Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Tag: DCF

  • Developing Story – Major Bust At Ritz Carlton Orlando – JAY Z RIP

    The bottom line is you cannot serve two masters, and my children are those who obey me and his obey him nd everybody know this and know I know, so if I say do someting and you do not do it, it is because you are noy my child. You belong to the Devil and… Read more

  • Janet Jackson To Announce Tour Dates Against God

    SATAN WHACKED LUCIFER POINT BLANK IN FRONT OF ANGELS AND SERPENTS AND THEY SAY LUCIFER DIED LIKE A BITCH AND CALLED OUT SATAN. Janet Jackson – Together Again Tour DVD Daddy P. The Billie Dike Holiday Culture – Jesus Christ, INC ( The Billie “Dike” Holiday Culture is to do something like smoke base to… Read more