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The Capstone Zulu Facebook Phone

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The Facebook Phone

I have a phone just for Facebook. I was holding it until my secretary shows up to assist on running that phone.  I have almost 5,000 friends and about 4,500 are females and they called me to chat 2 and 3 am in the morning sometimes. So I turned that phone off and got a phone just for Facebook.  I understand people are from different time zones, so 3 am here could be the evening somewhere else.

My goal is to Network Worldwide and share 411 about the state of our location. It was not my intent to be a swinger and pickup huwo over the world wide web.  I need to install apps and get it ready to tun on the FACEBOOK PHONE.

Frank Jones has almost 5K friends or 5,000

Capstone Zulu on FACEBOOK – Has no followers at this time.

More Later.

Capstone Zulu

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