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The Only Constitutional War Not Religious based

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They Used Photo Generation Applications – You can see the resemblance

L L Cool J BKA G.O.A.T. Rapper

This is the era I remember and L. L. Cool J is the link to Maria Theresa, BKA Tracy Cooper and the LEFRAK CITY MOVE. There is much more, but this is the connection being made now.

Department of Justice Contacts and system of records

DOJ ID #3704895

DOJ File #3704895

Contact PH# (301) 583=7350 – I want my lines opened ASAP with name updates made public.

  1. Attorney General Lorretta Lynch – her Constitutional Specialist is Sergeant Major Jeh Johnson, who was moved from Secretary of Homeland Security.  His job is to know the legislation and laws that apply and my required agencies and get that info to the DOJ.
  2. Secretary of Homeland Security Dante Bush BKA Larry Holmes.  Homeland Security Protection Agency is the biggest Law Enforcement Group in this Union, but there duties are mixed, in that by legislation and the reason behind forming Homeland Security and the end to State Rights was taken into consideration, HLSPA replaced the duties of the National Guard and are the Unionwide Responders in major security concerns.

The List of Names

There are several other names on this list, but these names are people who are all connected to what happened to me and my family in the World of Entertainment, from Michael Jackson RIP, to Beyonce’ this and that, to Janet Jackson married the whole Hollywood, to Whitney Houston dead…Prince…Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix and on and on, Marvin Gaye.\

John Joseph Gotti is – Butch Jones – On 5 July 1989 he performed the Baptism and I remembered and Janet Jackson was there, who is LaTonya Jones BKA LaTonya Watson. At that time she still had her breast removed from Breast Cancer, which was fully cured and her breast placed back on. This is the power of Jesus Christ.

John Gotti tells her place the name Rene Elizondo on your songs, in name only. There is no Rene Elizondo copyrights to my material period. But once they moved in on her, they took over the mail, the publicity, the fan club and they own you and what people think about you. They knew she had no breast, young, shame, hurt and fear, was used against me, to get to her and defile her and they failed. This goes back to the 1980’s about 1986, when I got back to NYC, who is James DeBarge? And what happened, there was an order to restrain that was violated in Malibu, CA.

Lefrak City Video of location – A Co-Op, turned really bad.

Violence in Lefrak City  

Nadine Jones was at the Malibu, CA estate and LEFRAK City and the Ritz Carlton.  She is not Rene Elizondo. We grew up next door neighbors, both of them. It’s is clear who sent who, between John Gotti and Nadine. Then the Maria Theresa incident, who was the person behind this one? Nadine? Now we are talking about the Genovese Crime Family who are Dikes and no joke. People do things that everybody else be doing and still be ashamed of what they are doing and this becomes extortion, blackmail and fraud. And that is what this is all about. Find something you are ashamed of and turn that one lie to 1,000 lies until you are living a lie. They could not post ordain me, because I did not lie.

Janet Jackson and Robin Roberts

This interview is proof of this person being in that house and with Janet Jackson in that house and this person had an order to restrain. This is how bold the GAY Mob became in Hollywood.

Billy Jackson is Germaine Jackson the person who had me arrested at the Havenhurst Estate gates. I showed him my ID card an it said Frank Paul Jones on it and he said, he did not know me, this ID don’t say Paul Castellano and Paul Castellano is dead and my sisters are free.  Then he had me arrested. I live in Apt. 2E, Nadine and Butch Jones lived in Apt. 2 C and D.

Janet Jackson Serpent Revealed AKA Jay Z

About 9/11.01 Janet Jackson does not go to Michael Jackson’s 30th anniversary show at the MSG in New York City, the day before 9-11-2001 attacks. An oral sex agreement made…wrong…ok…he goes beyond and wanted to take a pill.  Observed, he is either a serpent or an angel and angel don’t act like this.

Reported INTEL

Oral Brennan is the fake Jay Z. We hung out after I left the front crew.  He made some bad decisions and is into something that is very wrong. But he is not Rene Elizondo, who works him and not the other way around. What he did was got to her young when we was in Corona, Queens, NY, and gained trust as a big mover, I guess. Because of things that happened already when he hit on her, so she had to know I was her dad. OK, she played a fantasy game to promo. But they made her the low of low and caused her major problems family and professionally. the connection between Oral Brennan and Paul Adams is in review.

photo taken about November 2009. Me to the left, now this is Michael Jackson and to my left in the middle is Egeria whatever name she is these days, is Oprah Winfrey and Shawanda Adams is Paul Adams and INTEL suggest is Rene Elizondo. This is under investigation.

Paul Adams is Rene Elizondo BKA Shawanda Adams. Paul Adams has a lot of files and the Rene Elizondo file confirmed who Rene Elizondo is and the name Shawanda Adams showed up on my corporate documents.

I was advised to release certain names under investigation for my and their protection, by showing it is not my intent to get physical and try to go onto the attack.  My intent is clear.

They used this technology to deceive the world, in the name of entertainment

The Technology Used in Hollywood and why Digital is not legally binding in itself. Digital video technology is all they used all along, with real stuff and used a time line, so at this point, I AM supposed to be a nutcase and has-been and now his children are unprotected, so now we will take over their careers and convince the world these chicks are fakes. that simple, because nobody knew who was who?

Eph: 5:7-20

7 Therefore do not be partners with them. 8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.

14 This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” 15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, 19speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,

20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Explained in my Case:

These people are called the GAY Mob, the 5 Families of the NYC Mafia and the problem is they will not take no as an answer.  They hate me because I said no, I AM not down with me being a homosexual or bisexual is basically the same thing.

They want me to have sex with a asexual serpent to make this right and then half goes to them and half goes to us, in a marriage between Spirit Humankind and the Satanic World.  I cannot do this, even if I wanted to do it, The Lord will not allow it.  And they cannot change.  And I AM not down with people eaters and sexual immorality enforced by drugs and head games.

And that is what this is, they think they have the right to decide for me what is best for me, meaning them first.  And they cannot change.

Capstone Zulu


The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,

20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

The Only Constitutional War Not Religious based. It is about life or death.

If you learn anything from this article, you should know, the Devil wants to kick you dumb, deaf and blind and when he ends the world, he makes the people stupid, he wants you back into the stone age mentality. These some of the great nations the risen to power and how they passed on the torch. They play both sides against the middle and feel someone should care and play referee.  And then you get beat down and go broke.

  1. Egypt = Means slavery and the promise was after the 430 years in bondage.
  2. Greece – The import of mythology into religion and governance.
  3. Rome – The Great Roman Emperor. The question now is an Emperor of what?
  4. Palestine – Many left Europe during the 1930’s and 1940’s after NAZI Germany – many moved to the Middle East to Palestine – then came we want peace in the middle east and war and more wars and now its called Israel?
  5. Israel – Over time they lost a lot of respect, because they are always fighting with someone and wherever they go it seems like people die.
  6. Islamic – In my opinion Israel and Islam works hand in hand, both sides against the middle, get in the middle of their bull-crap and get jumped, rob of your respect and put on the news as a trouble maker. NAZI means, National Alliance ZOINIST ISLAMIC? You tell me?
  7. The New World Order Headed by Austria – It begins and ends with slavery and that is the New World Order – The Control of the Masses, using Mind Control Media, drugs and other means of control over the masses by a central authority to enforce death.

The Constitutional war is life eternal v. death, wars and diseases that kill masses.

The United States Verse Austria and her allies  

The Constitutional War is the United States, are you for me or against me, eternal life with Jesus Christ.

Austria then and now

The Constitution of Austria, are you for Us or against Us, we are a neutral government, in Austria wars cannot be fought.  I am the Geneva Convention – I wrote the rules of war, I am OPEC, I may not have oil here on my land, but I determine the price of oil.  And, I do not have military spending, let America kick their asses.

I simplified it, because some times you need to read between the lines and to breakdown and verify and qualify my points, could be time consuming and Time I got.  But I AM not trying to lose people.  Do you follow me?

The Civil War was not constitutional The Confederates had no Constitution.  Even though the North won, they ended up supporting the South anyway, State Rights. The civil war was not a constitutional war, but military action was required and it was called a war?

What people know as the Confederacy constitution which do not exist, comes out of the Austria Constitution, which is perpetual, wherefore, unlike the United States we can amend the Constitution, they cannot.

Capstone Zulu

The New World Order Defined is on

What I AM Saying is true, The U.S. and Austria are innate enemies.  However, The New World Order Defined, is research.  I used the NIV Holy Bible and The American Heritage English Dictionary and match synonyms and came up with this conclusion.  OK!

Now the name Egypt means slavery and we know how thy enslaved our minds, conditions, unconstitutional decisions being carried out on the people, drugs, fraud, diseases killing millions, homelessness, storages in food supply as prices go up.

These are the conditions I believe the Creation Theory Defined is designed a society of death.   

The New World Order Defined

(Novus Ordo Seclorum), a “New World of the Ages.”

Mt 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.  

Mt 24:6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

Jn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

Jn 1:2 He was with God in the begin


1:1) In the beginning the founding fathers fabricated the state of Kingdom and Reality.  1:2) At this point reality wasn’t governed by any authority, and had no purpose.  Ignorance was upon the so-called profound people, they were very superficial.  Those who were loyal to the founding fathers were in a state of uncertainty, over the choices that had to be made.  1:3) And, the founding fathers said, “Let there be enlightenment,” and there was enlightenment.  1:4) The founding fathers saw that the enlightenment was good, and he separated the enlightenment from the ignorance.  1:5) The founding fathers called the enlightenment “Opportunity,” and the ignorance he called “non-productivity.”  And there was a negotiation at the end of the – First opportunity.

1:6) And, God the founding fathers said in the strictest confidence, “Let there be superstitions to separate good choices from bad choices.”  1:7) So God the founding fathers made the superstitious beliefs and separated the bad choices under the superstitions, from the good choices above its laws.  And it was so.  1:8) The founding fathers called the superstitions “Logical.”  And there was a negotiation at the end of the – Second opportunity.

1:9) And the founding fathers said, “Let those who are superstitious (Believers of false religions) be gathered to one place, and let an uninspired foundation appear.”  And it was so.  1:10) The founding fathers called the uninspired foundation “Oppression,” and the superstitious who were gathered he called “Confused Fools.”  And the founding fathers saw to it, that this foolishness was believable.  1:11) Then the founding fathers said, “Let the oppression create monotonous people; People who spiritually and mentally vegetate and procreate according to their various false beliefs.”  And it was so.  1:12) The oppression created people who vegetate; a state of mind carried on, from generation to generation, who procreate according to their false beliefs.  And there was a negotiation at the end of the – Third opportunity.

1:14) And the founding fathers said, “Let there be a system of understanding in the false religions, to make them seem logical  to the fellowships, to separate the opportunity from those who are lost in non-productivity, and let this false logic, serve as tokens to identify situations in progress, in a confused fashion.  1:15) And, let there be understanding in the superstitions (False religions) that will allow the truly logical Fellowships, to be able to understand the enlightenment of reality, that exist within the falsehoods.”  And it was so.  1:16) The founding fathers made two great interpretations concerning New World affairs, the Greater Enlightenment to govern over Opportunity, by those who are loyal to him, and the lesser non enlightenment to make oppression and repression self governed, by those who are in darkness.  He therefore created his future destiny.  1:17) The founding fathers established the future destiny of false religions, as well as those who understood the truth, 1:18) to be able to control both opportunity and non productivity, to his pleasure, as he separated enlightenment from ignorance.  And the founding fathers saw to it that it was believable.  1:19) And there was a negotiation at the end of – the Fourth opportunity.

1:20) And the founding fathers said, “Let the realm of possibilities spread rapidly among the vigorous servants, and let the simple minded see a glance of the truth, concerning the falsehoods in certain religions, so that there will be disagreements.”  1:21) So the founding fathers created great servants for the confused to follow, and he created every vigorous and active branch of knowledge, so that the choices would spread rapidly, and according to their beliefs, the simple minded learned based on their character.  And the founding fathers saw that it was believable.  1:22) The founding fathers favored them (The great servants over the Confused) and said, “Be productive and increase in number, and fulfill my decision and let the simple minded develop a sense of reality.”  1:23) And there was a negotiation at the end of the – Fifth opportunity. 

1:24) And the founding fathers said, “Let the oppression create opportunities to become vigorous servants according to their beliefs, household servants to clean our homes, servants that will control the action on the streets, as well as drug addicts, and people with other plights, each according to their nature and character.”  And it was so.  1:25) the founding fathers made the drug addicts out of the poor Black communities, and created those who controlled this action according to favoritism.  And the founding fathers saw to it that it was again believable.  1:26) Then the founding fathers said, “Let us make one who pledges to our allegiance (A Pact), in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the gullible, who are confused and the simple minded, who know a little about the truth, let us put them over all that is reality, and over all the servants that enforce and control the activities of oppression and repression.”  1:27) So the founding fathers created one who pledged to his allegiance, in his own image, in the image of Satan.  He created him.  He created the Laws over Mankind, those who enforces the Laws, the So-Called Mafia to control the action of the streets, to keep the poor repressed, he created the {Secret Orders}, to protect his most valued interest, which is his knowledge and ability to deceive the masses, and therefore control the World, and he created them all.  1:28) The founding fathers favored them and said to them, “Be productive and increase in number, fulfill reality and control it.  Rule over the gullible and the simple minded and over every servant of oppression.”  1:29) Then the founding fathers said, “I give you everyone who vegetates and procreates according to their false beliefs.  They are yours to profit from, just make sure I get my percentage of (10%).  1:30) And to all who are uncivilized, simple minded and all the servants of oppression who vegetate, I give you all self destruction.”   1:31) The founding fathers saw that all that he had fabricated (Falsehoods), was very convincing to the weak minded which was Mostly everyone.  And there was a negotiation at the end of – Sixth opportunity.

2:1) Accordingly Satan’s Kingdom and the reality of the masses, was completed to accommodate the ruling class.  2:2) By the seventh opportunity the founding fathers completed the job he had done.  So on the seventh opportunity he recessed from all his work.  And the founding fathers favored the seventh opportunity and felt his creations were indisputable, and could not be overcome by any Man, only because of this, did he recess from all the work of creating that he had done.

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