Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

The Smooth Gangster II Apostle Paul Castellano 

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The Smooth Gangster Paul Castellano  By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

The Apostle real names – In PDF Format Download – The Apostle is available as a free download.

Smooth Gangster 2 is a comedy I made into a fun audio presentation. Trying to relocate it. I might alter the current ending.

Act 1:The Mission and Grand Architecture of the Family



Walking from the subway station to the Queensbridge Project Complex:



The Mission of Smooth Gangster is to save the economy of the United States and then the world, always putting the long term interest of the Zews (African Americans) family under the leadership of Paul Castellano at highest priority.

The original smooth gangster is the “Real Paul Castellano” better known as Rev. Frank Paul Jones by day.  The smooth gangster represents the common man, who is a made man and is anti-Illuminati.   Like Robin Hood Paul Castellano took from the rich and gave to the poor in the process of the Redistribution of the Nation’s wealth.  This is sort of the current day super hero based on contemporary issues, being the world’s economy.  The super hero who will save us from the worst recession since the great depression Paul Castellano who is also Community Activist by day and Undercover Smooth Gangster by night.


___Standing in front of 12 made members of the Jones Family better known as The Gambino Crime Family, writing on a blackboard and explaining the mission to this group known as the Board of Directors.


Gentlemen and ladies, we have approached the final stage phase of our mission here on earth.  We the Jones Family better known as the Gambino Crime Family have suffered hardships for many years and you have shown resilience throughout and it has not gone unnoticed.  As I was given as a ransom to Carlo Gambino the Godfather of the Gambino Crime Family, my obligation to them s fulfilled.  As they gave me as a ransom to the United States Government, again my obligations are almost completed as we enter our final stage.  Let us review our history to better understand where we are headed.

In the economic crisis, you have the old money whom is the so-called Illuminati and you have the new money whom is the so-called Mafia and Associates.  Are you all with me?




For the next 2 or 3 hours, I am going to walk you through the history of Paul Castellano, whom I am.  By doing so you all will understand where we came from to better understand where we are headed and our obligations to the world as new leaders on earth.  Are you all with me in mind, body and spirit?




The Economic Crisis will be the war of wars, whereby the power the that rules the world will change hands.  And once again the Gods will rule.  Do you understand me?




Do you understand me?


Yes Lord!


The Old money that has rule for 2,000 years is known as the Illuminati.  There plan is the new world order and people are confused by these illusions of Satan.  Here is the truth and the fact of the matter through the journeys of Paul Castellano.  So listen carefully.


God Shall Rule!


The new money Mafia is the followers of Paul Castellano, and it begins in the White House.  For the lord has been revealed to the world through the fulfilling of the Pharaohs.  This war has been highly active since the birth of the Lord Pharaoh of Pharaohs Paul Castellano.


One, please speak my lord.


AIDS a biological weapon developed in 1976, by the directive of CIA director George Bush.  Released under in 1981 by the Reagan Administration, with Vice-President Bush.


Two, please speak my lord.


Banking Deregulation Act of 1980 created the S & L Scandal Passed by Reagan


Three , please speak my lord.


Saving and Loans Crisis from about 1986-1991 Money leaves the system old money loses, new money gains.


Four, please speak my lord.


The Savings and Loans Bailout 1989 passed by Bush Senior. Tax payers bail out the old money.


Five, please speak my lord.


The Technology Bubble 1995 to 1999 New money makes a killing.


Six, please speak my lord.


The Technology Bubble Burst 2000 to 2003 Old money gets into the game late and new money pulls money out of the system.


Seven , please speak my lord.


Enormous Government Debt grows to present self explanatory.


Eight , please speak my lord.


Rescue Bill 2008 to 2009 New money comes back into the system and is taxed, by the government and buys old money bad investments.


Nine, please speak my lord.


Economy recovers as new money pumps money back into the system and Illuminati is stabilized.


Ten, please speak my lord.


Inventor to the cure to AIDS becomes one of the riches men in the world. The Son of Man settles with the New Money the Mafia and leaves them.

Then the group members all start praising the Pharaoh of Pharaohs Paul Castellano.  They are all jumping up and down with the holy spirit as the song “Betta Watch out for Paul” Plays.  They are all jumping up and down with the holy spirit as the song “Betta Watch out for Paul” Plays.  They are all jumping up and down with the holy spirit as the song “Betta Watch out for Paul” Plays.


Paul Castellano hold a secret meeting with Vern and Victor Fleming the next day.  There are many people hanging out but nobody has an idea that this grouping of brothers was about a power move in another town know as Avon Park, Florida.


Vern and Victor it has been a long time.  Happy to be able to spend some private time, however brothers we are still on the business account.


Paul Man!


I forgave you before your transgressions.


I know!


Paul you have my loyalty.


I feel you both, now let us take advantage of these secured moments which will be rear once they know we are back on board and unified.


We are all ears Godfather.


I have met with a few people here in New York, but our operation is being run out of a small town called Avon Park, Florida.  It is a covert operation joint both private and government sanctioned.  Our boundaries are limited but huge.


How can I assist you?


Talk to members of the NBA in my behalf, you have many powerful friends and I need a serious ear from them.  I have a plan and just need some constant and reliable help.




How much?


500 billion dollars to settle all accounts.  50 billion goes to the family.


Paul be serious!


I am my brother, it will come in a settlement with both the government and Mafia.  The money is already earned, it just has to be legitimized.


Where are we going to get that kind of money?


Through a settlement with President Obama and the United States Congress.


How can I help you man?


I need a springboard and constant revenue to run our non profit organization The National Community Network and Coalition of Highlands, Incorporated.  Make the checks endorsed to the NCNCHINC.  I have it where we can donate over the internet as well and it will go directly to our account.


So while we are in person, let us go over the detail of the social club.  Explain to us the scheme behind the set-up.


That is what this meeting is all about.  It time to organize!


It’s been too long since I heard those words coming from you.


Ok, my Board of directors was originally my sisters Ella, Lujuana, and Egeria and I am the Chairman of the Board.  This was  due protect a piece of property until we got structured.  Now we have 12 members and you’ll are a part of it.  And we are all over the country at that.  Computer technology today is amazing friends.


Why are we known as the Gambino crime family if all debts are paid in full.  Why the association?  And what about John Gotti?


It is all mines, do you not understand, I am the true head of the gambino.  It is our organization now.  We put Obama into the White House, so that this day would come.  It is our turn my friends.  You’ll are all under the leadership of the real Paul Castellano.  As John Joseph Gotti Senior was both my counselor and liaison for many years, John A Gotti Junior will have a high place in the loop.  But make no mistake, I AM the Dom.


On the subject of technology, how will we communicate?


We will use servers to do business in  LAN networks.  My books will be done over a virtual channel using Remote Access.  We are running Windows Small Business Server Standard 2011, on a Dell Power Edge T310, with remote access capabilities at the Blue Temple Headquarters and these things are expandable.  We are working with 8G of Ram at current and one power supply.  Still it is made to run.


Nevermind logistics right now, get back to the scheme behind the NCNCHINC.


In two words.  Real Estate!


What is the angle?


Western Beef baby!


Now I am confused, how does the two connect?


Who owns Western Beef Supermarkets?


I heard it belonged to Paul Castellano and his family.


It was a gift from Carlo Gambino to me years ago, this is part of the reason Big Paul got whacked.  He stole my shit and now it is time to start collecting what belongs to me.  Like I said this is an economic war.


OK you own Western Beef, now how do we  connect this to the non profit organization and real estate and the location of Highlands County, Florida?

Paul Castellano pulls out some papers, that had written information on it and started to read these letters written by him prior to his relocation to Florida in the year 2009.  As they were both originally from the Queensbridge Projects and were childhood best of friends.


The Basic Outline of the Plan: I think we should expand Western Beef Supermarkets by investing in farmland, agriculture properties, warehouses, trucking companies, construction companies and of course supermarkets. This arrangement will make Western Beef a retail outlet, wholesale channel for food, distribution network and a real estate company that can operate outside the food market. The goal: To sell quality goods and at the lowest possible prices and make a profit in the process. I think we should open not only corporate stores but franchises by making contracts with potential owners to purchase our goods and in return we arrange for them to get business loans. We want to get them to use our banks and insurance companies, and then we will be able to sell the goods at lower prices and still make a profit. I want these supermarkets to be in the neighborhoods of the middle class to the poor, and unlike some of the current Western Beef supermarkets I want to have a wider variety of goods as well as many name brand products.  I would like to setup shop across the East Coast and across the West Coast. Basically what we do over here I would like them to duplicate over there. I think our one advantage might be that we can use Clear Channel Communications which is a nationwide radio network and use popular artists to sing jingles and advertise our arrival. I want to compete with Wal-Mart Super stores in variety and price, but be located in the neighborhoods and closer to residential areas instead of just malls.


I need a copy of that.


We have these connections lined up!


I just need the seed money and I need manpower to act on my behalf.


I am down and I will talk to some of my friends


Damn!  Check this out Victor!

Vern continues to read another part of these documents.


Highlands County: Based on 2004: Population 38,482 Circumference 151 Miles with about 15 major lakes New Orleans:  Based on 2004: Population over 500,000 Circumference about 54 miles Both areas were used as farmland at some point. Questions:  With New Orleans at less than half the original population, how any stores can it support?  How many people can Highlands County accommodate, if we were to develop this County into a Major City?  New Orleans is a risky investment, but it was the home of over 500,000 people which has to be considered in the political map. On the other hand there is nothing but vacant land in Highlands County which is above sea level by about 11 feet and many miles away from the coastal waters. Usually when Florida has a hurricane, in Highlands County they experience strong winds in the area.  It is a fact that if Florida goes under water, Highlands County will become beach front property.  The unemployment rate is currently at about 8% or 9% and they are not a developed area, but are the most populated County compared to the surrounding Counties. And they have a Community College in the County. The Heartland consist of 5 counties waiting to be developed. I want to buildup Highlands County into a major City. We can be major investors in utilities because they are not prepared to handle a population of 250,000 to 500,000 people.


Now Vern understand since my arrival to Avon Park, Florida, things developed, now there is close to 100,000 people in Highlands County, Florida and we have a 4 year College called South Florida State College.


I think the next step is to seek unpopulated areas and determine the possibility to develop these areas and setup the new economy from scratch. This way we can get heavily invested in utilities, along with the food industry in that area. The key to expanding Western Beef is new developments. I do not know if New Orleans is a good investment, but they already spent a fortune on repairing the Levees. The place is below water, they only thing it has going for itself is history, which is full of Witchcraft. We have to finish the job in New Orleans, I am willing to use their oil to boost the economy and make financial contributions in the form of donations I think it should be redeveloped to hold between 200,000 and 300,000 people and not 500,000. Not everyone will want to go back to that death trap. Highlands County has a lot of older people and they have money to spend or are in need of care. They have a lot of nursing homes and have very little light industry, which is allowed by law. The environment is great for farming and agriculture but we need not focus on that only. We can use some of the property for food and some of it for development. They also have a few Hospitals. From my limited review I come to the conclusion again that we help out the people of New Orleans only because of the political map and history as a major City. Maybe the next New Orleans will be designed to house 200,000 to 300,000 people instead of 500,000. But we should heavily invest in Highlands County. It is a much safer investment. Like I said it is prime real estate, contrary to New Orleans


I think we should expand Western Beef by consolidating all of the parts of the system, as mentioned in the opening of the discussion. When we build a new community we build a Western Beef into the blueprints. Trucking companies can be setup to operate nationwide; we do not have to restrict the trucks to Western Beef. We can setup warehouses to serve certain districts. In fact, I think we should setup a Southern District for Western Beef in Highlands County along with a canning company and then close in from both sides being New York and Florida. I think we should buy up the undeveloped land in Highlands County and develop it into housing complexes and locate stores in these communities. And apply the same system in other places.  I want to own a huge piece of Highlands County. It will support our nationwide construction interest and food interests and I think we can buy cheap even at twice the current value of the land. The costs will come from development of these properties. I honestly am not feeling New Orleans, but we are committed to their restoration, but Highlands County is the move. Maybe about 5 supermarkets would be a wise investment in New Orleans for now.  I want my home in Highlands County to be in a Gated Community (A fenced housing development, having security guards).  When people come to visit they have to stop at the entrance. But the City we build will not be a gated community, just the sections that I have special security concerns with, such as where we house scientist and so on. My community will be under military protection.


As we know every family must have their own social club to congregate among friends in a secured environment.  Check out this setup.


Located on 923 South A Avenue of Avon Park, FL, in the Southside Redevelopment Area of Avon Park.  Also in this location are a few of businesses to include a small grocery store, hair salon and restaurant and night club that cannot serve liquor, however, they can serve beer and wine and the food is good.  Plus we have a couple more night spots and we are trying to resurrect the Rib Shack Restaurant and another property on the location is being developed as I write.  And Avon Park has a church on about every corner.


We will establish the social club outlet to serve members of the NCNCHINC and deliver somewhere to relax within a private group of people with these common ideas.  We as a group is an economic empowerment within our own community.  So this is our place of business discussions, relaxation and events.


The annual membership will be set at $25 for the year 2012 & 2013, which already begun.  As a benefit of membership of said social club, you are a member of the NCNCHINC recognized supporters and will have the benefit to fraternize within a progressive brotherhood and sisterhood for the advancement of the Southside Redevelopment Area and communities abroad.


$25 gets you:

A set of bylaws

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The privilege to fraternize at the social club for at most one year

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The privilege to support the causes of the NCNCHINC and enjoy the fruits of labor our labor.


So what are the requirements for these new business arrangements?


The NCNCHINC Social Club is located within the headquarters at 923 South A Avenue, I have not decided on who will become my assistant manager at the Social Club.  We will open to a private group and not the public serving alcohol and cooked & catered food.  30% of the profits go to the NCNCHINC for administrative costs and 70% goes towards our purpose. The bylaws will explain the club etiquette that allows us to be of non profit charity status as we operate like a business.  As there will be service fees on top of the membership of VIP status, that allows high level social interaction.


The NCNCHINC Social Club:


According to the NCNCHINC Social Club Bylaws, the substance of the organization should provide predominance to the human and spiritual, instead of to the material values of life. Another portion of the bylaws include the support of the Law of Self Preservation in both daily living and all human relationships. High social, business and professional standards are also promoted in the NCNCHINC Social Club. The development of increased intelligent, assertive and helpful citizenship is also expressed. The NCNCHINC Social Club also promotes enduring friendships, selfless service, along with helping build better communities.


The NCNCHINC Social Club officers will include a president, vice president, treasurer and secretary from the NCNCHINC. The board of directors should be made up of at least four directors and the officers. All of the officers and directors should be in good standing, active privileged or senior members. Officers can serve a five year term.  The social club will be run by staff members of the NCNCHINC.


At least two regular meetings a month should be held for the NCNCHINC Social Club, but no more than one per week.  The day and place of the meeting will be determined by the board of directors. Other meetings may be held if the board of directors believe one should be held. If the scheduled meetings happen to fall on a legal holiday or the eve of a holiday, the board of directors can reschedule the meeting for another day during the same week or cancel it all together.


The active membership of the NCNCHINC Social Club must be a person of good character and reside in the community or have great interest in the community. The member must pay a membership induction fee, along with an annual fee, in order to ensure full involvement in the club. However, NCNCHINC Staff members do not have to pay the induction fee or annual fee, as long as they maintain their position at the NCNCHINC.  An active member should attend regular meetings, participate in events and activities of the club.  All members must be at least 21 years of age.


A NCNCHINC Social Club member who is an active member has the opportunity for election as a privileged member after a year of membership by the board of directors. This type of membership does not permit an individual to attend the meetings.


An active member of the NCNCHINC Social Club who is in good standing at one or more clubs for at least 10 years and is unable to meet attendance requirements due to health, business or other circumstances, may be elected as a senior member.

Honorary Membership An honorary membership is granted to those who have performed a distinguish public service but is not an active or senior member for a period of one year. This membership does not require a induction or annual fee. They are also not required to attend meetings.

Induction Fee: $50 Annual Fee: $25

A set of bylaws

The privilege to fraternize at the social club for at most one year

The privilege to support the causes of the NCNCHINC and enjoy the fruits of  our labor.  Once properly setup we will create charters around the country.  Once properly setup we will create charters around the country.  Once properly setup we will create charters around the country.

The meeting continued as they went over many documents, the ate Bar Be Que and covered many areas of concern.


After the meeting between Paul, Vern and Victor, later that evening the Board of Directors met again.  This time the subject was the narrative of the organization.  Again the conference was similar in arrangement and order.


My brothers and sisters of the NCNCHINC.  We once again join together for further instructions about the order of things to take place.


We are one body but many parts!


Yes my brothers and sisters, that is that state of the union.


We are an order of like minds!


Listen closely!  Listen closely.  Listen to me!


The National Community Network and Coalition of Highlands, INC was formed for exclusively charitable and educational purposes.  Specifically, The National Community Network and Coalition of Highlands, INC educates the general public about race relations, economics, and peace through spirituality using regular program meetings, news letters and newspapers, movies and video presentations, music, dramatic presentations and a variety of other means.


The main speakers at NCNCHINC most recent Program Meetings have included (Rev. Frank Paul Jones, Rev. Egeria F. Jordan and Lujuana Flood-Clarkson Rev. Ella.  E. Williams, the president, vice president, treasurer and secretary and whom consist of the board of directors.  The topics consisted of the state of the NCNCHINC real estate, and expenditures for 2011, as well as fund raiser issues the form 1023 to gain 501 c 3 status and finally the American Jobs Act recently signed into law and how it could effect the NCNCHINC and the community we serve.


The NCNCHINC sponsors a free music recording studio project, a Southside Redevelopment Area of Avon Park, FL Community Cleanup Program, as we advocate “Building a Better Community,” and advocates for the redevelopment of the Southside Redevelopment Area of Avon Park, FL.  We have big plans for the recording studio once we can open our headquarters to the public.  The majority of upkeep and the cleaning of the Southside Redevelopment Area business district is done by the NCNCHINC Maintenance team daily.  Recent musical albums projects have been released by Capstone Zulu and Stackz Gotti and many more projects are being planned as new technology is being developed at the studios. We do not necessarily agree with the artist viewpoints, as we record at our studios and respect the first amendment of the United States Constitution. We sponsor newsletters and flyers circulation and publications based on facts and research.


In October 2009, NCNCHINC was formed.  Since the formation NCNCHINC we have been public advocates and proponents a corruption free community here in Highlands County, FL and the greater community, we plan to offer food to the poor and hungry, clothes and other resources. As well has temporary housing for the homeless. We record music that has relevant lyrical content dealing with relevant issues like AIDS research, in fact we recorded what we hope will become the International AIDS Research Anthem. While teaching children and adults alike the business of music, and the operation of Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) studios. We are helping to keep dreams alive and hopefully dreams to come true.


Other charitable and educational events have included our flyer handouts on community issues, Music Videos such as the New World Order which talks about secret societies and corruption, World Affairs which is about the Middle East Conflicts and other videos on You tube.  Many of our services have been made free and open to the public via You-Tube and, public handouts and other sources.


Off-site educational events have included informational orations at local events and meetings such as club events, at churches and simple gatherings on the streets where we find our targeted audiences, concerning community issues and community growth.


We plan to start 12 steps meetings at our headquarters, organize the local clergy to address community situations (The Board of Clergy), promote marches, and on-going programs which addresses the concerns of economic autonomy for the underserved in Highlands County and America at-large, open a homeless shelter, open a soup kitchen and of course our door are always open to the Pride of Avon Local Lodge 462.  While being innovative, as we improvise with intuitive, we plan to address many of the ills of the Community here in Highlands County, FL and the community at-large.


Our headquarters building (The Blue Temple) is two stories tall.  It is 28 feet wide and 48 feet long.  Downstairs will be designed to have office spaces and to deliver services to the needy, hungry, homeless and other groups as required to address the community needs of the Underserved Communities. It has a Kitchen two showers and bathroom and we would like to have a washer and dryer on-sight.


Upstairs will be a small conference room, non profit newspaper and non profit record studio.  The meeting room will have several configurations to accommodate the specific groups such as the Board of Clergy, The Board of Directors, Local Lodge and so forth.   Also we would like to acquire properties to expand the homeless shelter Initiative  and feed the hungry initiative and our goal is to open a soup kitchen and food pantry to serve out of the Southside Redevelopment Area, the community of Avon Park.


The NCNCHINC maintains a small lending library of books about the music business, Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) technology and related issues, books on spirituality as well business and economics and other subjects, sends out articles of interest to people who have subscribed to an email list, and has a website at  The website features contact information, announcements about upcoming NCNCHINC and other local NCNCHINC – related events, guidance for volunteers and donors, and links to other NCNCHINC-related websites.  There is no advertising on our website.


NCNCHINC is run entirely by volunteers at this time, however, it is our goal to create paying jobs in the future.  NCNCHINC main office is located at 917 South A Avenue, Avon Park, FL.  3 3 8 2 5, and the meeting spaces and headquarters location is located at 923 South A Avenue, Avon Park, FL. it is not open to the public due to much needed minor renovations, but is a planning center for future events.  The building itself is owned by us the NCNCHINC.


Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code provides tax exemption for organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable and or educational purposes.  Section 1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(2) of the Income Tax Regulations states that the term “charitable” is used in section 501(c)(3) of the Code in its generally accepted legal sense and includes the advancement of education.  Section 1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(3)(i)(a) of the regulations states that the term educational, as used in IRC 501(c)(3), relates to the instruction or training of the individual for the purpose of improving or developing his capabilities or the instruction of the public on subjects useful to the individual and beneficial to the community.  Example 2 in Section 1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(3)(ii) of the regulations, makes it clear that “An organization whose activities consist of presenting public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures, or other similar programs,” is educational.


By offering educational events as well as free newsletters and flyers, movies, videos, dramatic presentations, an email list, website and lending library, NCNCHINC is educating the public on subjects useful to the individual and beneficial to the community.


According to Section 1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(2) of the regulations, even a controversial organization can qualify under section 501(c)(3):


…The fact that an organization, in carrying out its primary purpose, advocates social or civic changes or presents opinion on controversial issues with the intention of molding public opinion or creating public sentiment to an acceptance of its views does not preclude such organization from qualifying under section 501(c)(3)…


In Revenue Procedure 86-43, 1986-2 C.B. 729, the IRS recognized that advocacy of unpopular or less accepted viewpoints may be educational, and reaffirmed that it is “the policy of the Service to maintain a position of disinterested neutrality with respect to the beliefs advocated by an organization.”


Revenue Procedure 86-43 went on to describe several advocacy techniques that may indicate that an organization is not educational…


The presentation of viewpoints unsupported by facts.

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The presentation of viewpoints supported by distorted facts.

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Substantial use of inflammatory and disparaging terms.

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Conclusions based on strong emotional feelings rather than objective evaluations.

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Presentations not aimed at developing an understanding on the part of the intended audience.

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Presentations that do not consider the background or training of the audience.


…The NCNCHINC does not use these questionable techniques in its educational presentations.


Section 1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(2) of the regulations states that the term “charitable” is used in section 501(c)(3) of the Code in its generally accepted legal sense and includes the defense of human and civil rights secured by law.


In Revenue Ruling 75-285, 1975-2 C.B. 203, the IRS approved 501(c)(3) status for an organization that educated workers as to their rights under Federal and state law and counseled workers as to their right to file complaints pursuant to those laws.


By educating members of society about race relations, economic autonomy, Social Justice and peace through spirituality, The NCNCHINC is instructing the public on subjects useful to the individual and beneficial to the community, and defending civil rights secured by law.


The NCNCHINC is distinguishable from the organization described in Revenue Ruling 75-384, 1975-2 C.B. 204.  NCNCHINC does not plan, sponsor or otherwise encourage violations of local ordinances, breaches of public order or illegal activities.


NCNCHINC does not plan, sponsor or otherwise encourage violations of local ordinances, breaches of public order or illegal activities.  NCNCHINC does not plan, sponsor or otherwise encourage violations of local ordinances, breaches of public order or illegal activities.  NCNCHINC does not plan, sponsor or otherwise encourage violations of local ordinances, breaches of public order or illegal activities.


Welcome my brothers and sisters into the world of truth.

The meeting came to a closing and everyone got ready for the get together that was to take place at a private club later that night and into the day.


Before a multitude of people many old acquaintances, associates, friends and family, but there were many new faces as well.  Paul Castellano in the name of Rev.  Frank Paul Jones delivers a speech about the power structure of the world.


My brothers and sisters, I stand before you to reveal a powerful truth.  Many of you will not be able to understand what is being presented to you today.  But for the chosen few, I say he who has ears let him hear.




1:1) In the beginning the founding fathers fabricated the state of Kingdom and Reality. 1:2) At this point reality wasn’t governed by any authority, and had no purpose. Ignorance was upon the so-called profound people, they were very superficial. Those who were loyal to the founding fathers were in a state of uncertainty, over the choices that had to be made. 1:3) And, the founding fathers said, “Let there be enlightenment,” and there was enlightenment. 1:4) The founding fathers saw that the enlightenment was good, and he separated the enlightenment from the ignorance. 1:5) The founding fathers called the enlightenment “Opportunity,” and the ignorance he called “non-productivity.” And there was a negotiation at the end of the  First opportunity.


1:6) And, God the founding fathers said in the strictest confidence, “Let there be superstitions to separate good choices from bad choices.” 1:7) So God the founding fathers made the superstitious beliefs and separated the bad choices under the superstitions, from the good choices above its laws. And it was so. 1:8) The founding fathers called the superstitions “Logical.” And there was a negotiation at the end of the  Second opportunity.


1:9) And the founding fathers said, “Let those who are superstitious (Believers of false religions) be gathered to one place, and let an uninspired foundation appear.”  And it was so. 1:10) The founding fathers called the uninspired foundation “Oppression,” and the superstitious who were gathered he called “Confused Fools.” And the founding fathers saw to it, that this foolishness was believable. 1:11) Then the founding fathers said, “Let the oppression create monotonous people; People who spiritually and mentally vegetate and procreate according to their various false beliefs.”  And it was so. 1:12) The oppression created people who vegetate; a state of mind carried on, from generation to generation, who procreate according to their false beliefs. And there was a negotiation at the end of the  Third opportunity.


1:14) And the founding fathers said, “Let there be a system of understanding in the false religions, to make them seem logical to the fellowships, to separate the opportunity from those who are lost in non-productivity, and let this false logic, serve as tokens to identify situations in progress, in a confused fashion. 1:15) And, let there be understanding in the superstitions (False religions) that will allow the truly logical Fellowships, to be able to understand the enlightenment of reality, that exist within the falsehoods.”  And it was so. 1:16) The founding fathers made two great interpretations concerning New World affairs, the Greater Enlightenment to govern over Opportunity, by those who are loyal to him, and the lesser non enlightenment to make oppression and repression self governed, by those who are in darkness. He therefore created his future destiny. 1:17) The founding fathers established the future destiny of false religions, as well as those who understood the truth, 1:18) to be able to control both opportunity and non productivity, to his pleasure, as he separated enlightenment from ignorance. And the founding fathers saw to it that it was believable. 1:19) And there was a negotiation at the end of  the Fourth opportunity.


1:20) And the founding fathers said, “Let the realm of possibilities spread rapidly among the vigorous servants, and let the simple minded see a glance of the truth, concerning the falsehoods in certain religions, so that there will be disagreements.”  1:21) So the founding fathers created great servants for the confused to follow, and he created every vigorous and active branch of knowledge, so that the choices would spread rapidly, and according to their beliefs, the simple minded learned based on their character. And the founding fathers saw that it was believable. 1:22) The founding fathers favored them (The great servants over the Confused) and said, “Be productive and increase in number, and fulfill my decision and let the simple minded develop a sense of reality.” 1:23) And there was a negotiation at the end of the  Fifth opportunity.


1:24) And the founding fathers said, “Let the oppression create opportunities to become vigorous servants according to their beliefs, household servants to clean our homes, servants that will control the action on the streets, as well as drug addicts, and people with other plights, each according to their nature and character.” And it was so. 1:25) the founding fathers made the drug addicts out of the poor Black communities, and created those who controlled this action according to favoritism. And the founding fathers saw to it that it was again believable. 1:26) Then the founding fathers said, “Let us make one who pledges to our allegiance (A Pact), in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the gullible, who are confused and the simple minded, who know a little about the truth, let us put them over all that is reality, and over all the servants that enforce and control the activities of oppression and repression.”  1:27) So the founding fathers created one who pledged to his allegiance, in his own image, in the image of Satan. He created him. He created the Laws over Mankind, those who enforces the Laws, the So-Called Mafia to control the action of the streets, to keep the poor repressed, he created the Orders , to protect his most valued interest, which is his knowledge and ability to deceive the masses, and therefore control the World, and he created them all. 1:28) The founding fathers favored them and said to them, “Be productive and increase in number, fulfill reality and control it. Rule over the gullible and the simple minded and over every servant of oppression.” 1:29) Then the founding fathers said, “I give you everyone who vegetates and procreates according to their false beliefs. They are yours to profit from, just make sure I get my percentage of (10%). 1:30) And to all who are uncivilized, simple minded and all the servants of oppression who vegetate, I give you all self destruction.” 1:31) The founding fathers saw that all that he had fabricated (Falsehoods), was very convincing to the weak minded which was Mostly everyone. And there was a negotiation at the end of the Sixth opportunity.


2:1) Accordingly Satan’s Kingdom and the reality of the masses, was completed to accommodate the ruling class. 2:2) By the seventh opportunity the founding fathers completed the job he had done. So on the seventh opportunity he recessed from all his work. And the founding fathers favored the seventh opportunity and felt his creations were indisputable, and could not be overcome by any Man, only because of this, did he recess from all the work of creating that he had done.


Now I have some good news, there is one who has and will overcome the powers of Satan and that is the Son of Man, whom I AM.  He who has ears let him hear.


I came across by a Freemason about these three ruffians (Thugs) he did not understand what I was saying, when I said they beat down a man who had a plan to build the temple (Of God) and took it from him. I was talking about the so-called Christians, Muslims and Jews. One claimed he died so that they could live, another said, God would not create such a person and anyone who follows him should be put to death and still another claimed he never came. The common factor they all denied him and left him for dead.  This is a well kept secret concerning the Journey of the Lord.


For you to truly understand who I AM.  As I realize hope is often hopelessness, we must come to an understanding of a single truth and truth for the black man our truth we must come to.


The teachings of Paul Castellano are that he is the Apostle Paul in the flesh and we are living in the last days. The secret code of the Bible is simple, if one accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, he will be saved. You may ask he will be saved from what?


Understand though this is God’s world, we are living in the times of Satan’s rein. Satan is raising havoc on God’s true chosen flock and he was given authority to do this for a many years. We are taught that God allowed Satan to do this to us, but the truth of the matter is that in the beginning there was darkness and then there came light.


Darkness is evil dastardly deeds. Evil is an unjust ruler-ship over mankind. Understand the true America is the United States, but not as we were taught. It is the 13 states of the confederation. We are talking about the 13 families that ruled over the world, the Illuminati.


Satan rule was not by God’s authority, but due to God’s people; an innocent people; understand the Garden of Eden meaning is the garden of innocence. God’s true chosen people did not know of violence and war, when they went to battle it was no more than a dance contest until they got tired. Evil and murderous wars were of European culture.


The Bible is about contemporary times, simply names were changed. For example, there is a lot of symbolism in the Bible. For example Egypt is the symbol of slavery in America as whereby Rome symbolizes the financial capital where slaves sought freedom in the North.


Jesus was sentenced to death as the Bible teaches in Africa, the land of the Zews the true Jews, he was sent to the South states of the Confederation to be crucified, but he escaped death and oppression and was given a new identity in New York City, where he became known as Paul Castellano.


Now understand the mythology, as he was the son of a slave master (MAFIA DOM) and the son a slave (BLACK SERVANT) woman.  The slave master loved his son who was gifted with the spirit of God that he thought he was actually God. So in the South this red Negro preached he was God among the slaves and because of this many slaves were put to death in search of this Negro, who was causing problems. So he was sent up North as the Zulu’s traveled North and not East to the sea. When he got there he was given a new identity and was no longer known or claimed to be Jesus Christ, but became the Apostle Paul, as he eloquently taught the high sciences of Jesus Christ and made claims such as I not the Lord, to make a point.


In summery; I am here to share with you that the Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ are one and the same. Jesus Christ was given the death sentence for blaspheme by Africans, however his father pardoned him and fabricated a story that Voodoo Africans would believe, that he died and was raised from the dead and sent him to New York City, where he taught the Mob the hidden truth of how to overcome Satan’s rein, whom the Mob were House Niggers to in fact.


The simple secret is to claim Jesus is Christ is Lord and Savior even if you do not truly believe it and it would allow you to travel freely in the land controlled by the White Man. Because as long as you profess Christ they will believe you are of an oppressed mind-set and not a threat to the establishment. You can only speak the truth in secret. And they grew in number also!


Rev.  Jones said now I want to share a secret letter to the president.  Please try to follow this.

To: President Barrack Obama & the United States Congress From: Frank Paul Gambino RE: Request for Final Settlement Date: 29 April 2011 this is the foundation of what I want for myself, my family and my men. I wrote this around 22 August 2006 to then President George W. Bush. I think the best time to get serious about the negotiations is after I go home. Once I go home we will get a KEY and get the information I am not conscious of, there should be a lot of numbers and information tuck away in my mind, that will require a KEY to get to it.

I do not want a bunch of liquid capital; I want my money invested into the economy. By printing more money the value of the dollar will go down and the price of American goods will become more competitive. Buy American will make economic sense!

NOTE: Printing money is unnecessary we will actually be giving money back to the government. I get a Presidential Pardon before we release cures to diseases & other Technologies:

The Economic Crisis written on 9 September 2001 To: The Illuminati Answered on: 11 September 2001 by a terrorist Act Business activity in the United States is in a continuous declining stage. And, a lot of politicians are starting to include the word “Recession,” in their vocabulary. Even as some politicians attempt to convey their interpretation of our current economic decline with optimism, I sense pessimistic overtones, as they consider dipping into the so-called social security “Lock Box,” which they vowed not to do except for as they now say in the case of war or a recession.

It is said that our economy is “Consumer based” and “Energy driven.”  The average person’s interpretation of this statement is that, as long as the multitudes use their money to consume goods and services, and the energy supplies are available to sustain these business activities, we will experience good economic times. In reality this statement is a deception, the reality of the matter is that our economy is actually “Capitalist based,” in that as long as investors can make a profit by means of our consumerism, we will experience a good economy, meaning that they will hire people for jobs, as long as they spend most of their earnings on consumer products, and pay their taxes.

I understand the importance and the nature of these capitalistic principles, which allows many Americans to enjoy a high standard of living; however, it has its faults. By design our economic system deprives many Americans of the so-called American dream, whereby the average hard working American can not accumulate moderate holdings, either one will have abundance, or not much at all. Too many Americans are living as little as two checks away from homelessness.

It is my position that our current economic woes are as a result of corporate greed and government mismanagement. The bottom line is that we the American people are in over our heads with government and consumer debts, and the big corporate America investors are cashing in on their profits. It is no secret that the government is in enormous debt, and is using the social security surplus to pay down on it, which will have to be paid back by tax revenues in the future and or new borrowing. But, also one must recognize the enormous consumer credit card debts, which are in the range of seven trillion dollars. People are not engaging in consumer spending as much as in the past, because they are trying to pay for what they already purchased. Meanwhile, companies are firing people, because profits are down.

You may think that my statement about corporate investors cashing in on profits is absurd, because everybody knows the stock market is on a down trend. However, the price of stock depends on what people are willing to pay for it. Stock prices raise when there are more buyers than sellers, and when people try to unload their stock to cash in on their profits in large numbers, the stock prices decline.

What people need to realize is that the so-called booming economy we recently experienced was a big gimmick that was generated by credit, and now stock prices are basically coming back down to earth. The whole economic boom was a big scheme, and the American people played right into it. As a result of this recent charade, unlike never before, there is a huge disparity between those who have and those who have not.  And, I know for a fact that, key members of the underworld not only orchestrated this strategy to create enormous consumer debt, but, also they orchestrated the strategy that created our current government debt. The whole economic crisis is a conspiracy.

The basis of the recent booming economy was a technology craze, and Microsoft played a major part in it. People were sold on the idea that computers are not only an important part of the future, but, that everyone should immediately own one. As people were attracted to this new technology and lead on by constant upgrades that were preceded by the new millennium glitch hype a lot of money was made in the high tech industry. People jumped into the technology industry without reservations, both in the consumer and investment ends, in what seemed to be an endless and promising systematic activity that people now realize was a very risky enterprise.

The illusion of a booming economy without a foreseeable bottom, with enormous growth in the technology sector created strong consumer confidence. Meanwhile, those who orchestrated this conspiracy were invested early, and therefore were recipients of huge returns, by enjoying their gains from the beginning. Then, you had the investors who simply got on the bandwagon, some came out winners, but, far more were clearly losers. And, you had the consumers who went on a spending frenzy, who now find themselves with a bunch of depreciating junk, and are now in enormous debt. And, now if you observe the pharmaceutical industry, a new frenzy is on the horizon, whereby, people are led to believe pills can “cure all.”

So now the questions are: What is the solution to our economic crisis? What role should the government play?  And, what role should the private sector play in finding a solution?  I believe that if we really want to find a solution to our economic decline, we must first honestly recognize the facts, as to why we are in our current situation, and stop pretending that our economy and its trends are by chance. We must find a lasting solution to a declining economy that is plagued with consumers deeply in debt, with a government that is deeply in debt, and by nature an economy that selfishly thrives on profiting from consumer and government spending.

To tell you the truth, there is no conventional solution to America’s economic crisis. The American government and its people have been financially raped. And, it’s just a matter of time, that if unconventional actions are not taken, this nation will collapse.

These superficial solutions coming out of the political camps, to revive our economy are ludicrous at best. The one that captured my attention is the idea that reducing the capital gains tax, would resurrect our economy by creating more investment capital. In other words, like the Savings and Loan Scandal, they want the hard working American tax payers to absorb the losses of those who made bad investments, thereby, dragging the government and therefore the American people down further into debt.

The secret behind the only real and lasting solution to our long term economic crisis is the question of the legitimacy of our government’s debts, which must be paid back by the people. We need to ask, who is really behind it?  What do they want?  And, with the understanding that the fall of America will not benefit either party, I believe we should really consider the re-distribution of our nation’s wealth, to include reparations for descendants of African slaves in America, and debt relief to the United States government by its creditors. This can all be accomplished by creating laws as a result of negotiations that will create an even playing field for all Americans. I believe America’s economic crisis is a wake up call; however; still it is up to the American people to respond to it, or continue to sleep in the bed we have made for ourselves, which will lead to our civil destruction, as a result of a financial collapse.

UPDATED: 11 JULY 2007:

Business Handlers #1: My Administration #2: Freemasons Board & Knights of Columbus #3: Heads of the Five Families of New York #4: Queensbridge Administrators  The Gallo Family which is the sixth family#5: Crips & Bloods Board under one Banner  The Freemasons #6: Board of Clergymen Leaders #7: Lawyers ($5 billion Legal Fees Fund)  Help people being released from prison and establish estates #8: Accounting Firms #9: Business Management Firms Western Corporation #1: Lending Institution #2: Insurance Company #3: Land (Farms and Agriculture)

#4: Construction Companies #5: Trucking Companies #6: Warehouses #7: Supermarkets #8: Packing Plant #9: Sugar, Salt and Flour Production Plant Media and Entertainment #1: Paramount Pictures (Pictures)

#2: Warmer Music Group & EMI or Paramount Music (Music)

#3: Warren Communications (Newspapers) will expand #4: Clear Channel Communications #5: Casinos & OTB (Gambling) will make profitable #6: New York Knickerbockers (Added to List) for the kids

#7: Cable Companies (Added to List)

#8: Control of Hotels in New York City / Legalized Casino Gambling will give men something constructive to do.

Energy and Transportation #1: Oil Company (Energy) will develop an alternative form of energy and our cars will be designed to use it.

#2: Heavy Stock in General Motors (Auto) will design cars for them #3: Car Dealerships (Added to List)

Additional #1: Undeveloped Land (For Real Estate & Wood)

#2: Gambino Research Facility (Technology & Pharmaceuticals) (25%)

#3: Federal Prison: Located in Florida #4: Federalized Crips: Former members of Covert Operations and Elite Units Arrangements If people break the rules, I figure we can just send out the Federal Crips and put them in prison, until they get it right.

From here they can just select businesses they want to get into. I think this is a very good foundation.

RE: First Settlement Request on 22 August 2006 The settlement is 500 Billion. My cut is 50 Billion. I will use this to settle with my family, friends and certain organizations. If Bill Gates can have this kind of money so can I. I will disperse about 25 Billion to 30 Billion to all parties. I will use the 450 Billion to settle everyone else. I will settle with the African Americans (Jews) that I see eye to eye with; the rest can fight for their own reparations, I do not care. Also, I will settle with the Gentiles. Basically I will settle with the Church, being those who will support our cause. I think this is a fair deal, considering Iraq!

The way I see it, I will have about 250 Billion to 270 Billion after I take care of my men and women, to settle with the church. Those who are called Jews as far as I am concerned are actually Gentiles, but if they insist on being Jews so be it, because I will treat all members of the church the same way. In the same way I will establish a bank to settle with my men; I will also establish a bank for them.

My annual budget will be based on the interest payments of my total assets, which will be 20%; this will allow me to support the economy instead of trying to monopolize it again. Plus I want 25% of the profits made by the Gambino Enterprises, being the two research divisions. The other 75% will go to share holders. I will pay taxes on my income and then do charity with the balance minus the rate of inflation which will accumulate into my estate to maintain the actual value of my assets. My settlement is after taxes, it does not make sense to print the money to tax me, you figure out what the taxes is and add to the settlement. Everyone else will pay their taxes out of the settlement.

Lending Power: 4.5 Trillion RE: Second Settlement Request on 29 April 2011 The first request still applies plus interest; we want interest on the money held for the last 5 years. Personally I feel I was held down too long, therefore I want my account at the Veterans Affairs solved. I have a case that is about 22 years old to date. This was intentionally withheld from me to keep me behind. Once I get my settlement and my non profit organization the NCNCHINC is in full operation, we will consider a third request that will take the state of the union into consideration. Where is the money?  Can the whole world be broke?  I want my non profit organization in full operation before we get serious about talks. You can check your records and verify that this letter the Economic Crisis was delivered on the date it was written by Fax to the White House and it was answered partially on 10 September 2001 with a warning in the New York Post Pisces zodiac sign as this is how I communicated with John J. Gotti while he was in Springfield. They wiped it out from the archives on the Post, however I am sure the Secret Service will be able to show you the response, if you have not already been briefed. We are running out of time, therefore it is time to act. Settle my claim at the VA because it is my retirement from the military.


#1: Frank Paul Jones#2: Paul Castellano#3: Frank Paul Gotti#4: Frank Paul Gambino#5: Capstone Zulu#6: King Jesus Paul Solomon #7: Name not to be announced to Public


Paul Castellano had one more order of business in New York City, before meeting with his nephew Dahoud “Dauzi” Smith.  He had to meet with Carl Alston another best friend from childhood.  However, unlike the twins Vern and Victor, they were also partners in crime.  Carl is made member of the Gambino Crime Family, see the Gambino Family is mixed race.


Carl it has been a long time.  A lot of things are being put in place as we speak.  You have access to this information as a trusted servant of the Dom Paul castellano, whom you always served in life.  Let us discuss the drug trade.  I am against crack cocaine and my men will have no part of it, leave that to the Mexicans.  We will control the Marijuana trade in the United States and then the world.


You have my loyalty Dom Paul Castellano.


This will be your operation Carl we have people in Florida and they are great dealers and farmers, but not connected in our loop yet.  I plan to bring them in through our Queensbridge Network.


It’s hard to keep the men out of crack cocaine, because there is too much money in it.


I cannot trust a crack dealer with too much information, because he will face a long time in jail if he gets caught.  On the other hand a marijuana dealer  with a non violent conviction will have an appeal at federal level in few short years.  This stuff is about to be legalized and I want a piece of the action.


I understand Dom, but do you understand?


Yes, this is where we separate the men from the boys.  It is about discipline.  Just listen to my numbers first and then decide if it is enforceable.


I am sorry Dom.


No!  No!  You just asked a question Carl, I know you are loyal to the Family.  The Alston Family is Family.


My secretary will read this long ass letter to us, this is the plan listen carefully.


To: The United States Congress and Governor Rick Scott of Florida From: Rev. Frank Paul Jones RE: Open Letter of Federal Marijuana Bill 2306 – Updated post:


To: The United States Congress and Governor Rick Scott of Florida From: Rev. Frank Paul Jones RE: Open Letter of Federal Marijuana Bill 2306 – Updated post: Date 31 July 2011  update 18 October 2011


The Marijuana Report on Federal Bill – HR 2306 & a Florida Redevelopment Act The Federal Marijuana Bill HR- 2306 aka The Frank Paul Bill.  By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – President of the NCNCHINC


HR-2306: To limit the application of Federal Laws to the distribution and consumption of Marijuana, and for other purposes.


On 23 June 2011; Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex) and Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass), introduced a bill sponsored by Rep. Barney Frank, that would end the prohibition of marijuana by the Federal Government of the United States of America.  It would remove marijuana as a controlled substance and limit the Federal Governments role to interstate transport, leaving the states with the rights to legalize the drug.


According to the Associated Press, the bill is dead on arrival as it meets opposition by Chairman of the Board of the House Judiciary Committee Lamar Smith said it would not even be considered.


“Decriminalizing marijuana will only lead to millions more Americans becoming addicted to drugs and greater profits for drug cartels who fund violence along the U.S.-Mexico border. Allowing states to determine their own marijuana policy flies in the face of Supreme Court precedent,” Smith said.


However, the reality is that the movement to legalize marijuana has reached the U.S. Congress and it is a real issue that has to be addressed as we must reduce spending.  As 1.1 million people or 1 out of 6 in federal prison are in for marijuana related crimes.


Nobody knows how much is being spend to retain the prohibition of marijuana.  Here are things to consider:


Cost of keeping marijuana illegal:


cost of active law enforcement +

cost of prosecution (and defense!) of accused offenders +

∑ (CONT’D)

cost of incarceration of convicted offenders +

∑ (CONT’D)

billions of dollars in tax revenue that would be generated if drugs were legal and taxed +

∑ (CONT’D)

cost of foster care and social services for children of incarcerated offenders.


It was estimated by the top economists that at a minimum the end of prohibition would save us 10 Billion to 14 Billion annually instantly and our marijuana crop is now worth about 34 Billion and if taxed could bring in at least 7 Billion annual tax revenue.


I think the prohibition of marijuana is bad policy, because it is destroying too many lives and is disenfranchising to many young Americans.  We have the soil to grow it and should take the leadership position on this one.  However, I think we can increase our production 10 fold and tax this drug at federal, state of production and state of retail and city. It would still be cheaper than it is now on the streets and the government could pull in huge revenues and the growers would make huge profits world wide as other nations will follow our lead.


Fact: 100 seeds can produce as much as 5,000 Grams = 11 Pounds in 6 to 9 months.


Here in the Heartland of Florida, we have the fertile soil, sunlight and plenty water. This law could save tour economy, therefore it has to be at least debated.


If HR: 2306 is passed by the 112th Congress, what will it mean to the, the Nation, the state of Florida and the East Coast?  What the FEDS put on the table is a budget cutting action.  The Federal Government is about to get smaller and the decision to downsize will be written in stone once the Debt Ceiling is raised.  Many services must be reduced as well as law enforcement groups.


It is my position that for there to be relevant changes in how we accomplish the economic recovery and maintain smaller government, there has to be legislative changes all the way down to the ordinances in our Cities throughout the nation and HR 2306 is an example of how to create more revenue and both execute smaller government through legislative change.


It is my hope that not only does this bill be passed but also be modified because it does not address an important issue if marijuana is ultimately legalized by the State of Florida and other states on the East Coast and for that matter other nations in the world.


The issue is commerce:  Florida and California are the main potential production states of  marijuana in our Nation.  These two states depend on agriculture and both got hit hard by mortgage foreclosures.  Both states need money bad and the marijuana crop is the U.S. most valued crop and could be a turning point for both economies.    As California is well on their way Florida is a backwards state with a lot of oppressive ordinances, laws and rules and we need legislative changes ASAP.


The problem with HR 2306 as it is written is that it does not allow interstate commerce of marijuana which hurts large scale production states that could immensely profit from its exportation.


As the law stands this could create a pipeline for the underworld and the government will lose a lot of money as a result of illegal transport across state lines.  Interstate commerce has to be addressed in this bill.


Here in Highlands County and the Heartland of Florida, we have a lot of unsheltered territory.  We have a agriculture market that is weakening as fruit prices are going up due to labor shortages, farmers are having a difficult time clearing their trees as less workers are laboring the fields.  Why?  Because the pay is too low for the work and we depend on foreign labor?  These are the type of issues that must be addressed.


A HR: 2306 addendum should be added to allow interstate transport from one state to another by air or ground or sea to any state or country that allows legal marijuana sales.


The state of Florida and the state of California are our main agriculture states.  The Florida Department of Agriculture has to be subsidized by marijuana growers in the state of Florida.  Understand marijuana is a like a weed and it will grow plentiful in the Heartland of Florida.  Here we have plenty open space to produce the crop, sunlight and water, but we cannot simply replace agriculture farmers with marijuana farmers we must protect our food industry in America.  So farmers has to have an incentive to grow food all the way to the bank.


Marijuana Farming should have legislative intent  that goes beyond the obvious which is smaller government and new tax revenues from a new source.  And it should address many other issues contingent to the legalization of marijuana in Florida.


Things on the fly that should be addressed.


#1: Marijuana Agriculture subsidy Act of Florida: When you have two crops that come from the same place and one cost $1,500 per pound and another $1.99 per pound.  They have to balance out at the department labor and the supermarket.  By keeping marijuana at high prices we can lower the prices of fruits and vegetables and increase the wages of the agricultural labor force.


#2: Marijuana Fair Licensing Act: Let us face it, most of the farmers already control the land to produce the crops here in the Heartland.  Most of the contracts will naturally go to the agriculture farmers to grow the marijuana crop, but not all the fields, as a marijuana plant the size of a football field could produce a million dollars in crops annually easily.


  1. A) Only citizens of the United States of America and Florida can commercially farm marijuana in the State Florida.


  1. B) Minorities have to be guaranteed a percentage of the cultivation licenses and worldwide distribution and like I said part “and a mean a nice slice of the state taxes” must go to subsidize the fruit and vegetable industry here in the State of Florida and the Heartland. This has to be fair and reasonable for both sides.


  1. C) Permanent residents of the state should have a priority for the employment on marijuana plants on location in Florida and the Heartland, to include positions such as security of these valued crops and the harvesting of them as well as packaging.


  1. D) Military Veterans should have a priority as venders-distributors of Marijuana. Venders must be Florida citizens without a felony conviction or with pardon-clemency from the Federal government or state from which he-she distributes out of.


3) The Florida Infrastructure Development Act: After we subsidize agriculture of off the top, to secure our labor forces and bring down the price of fruits and vegetables.  Insure that this market is a living wages industry and protect our local labor force, we have to set an agenda to help our overall economy.  Here the governor has to set his own initiative.  We need public transportation here in Highlands County and the Heartland in the form of buses and connecting trains and buses to the high speed rail going into production as a nationwide transport network and hub.


Frank Paul Jones is walking from 2nd Avenue towards F D R Drive on Houston’ Street.  He is by himself as people know him in the neighborhood, it was his old stumping grounds.  He is going to his nephews apartment to see him after serving a long stretch in State Prison in Upstate New York.  As  Paul walking Dahoud, Charles and Brian all are walking towards him.  They could not wait for him to get to the apartment, so they met him at the subway stop.




Uncle Paul.


Uncle Paul!


Unk!  Uncle Paul Baby.


OK I will start the conversation because we have a lot to cover in a short amount of time.  Welcome home nephew, you didn’t think I would get here so fasts did you?


I would have sent for you if necessary.  I miss you Uncle Paul.


Same here but if we do not make our moves quickly and decisively, it could end up bad.  Both of us believe a made man should have power, even if not in the criminal aspect of business.  We are legitimate and more powerful than ever, because old debts will be paid.  God is with us.  Dig?


Still the same!


Look our headquarters is located in Avon Park.  We operate the organization through remote access from different states in the country.  Shaneem is our accountant.  Also I have some friends that know how to manage money, being Shorty and his brother Victor, Verns’s twin brother.


We have the ability to move billions as far as intelligence is concerned.  We have the infrastructure.  I have to tie you into the system.  Everything is computers, all the way down to the recording studios.


I will groom you to take over the the operations of the NCNCHINC.  Lujuana is going to step down off of the board of the directors if necessary to add you to my B O D.


I know you have the P T S Movement and I will make sure it all happens for you, but I need you now.  You belong to the Jones Family and never forget that.  I am the Gambino.


Now I will reveal to you who you are!


Uncle Paul you are moving too fast.  Slow down and let’s cool out and catch up.


Still the same!


I need my studio setup in New York City, with the latest technology.


I got four CD’s of you from prison, good shit, let us copyright it and release  some of that stuff, while you work on some new shit.


We have to find a way to get you to Florida.  We have a state of the art setup, that needs your talent and my expertise.  Not my talent man!


Give me a break.  You are going to help me do my music?


That is why I am here.  Music.  We the NCNCHINC is a non profit record company with 501 c 3 status.  We are legitimate.  We just need a money flow and that is being arranged as we speak.


What is the secret you came to share.


Who is you biological father?




Give me a fucking break, two black niggers will not make a red nigger like you.  Wake the hell up dude.  Understand why your woes.


Uncle Paul, what are you telling me?


Why you think you did all of that time in prison and survived with privilege?  Making music in prison and shit!  How did you get connected so young so fast dude?


Uncle Paul speak up.


I am the Gambino and John J. Gotti worked for me as a liaison for Carlo Gambino.  He found out how powerful I was and tried to duplicate me.  But Paul Castellano is a spirit and not a biology.


He screwed my mother and made Ella.  Ella was no Paul Castellano.  Then he screwed your mother Egeria.  Dahoud R. Gotti?  Ella is both sister and aunty to you dude.


Give me a break.


Look in the mirror you look like your father.  Anyway do not go fucking with John A. Gotti Junior, as he is your brother.  I am the Dom and you’ll both will be working for me.  Dig!  I am the Dom and you’ll both will be working for me.  Dig!  I am the Dom and you’ll both will be working for me.  Dig!

They continued to talk and the screen fades out.  Dahoud cried.


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