Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

State of Florida v. Frank Paul Jones

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Mind Control – A profound topic

Mind Control is real and is used by people in everyday life. Often called trying to get what you want.

The Holy Bible talks about the Lord providing for his children where there are many rooms.  The story about the Michael Jackson estate is this billionaire bought it cheaper than the land cost to begin development.  The code is this property has a code Private.  Wherefore, all that traffic they claimed happened there, could not happen.  The property is private.  And all it will take is a power generator for electricity and development of housing for those who live there.

Jones County senior living village residents tired of poor upkeep and management (

Jones County Residents Complains

I AM supposed to go back to Sandersville, GA. The nearest city is Jones County about 30 miles away and they say the person who owns Jones County owns Sandersville, GA.  This is a major development, but Jones County is really nice.

The Beyonce’ Story and Homeland Security

What they did with Janet Damita Jones DNA Beyonce’ was different from what they did with LaTonya Jones DBA Janet Jackson, however, we found the link and we know their MO.

Janet Damita uploads a home sex video that was doctored to not show who her partner was in the video.  This was done on YouTube and was noncommercial and her email address proved it was her.

It goes pick up on Sex Porn sites and her 2 videos became over 300 videos, using Video FX as we demonstrated is not all that hard to do these days.

Then Judge Anthony J. Ritenour, found her to be an unfit parent and custody issues came up.  I heard I got custody but never saw the paperwork.  How did they decide to give me custody?

I can’t cheat you on this one. Everybody went to judging Beyonce’, she a this and that. This technology of person conversion was in effect when she released on YouTube. But there is a story in the Holy Bible, I want to share.  A powerful message because as they accused her, it was they who committed adultery out of their eyes. Her wrong was she got caught up into dumb stuff.  How can you place anyone before God?

John:753 thru John: 8:11


53 Then they all went home,

 John 8

1but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?”

6They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there.

10Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

11“No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

Adultery27“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ [e] 28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

30And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

Adultery – what is adultery? How can you watch Hollywood FX and then judge someone, but you watched?

27“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ [e] 28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

30And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

 Capstone Zulu

The Tuskegee Experiment

Joyce Jones is second from the left on the bottom.

They tried all types of ways to kill us and sterilize us. As a child then came all these vaccinations, all types of killers by diseases were stopped and they knew we were smart.

I was in Sebring Detention and a young man came to me and I saw his case and he had the same driver license number as me except the 59 was 69, meaning he is 10 years younger than I. He was busted for rape.  I took an interest. I got him by over 20 years, he was conceived in the 1980’s Joyce Ann and Angela Ann, BKA Joyce Crespo was my classmate in the 6th grade photo.

In the case of State of Florida v. Ezzy Jones Rodriguez, it said, they found his semen in her garbage can.  I told him, I will write your lawyer as a Reverend and not a parent.  He says fine, not understanding that he is my Son and is an angel.  Wherefore this case proves there are angels here on earth.

They determined the Surrogate is not the mother but that semen identified the Father or paternal parent, who is me.  Angels cannot procreate, but they eat beef and have human protein in their blood.

And then Me and the Director Homeland Security, went on a rescue mission, they tried to kidnap one of each a boy and a girl.  That became a major concern for their security.  Now they planned to RIP Beyonce’ claiming Janet Damita Jones is not Beyonce’ and LaTonya Jones is not Janet Jackson. But before I was the nutcase and now, they are.

This is a website used by students and faculty.  This how to setup studios in colleges and a great way for students to get discount prices. Most of this stuff is professional hardware and software and the goal of the industry is to help get you started and as you grew and develop in the technologies as pros you will continue to invest in your craft.

I Listen to 101.5 FM out of Tampa Florida and suggest a retransmission out of Avon Park, FL. and support the Tavis Smiley Morning Show.

All my artist will get a WordPress Reader account. Wait until you see WordPress reader presentations, they are really nice.

ReverbNation Account – A artist or producer’s direct contact with their followers and fan base.  It has video upload via YouTube and once Google gets YouTube back in order, it will pay royalties.  The commercial system is under R&D. Skip options and sponsors are lining up. And you can upload on there like Myspace which is a cool option, except on ReverbNation it is open to non-ReverbNation consumers.

A I-Heart Radio Station slot that connects you to artist presentations, music videos, music, I like to use stuff like this to share something I did last night.  Test it, they dug Hello by Capstone Zulu.

There is an issue with-Tunes and other music download sites and IBM and Microsoft Sansa line may be the option to copyrights protection and that is to gate the hard drive in the multi Digital Devices and brand it ASCAP Compatible.

 The Thing I AM trying to do at my end, is get my artist pages uploaded on I-Heart Radio, which means Heartland and Avon Park, FL., is a part of the heartland, a Florida Corporation.

Again, there are certain people fronting on my radio stations which can be retransmitted through local stations. Keep a watch for new developments on I-Heart Radio.  The future is now.

Type in Preface WWW. then type in -it will not post – it is a website store. check it out. A great way to get started in technologies.

Photo Taken in Brooklyn, New York at Marcy Ave and Hart Street. It was SUS Property and things happened there. I stayed there from 2001 to 2009, when I moved to Florida, after they said Michael Jackson is RIP and continued R&D in DAW Technologies.

This is South Florida State College. (

  1. South Florida State College – College of Management and Media and would like to bring in IBM, Microsoft and some of my third-party developers. In Avon Park, FL.

The Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University (

  • Augusta University of Medicine – Is one of the most advance facilities around, but needs facility and I need my children in some of these positions to teach them to teach you all.  They will learn really fast. In Augusta, GA.

Visit Mercer Law: Campus Tour 2021 (

  • Mercer College of Law – In Macon, GA.

There are things going on at South Florida State College and I know my artist could fill this arena without a problem and the infrastructure is here already.

Hello South Florida State College – From Broadway’s Next Hit Musical (

Hello South Florida State College – From Broadway’s Next Hit Musical

The Performing Arts Center at SFSC holds a capacity of 3,000 persons and my artist can fill those seats without a problem, which would be funds raised in this area. 

Thrill The World Vancouver 2016 (

South Florida State College Thrill the world 2015

Of course, I would video the event and might re-transmit it to Movie Theaters nationwide.  Who knows, but it would be used to the advantage of this location.

The Question of Law?  Treason.

If you follow the Fact Pattern you will notice a time line. In November 2016, this Union went into Martial law and War Powers – Executive Authority G.O.T.A.

The Patriot Act was signed and executed in Full Effect, without Return.  The Constitutional War is the U.S. Constitution, placing the Constitution under God and the Word of God is Jesus Christ – The Law.

All the things that happened about this time and after, may be considered acts of treason, if you had knowledge of a crime committed against Frank Paul Jones…ever…

I Believe I started my claim about 1993 or it started in 1995 with the Veterans Administration. What I did was every time they made a final decision, I would appeal by sending them basically everything I wrote and printed. Wherefore, my medical records, I have…my 201 files, FBI Files, everything that was going on with me in 3 to 5 year increments, was placed on record by me at the Veterans Administration, to my lawyer and then to me.

My VA Claim for service connected I never got and never will get…clearly demonstrates attempts of Mind Control scams against me.  My doctor who tells me, I am delusional and do not know Janet Jackson, she is married to Rene Elizondo and not you.  This crazy stuff is documented at my lawyer’s office.

It was a Head Game played before the world now being revealed and the fact that LaTonya Jones who is DBA Janet Jackson has 6 children from me is proof of a conspiracy and attempts to mind control.  The CIA has a known history of doing stuff like this?

Understanding all that happened and was said on record by alleged doctors with responsibilities to the client, making these statements to me on record over and again and I knew they was off the hook and not me.  They cannot deny this, it is on record and was directly relative as to how I was treated in society, leading to over 40 Baker Acts against me and discrimination practices took place, I could not go to city hall to pay my water bill, I could not go to the Post Office, which is privately owned, I could not get mail, all while they felt they had a license to involuntarily commit me at any given time without warning and they did.  And then they forced me to take medications against my will.  This too is unconstitutional and all based on my being delusional and did not know Janet Jackson.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones

Jesus Christ, INC.

Treason on Wikipedia explanation:

Treason is the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance.[1] This typically includes acts such as participating in a war against one’s native country, attempting to overthrow its governmentspying on its military, its diplomats, or its secret services for a hostile and foreign power, or attempting to kill its head of state. A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitor.[2]

Rev. Frank Paul Jones

Click to View back then in L.A. I was known as Too Short.

I was in Los Angelas, CA and LaTonya was pregnant when the campaign code wacko Jackco? Oh, boy! They came at me hard and place this into my VAMC medical records and it is based on I being delusional because I said, I know Janet Jackson and…

This case goes back at 30+ years. They played their hand and mines were tied.  Now they are trying the same game. They said I AM crazy Janet Jackson loves Rene Elizondo in my medical records. The VAMC and the local law enforcement Baker Act me based on me being delusional due to my interest in Janet Jackson.  This is on record. Now that it’s out there she had six daughters from me, this scam is done.

Rene Elizondo, Janet Jackson’s 2nd husband. This is what he looks like today (

Rene Elizondo was a publicist FX and if you understand how things was being done, while they insisted, I was a nutcase, they controlled Janet Jackson mail, wherefore, her fan club and PR. And that is the move in Hollywood, take control of their, house, mail and public relations and you control them.

My Case in Avon Park

Avon Park Fire Chief Resigns – Mental Issues Mentioned.

He was responsible for me getting Baker Act about 40 times while here since 2009.

COVID IN 2020 the outbreak

Due to COVID many people got continued after continued until a plea bargain.

I got arrested on 20 Dec. 2020 and was held until released from prison. What happened that year with COVID may have paid a major part on how they held 1,000’s people statewide on continued after continued.  If you are not equipped you must acquit.  

At my arraignment there was no legal advice or public defender, it was done on TV.  Wherefore, the option to waive our speedy trial was not on the table.

The State of the Florida Prison System

The COVID Situation caused a lot of people to be held beyond due process and this must be addressed.

THC was legalized years ago and the prohibition of marijuana is unconstitutional and millions of lives was destroyed because of this and this must be addressed.

Florida inmates organize ‘sit-down’ protest against prison conditions

The Conditions in prison are not good at all, they are really bad.

Vietnam and War Propaganda

The biggest insurance fraud was all these guys who got insurance policies for dying in combat in Vietnam and then came the Service Connect Disability claims for PDTS code for Shell Shocked or could not handle a war they never went to.

The Story the nation was told on television to believe this was going on.

This is what we saw on Major News Broadcast – We all believed this was true, Vietnam is known as the first war on television.

Then came the fire in St. Louis, MO and many military records were destroyed and then came the Vietnam veterans’ compensations based on Rambo Movies.  Now everybody has a war story.

In RE: State of Florida v Frank Paul Jones (2016)

Payment overdue statement

Dated: 20 Dec. 2023

Case #: 20001443CFAXMX

  1. My fine and court cost is $339.00 and the agreement was I could pay it at $25 per month, but I plan to pay it all at one time.
  2. I was held in custody by the Highlands County Sherriff department for 902 before I was convicted.
  3. I never waived my rights to a speedy trial.  Under due process, they had 90 days to hear my case in court.
  4. Of the 2 and ½ years under County Jurisdiction, I spent about almost 2 years straight in maximum security as a violent offender.  I never got one disciplinary report the whole time I was in custody from beginning to the end.
  5. I never had legal representation until I returned from a DFC Mental Evaluation Center. I never said, I wanted my mental state to be a part of my defense.  The fact is I was involuntarily for 6 months after being held without legal counsel for about 2 years.
  6. They found me to be in sound mind and memory and competent to stand trial.
  7. Then in June I met Mr. Bruce Carter Public Defender – He said, he could get me a deal for 3 years and I was already in about 2 and ½ years. I said OK.
  8. I pleaded no contest and was found guilty. The problem with this court decision was because of due process they could not hear this case in that court. But I knew if I argued this point with the time I have to serve, could be more problems than help.
  9. Now I AM addressing all of this.  Like how do a person get Baker Act 40 times?

Supporting Documents to Fact Pattern

Letter from Clerk of Courts claimed owed and an urgent matter.

I was in custody 902 days under county jurusdictionin maximum security as a violent offendeer.

There is an ongoing DOJ Hates crimes, RICO and WACO Investigations and if you have some 411 call the number and tell the DOJ ID # so are calling about.

The bill I got is the Monetary obligation is $2067.77

I was not legally advised on that.  It is this is what it cost the system at a minimum to prosecute the case. That is not my responsibility, but goes with the costs of the Prison and Court system.  The costs are too high, the costs of prisons, the criminal court system, Medical costs and insurance fraud almost stopped this Union and that is why the Real ID Act of 2005, which went into full effect in 2018 is so important to the security of this Union.  No State Rights, but now you have Union Rights.

If a city goes broke, it becomes the county responsibility and it the county goes broke, it becomes the State Responsibility.  No State Rights means that the Federal Government does not take on this responsibility, the buck stops at the state and the territory of agency goes under Federal Jurisdiction, which is now under martial law and executive authority, War Powers -G.O.T.A.

This was an anti-terror law to prevent what you see happening.  Without The Real ID Act of 2005, it would have taken a boomerang effect and as state after state went broke, the Federal Government would have been picking up the tabs and boom, that would have been the Fall of this Union.

The Court Cost and fees was set at $339.77 a) Prosecution cost b) The Investigation cost, which was a police report that took Cruz about 2 hours to write and then he refused to sign it.  Instead of releasing me, the Sergeant on duty signed it.

We cannot continue to lock up our own children and just threw away the keys on them. Because then you get a product you just might not like.

Capstone Zulu

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