Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Tag: Michael Jackson

  • Janet Jackson Capstone Zulu Gets Answers

    TIDAL | #TIDALforALL ( They all turned Against Jesus Christ for Lucifer in clear view and on YouTube THIS BLOGS WAS POSTED IN 2020 read the dates – It confirmed Chico DeBarge RIP 3 months before and INTEL Suggest they was going to meet in Orlando that evening. They sign a contract with the devil… Read more

  • Daddy P. Zulu Hood Weekend Reviews

    Invincible Full Album – Invincible has my version of Unbreakable Janet Jackson Unbreakable – The Full Album When we made the Invincible album if you remember it came in several colors, I remember red, white and blue and I got a blue album cover album.  I blackballed the Janet Jackson Unbreakable between her and the… Read more

  • Janet Jackson and Paul Friends Divided

    They beat me down like a dog. I was tired and said, “I AM Thirsty” Somebody said, do anybody have a bottle of wine? Then, he says, I do. It was Acid. I just did not die. Now read the death of Jesus. Notice there are two ways it is spelled. 1. Jesus = God… Read more

  • Meet Jay Z BKA Oral Brennan

    i put it on the record I was and against them giving these guys their napkins like kotex because once the get the blood there’s no turning back. the Mack is about the Pimp Game and what happened here in this place called Armageddon is the woes got dudes into eating their cunt and as… Read more

  • Paul In Distress Reaches Out

    On 20 Dec 2020 – This took place and NASA has it on Video from a satellite located to view my home.  DOJ ID # 3704895 – Evidence The Parable of the Tenants Matt:21:33“Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in… Read more

  • Beyonce’ Law “The Ritz Carlton is GAY”

    What is it about. Them Diking? Hell no! It is about the plot to turn Jesus Christ into a homosexual. 12The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” Gen:3:13 Then the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”… Read more

  • Everybody but Paul – Everybody but Jesus Christ?

    Everybody but Paul means you do Everybody but Jesus Christ? I’d write President Clinton about issues and they my ideas were used. The thing is this was in 1996 and my mail went to P.O. Box 2511, which was Egeria P.O. Box and mines and I got mail there. I used to write a few… Read more

  • Michael Jackson Not Dead – The Mafia Wars

    The Artist DBA Michael Jackson is not dead The code to the Dangerous album cover is the eyes, I have brown eyes, with a black ring around them, not at this contrast, but still my eyes are brown with black rings around them. Frank Paul Jones now calling myself Capstone Zulu is also, the Artist… Read more