.

Beyonce’ Married to Jay Z Is Oral Brennan – This him, she cannot talk to me because he said so? Really?

This is Oral Brennan Below

Alicia Keys married to Switz Beatz – or Dahoud who dogged my ass out in NUC when it got cold and now he is Paul Castellano in NYC?  Really?  Meaning everybody but Paul can go to the Ritz Carlton on Water Street? I have his picture too.

But Stackz Gotti is the whore?  In any-case, Everybody but Paul?

Oh, they did give me somebody – This is how you feel about me. Get real! This is what they did to my character and creditability. I was the JOKE!.

Who Did Heavy D.

Dahoud was the one that told me about Janet Jackson and alright. He said it was good. He talk me stuff, like people will do bad things to me, if I do not do what they say. He was at this hospital in Manhattan as Bruno Mars, another one of my acts. And, In Rikers Island he was there. This was when they had a hit on me, to kill me to become the next Dope Kingpin, in 2018? When I headed back to Florida?

This is Alana as a baby BKA Ena Proctor of Capstone Zulu and Maria Jones her twin Zendaya

Carla who is Priscilla daughter and Priscilla is Maria Theresa twin. goes to a concert with me Janet Jackson at the MSG. I PAID like $250 for two tickets and ended up in the back row. A Jermaine Dupri production. She left me after the show and left with BKA Maria. So I ended up leaving with Zendaya.

They frisked me coming in. See? Then that tour ended.

I guess everybody but Paul went to the Ritz Carlton for the after party?

This is Dahoud and that ain’t even his name and his mother is Carrie Wright who is a Jones

Now Dahoud is my light skin acts and that included Chris Brown? Oh, boy.

Oh, Janet Jackson first husband was going to be Dahoud as Paul Castellano – I heard they had a fake ceremony? But they knew that would be a problem. that was when we made Alright to wake me up. Dahoud Knew about Alana the twin of Zendaya. Dahoud was known as her father and she conceived and one of my CRIPS was with her. So I go off about her being in my apartment with some nigger. So she had to leave to have two boys. I told Dahoud but he was not supposed to remember.

I AM MACK 10 THE GANGSTER RAPPER AND THE L.A. GANGSTER OUT OF QB MACK 10 is Maria Jones Son and his dad is Capstone Zulu BNA Pope John PAUL 1 = THERE CAN BE No TWO

\So when I get back from Rikers Island I saw her again. Then I left. They call this saving face, but I had to make that move to get her out of that apartment pregnant. Meanwhile Mack 10 was in there blocking me, oh, no, not this one, laughing.

Next thing I AM Dead and Debbie Rowe wants my money for my only children. Meanwhile, every last child of mines, denied Paul. I saw her, all my supposedly children have AB blood type. She knew she had nothing. This is what they did to me and never denied any of this lies until this day. What, now I got to talk for you, because your manager and Inspectors say so?

Bonus 411

They are twins and their mother is Sonia Sotomayor and her twin sister is Lydia DBA Nadia Velasquez Congress Women

Supreme Justice Sonia Sotomayor – She do not look like this.  If you understand, she is the only constitutionally appointed Supreme Justice. You cannot be a Supreme Justice and me married.  

El Chappo

You got Chapo and Chavez

Anyway, I was about to travel and I saw Chapo. He is a smart guy and not a crook, but they used him as a net to pull people in and not see them.  If you be looking for him, you are really looking for them.  So he pleaded, I take this ring, I named it the El Chapo Ring and wherever I go, I knew I had food to eat.  I have not been wearing it because I lost weight and did not want to lose it.  True Story.

The Solution is simple – it is! The Key here is a Human Being can change and a serpent cannot. Whatever you became you can change and that is the weakness to this plot. You can change and what he makes cannot.

And love is not all talk, you must love in action.


Love in Action

9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.

16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. [c] Do not be conceited. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” [d] says the Lord.

RO: 13:8-14

Love Fulfills the Law – This is the fulfilling of prophesy.

8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” [a] and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” [b]

10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.

20 On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” [e] 21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Question: AM I Even Considered a neighbor?

The Social Worker Story

There was this guy named Paul and he seemed to wanted attention, I don’t know, I guess. It was a busy time, there was this grant for our children to become social workers and get paid while they are in school, the course is one year long.  Man, Paul be talking about he got a room and want to teach or whatever.

So, they get their children in the program, like the top 25 or 30 in the community, they are going to become social workers. At first they all was getting A’s and a B here and there. Next thing the instructor tells them, by the way, the board changed the curriculum and to pass this course you must complete a course in Trick A Trickery and it is hard and I am going to be honest, maybe 25% of you will pass this course, but the good news is, we will offer this course during the summer, so you can be job ready on time.

Then came division, because they all averaged A’s and B’s they all knew they would be the one to pass this course.  Not even thinking, how do you change the damn curriculum midstream?

So many of them failed and could not go to summer school for a course they failed not on grant money.  Then you had 8 good persons.  They all go to interviews and found out they have the education but not the work experience.  Many of them single moms, yet no work experience. Then the one who got the job, was the biggest fool of the bunch. 

Now the top of the community are correctional officers and stuff, to payoff those loans.  They did not do community work.

Why? So, they finally give Paul a second of their time.  What Paul?  What?  Being rude and shit. What I was trying to tell you is the code to the Social Worker is they do not want you to be one.  All you had to do was pickup that can and throw it in the garbage.  Look, I have this spot and if you want you can send your children there.  Now to them it meant a reason for deadbeat kid to get out of that house. So they demanded those boys go to Paul’s spot.

So Paul sees these grown men, tattoos all over their body and face, their pants hanging down to the floor, man oh man, just crazy. 

So Paul noticed something and says hi, my name is Paul and I AM your Dad.

Paul met his children when they became a burden to society, community and family.  And that is a sad story.

Capstone Zulu

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