Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Tag: Frank Paul Jones

  • Janet Jackson and Paul Friends Divided

    They beat me down like a dog. I was tired and said, “I AM Thirsty” Somebody said, do anybody have a bottle of wine? Then, he says, I do. It was Acid. I just did not die. Now read the death of Jesus. Notice there are two ways it is spelled. 1. Jesus = God… Read more

  • The Healing Process of God

    Eph:5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. Daddy P. OK! It is what it is, so they say you be in… Read more

  • Frank Paul Jones is Willie Mays Legacy

    Frank Paul Jones is Willie Mays Legacy The Civil Rights Act is Sex Right Act”  Posted on December 20, 2014 by Jesus Christ Eph:5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them John:15:28, 27 The Work of the Holy Spirit and the Coloration The Book of Acts and Paul’s Journey – brings us… Read more

  • Paul In Distress Reaches Out

    On 20 Dec 2020 – This took place and NASA has it on Video from a satellite located to view my home.  DOJ ID # 3704895 – Evidence The Parable of the Tenants Matt:21:33“Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in… Read more

  • The Beyonce’ Conspiracy Part 2

    Click Link Below to see Beyonce’ and Beyonce’ Knowles Copyrights registered at the U.S. Library of Congress. The Story goes the only person who listened to Prince, was Prince. This photo was taken near Houston Street, I was headed from the LES to Alphabet City and this was about the time we did the Michael… Read more

  • Everybody but Paul – Everybody but Jesus Christ?

    Everybody but Paul means you do Everybody but Jesus Christ? I’d write President Clinton about issues and they my ideas were used. The thing is this was in 1996 and my mail went to P.O. Box 2511, which was Egeria P.O. Box and mines and I got mail there. I used to write a few… Read more

  • The Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Conspiracy

    This Prince song got major radio airplay. I think the song is very today relevant. Capstone Zulu What is this? My combat arms MOS is 13F and This was the mentality they was selling us. FIST is a dangerous job, we all survived Document shows after years of being highly medicated for my relationship with… Read more

  • Maria Jones BKA Asia – Mother of Hebrews

    Maria Jones photo taken in California in the 1920’s – was it 1929? The year the old chapel in West Los Angeles, CA. was fully erected. On YouTube There is a Jackie Robinson Stadium in West L.A. and he wore number 42 and there are no seats there, I said, now if you turn that… Read more

  • The Road to En Vogue

    ELVIS PRESLEY CLICK TO SEE ELVIS PRESLEY TRADEMARKS AND PATENNTS Elvis Presleys Graceland – The home of Elvis Presley – Ultimate VIP Tour ( ELVIS PRESLEY HOME GRACELAND The Carlo Gambino and Elijah Muhammad Connection – Jesus Christ, INC ( WHO IS ELVIS PRESLEY? THE Truth! The Capstone Zulu and Janet Jackson & The Union… Read more