Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Tag: tatyana Ali


    G.O.T.A. AVON PARK, FL. TOUR IF I HVE TO LIE TO LEAVE AM I CONDEMNED? TO ANSWER THE DEVIL AFTER SUCH AN AGREEMENT IS A LIE: Rev:12L9 – for it will never until you stiop answering tom the she man! THE CONDITIONS OF Armageddon 25 As he says in Hosea: “I will call them ‘my… Read more

  • The Term Diking V. Eternal Friend

    When I took this photo of me – he patted me on me on my plate…boom…ok The NEW UNION AGREEMENT AMENDED Beyonce – Ashanti – Tatyana – Janet Jackson Amendment The concern is there is 4 and there is supposed to be an odd number, because I AM never supposed to ever be alone again.… Read more

  • The Capstone Zulu and Janet Jackson & The Union Agreement

    eview After the facts it is clear nobody worth a Damn want to be with me because I bore them and do not want to use cocaine or dope And have sexual relationships with prostitutes, I AM incompatible with sinner prostitutes and drug addicts. The series of head games and I been here since November… Read more