Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Paul In Distress Reaches Out

On 20 Dec 2020 – This took place and NASA has it on Video from a satellite located to view my home. 

DOJ ID # 3704895 – Evidence

The Parable of the Tenants

Matt:21:33“Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place.

34When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit. 35“The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. 36Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way.

37Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said. 38“But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’

39So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

40“Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”

41“He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.”

42Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “ ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’ [h] ? 43“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.

44Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.” [i] 45When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them. 46They looked for a way to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet.

Palsm:118:22 The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone;

Reggie Jackson or Reginald Jackson is of Chaka Zulu and Bertha Maybly and Samuel Lawhorn is of Chaka Zulu and Lena Horn, BKA Mrs. Dorsey. Reggie Jackson played in California during real baseball and then retired as a New York Yankee but as Mr. October, he got the pitches to knock the ball out of the park, but as Reggie Jackson during real sports, he had to earn those homeruns. Now they say he dead and he got my Daddy P Beaver fur hat and I want it back. Damn it! Those who know, know who I AM talking about. They say Bill Cosby is dead too. Bill Cosby ; Born. William Henry Cosby Jr. (1937-07-12) July 12, 1937 (age 86) but how he dead and not dead?

The Photo Sam Lawhorn at IBM, Lujuana, Ella and Egeria, the Hu-Wo’s was raised as my sisters and Sam Lawhorn was always the Guy we had at IBM.

IBM – 10,000 copyrights registered at the Library of Congress – Note – IBM owns the Computer software. This are sponsors.

Microsoft – 10,000 copyrights registered at the Library of Congress.

Everybody has Demons

click above to view



Filing Information Document Number 914009

Date Filed 10/03/1973

Expiration Date 10/03/2023Last Event

RENEWAL Event Date Filed 09/30/2013

Event Effective Date NONE

First Used in Florida 12/31/1949

First Used Anywhere 12/31/1949

Mark Used In Connection With


ARMONK, NY 10504

It was written to be filmed in Avon Park, FL.

Everybody has Demons has several characters and two leading roles that was written for Beyonce’ and Alicia Keys are Patricia as Red or Aisha and Ella by Alicia Keys who is Sharon.

The Casting – This was the original Casting – Subjected to changes, the say Rayvon should not be me? He was born almost the same day as me.

Janet – Sister Peace – Janet would be Egeria – Notice the ages differences.  50 years old today.

Beyoncé – Sharon – Sharon is Pat Hilton – 51 years old today – But Beyoncé is 35 years old or like Pat who is 12 years older than Pat Hilton and Ella Jones

Alicia Keys – Aisha – is Ella and Ella and Pat is one day apart in age. Read above to recall.  Alicia and Beyoncé is same seed 8 months apart.

Mariah – Maria – Maria is Maria who is always to me my Natalee.  She is exactly 8 months younger than me and I AM about 6 years younger than Egeria and 6 years older than Ella and Pat.  Mariah is Mariah and Maria is Mariah mother in reality.  They are both, all of them are my seeds under Egeria who loved me and that will get you eternal life. Janet is about 6 years older than Mariah as is Egeria is about 6 years older than Maria (Natalee).

Rayvon – This is me, Apostle Paul Castellano.  The key is when guys get married in the Army, it is usually to a woman close in age. He joins and makes Spec. 4 and new woman joins and is a Private, they meet in the EM club and become friends and grow their military careers together. I and Maria is exactly 8 months apart.  I joined at age 17.  I was emancipated, so my military careers wife, would have been maybe 1 year younger than Maria, who would have joined after High School graduation at age 18.

Tyra – The First Lady – The rational here is she and Michelle are both about the same complexion and age. 

This is a picture of me Paul – DBA Michael Jackson – I never looked like that scarecrow and was known back then for not messing with white girls. And everybody can see my taste and this is bullshit. But this is what the World was told by them. And now what?

The Michael Jackson Catalog

Janet Jackson Tour Dates – Just in – Unconfirmed. – Click Link to Billboard above for full view – Again this is unconfirmed

Janet Jackson News Release

Janet Jackson said, her mother sold her to the devil and she is a slave and must do what he say.  And this has been all of her life. 

The Truth: Blond Eva Jones said, no, I gave you to the devil.  Wondering, Janet Jackson asked why?  She answered, they was going to get me for child molestation.  We knew someday, Paul would figure it out.

Question: Did she give her to the devil or did the devil take you and her?

DOJ ID #3704895 – RICO/WACO and Hate Crimes Investigation ongoing

This is a Marly Marl Production and they used it for their agenda to disarm the black community – Who is really leading to Self Destruction? And why?

Understanding the Last Days

You may be wondering, what is this all about, from Beyonce’ Bogus World Tour to now Janet Jackson Bogus World Tour, I mean what is this really about, presales and fraud or is there more to this?

Remember what the keynote to these teachings are, you have a bunch of people among mankind who were made to do wrong and are no longer being coordinated at the same level of intensity. So, what you are seeing was either already planned to take place under the conditions that was supposed to be or IA – and her response to the fact that it will be well known Beyonce’ is Janet Jackson daughter and both have the same dad.  This is a GAY Culture Platform. This will be there way to create dialog concerning GAY culture. 

Matthew 7

Judging Others1“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

6“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Where we are now on the subject of Zulu Tradition, the right to life  and the U.S. Constitution verse GAY Culture and where we were on the subject is not the same.  However, when they planned this move, what was supposed to be our understanding concerning what is going on in this world and the condition of the Union, Jesus Christ, INC.? 

Either or – it is a pre-ordained action based on the Code or an artificial Intelligence response to the current state of awareness.  Regardless, at some point we too must become proactive, what they do, they are going to do until the end, but when do you get off this sinking ship

Capstone Zulu

A rare Family photo on the right side is Elizabeth Alicia who is Ciara, she of Janet Jackson and I see Johnathon who is the Son of Pricilla, he is in the left side of the screen in the blue and white shirt, then next to him is Ty who is said to be Charles son from Patricia – doubt it and up front is the one I called my double cousin. These 4 was with me in Corona, Queens. This photo was taken in Avon Park, FL.

Claudia Jones who is BKA Clare Jones raised him and she took him to my last show in Germany and that was when he learned who I was to him. He has done the one and twos for me. What for L L Cool J and Aaron Hall?

Johnathon and Marlon are twins. Marlon is Marly Marl the D.J. and I AM Marly Marl the Producer. They are BKA Joanne Fleming sons, who is Maria Theresa BKA Tracy Cooper Twin sister of Chaka Zulu and Blond Eva. Marlon was this amazing kid who had to stand or carts to reach the turntables and he was the Wiz Kid of Hi Fidelity, who was Jap and George.

Hallie Berry Movie List

How they screwed her up was with a virtual actor in a hot love scene, because he was white and boned Hallie Berry, it was the beginning of her downturn. This is a story to be told because on that day, they tried to kill me. And, then my window on my green car got busted, to prove the car was not bullet proof, I was.

Sightings since being here, I saw Mary J. Blige two or three times, I saw Stackz Gotti about 4 times and I saw Hallie Berry of BKA Tracy Cooper a few days ago and her twin sister is Mariah Carry. I know where she used to live, She is the one who opened my eyes to the terms Manager and Inspector. I dude moved up on her and se got him off of her. I respect that she opened my eyes to how they were being handled here.

The way I see it, I will at least have my copyrights wherever I may end up and wherever I go, I take Jesus Christ, INC., with me.  But what is going on here just is not right.  It is not about running away or anything like that.   It is about avoiding a trap.  A brother knows where he is not wanted.  But I AM not craxy, ugly, fake or any of the things the world was led to believe and those who can help correct this misconception has other priorities. I just do not think this is my home.  I AM not and will never be wanted here.  I really believe this.  And I really see signs of danger here and I really do not feel safe here.  I don’t.

Michael Jackson Gets Debbie Rowe

I have been home since 8 Nov. 2023.  I was in distress the whole time.  I had to stay in a hotel 6 straight weeks at weekly rates and spent over $12,000 since getting home on this and that, because everything I had was gone and I had business and personal costs.  And, I AM aware of the community protocol, which is everybody has or knows everybody phone number.

This is Mike Tyson and Oprah Winfrey – But I did not know she was Oprah Winfrey, I knew her as a little boy as Egeria Francine Jones my big sister. Then when I had nowhere to go era hit, she opened her doors to me. She was mean and did bad things to me and I felt it was because she was on dope. They say she dead.

Then she took this picture when I arrived to Avon Park, Florida and on the other end is Rene Elizondo the person behind a lot of bad stuff in my life. Circumstantial? Hell No!

LORD God – Oprah Winfrey – serpent = Oral Brennan or Rene Elizondo – then say Beyonce’ or Janet Jackson and then bitch ass Paul Mr. No Love ever!

It’s possible is she a Spirit Hu-Wo? She is the one who I took to California in 1997 to resolve these Janet Jackson issues, she went to visit and went back to NYC and about 2 or 3 weeks later, I went on the History World Tour. She could not have known I was travelling the world after she left. Oprah is Chicago and they hate my ass there. Had my name came up on a roadside check, I would have disappeared. They did not want Robert Jones, they wanted Frank Paul Jones.

And that is the R. Kelly Story. They hate Frank Paul Jones in Chicago, ILL There is one more piece to this puzzle.

Robert Jones who plays the role R. Kelly, would stage R. Kelly in small GAY bars. All jokes! But things would happen, he had a game and was probably into drugs, because I remember, I had to make him give back Douglas Jones apartment behind drugs. I and Egeria had an argument and I broke the Boss 501 a Prince moment and then Robert Jones told her to threw my bass guitar out the window, I noticed her eyes were weird and she threw my bass guitar 11 floors to the streets. That broke my heart real bad.

The story goes, I sung this song and Raymond Hood liked it and I almost cried, because I knew I was going to finish last


This was my decision coming home from Germany. I chose Destiny and not the rich life. I knew if I went after the money, I would and up with nothing, but if I did not, I would be alright. On this Album, Paul Jackson played the bass guitar and not Jermaine Jackson. I choose to not do the Destiny Tour, because at the time, I had no bass player to do some of these songs, I pulled those strings as fast as a person could thump and it could not be duplicated using synthesis technology a the time.

They torched me because I did not want to do this tour and have the bass player stage the performance.

Concern: Robert Jones did things for me, like he filmed my video with LaToya on New Years Day at the Studio 54, after I did the Destiny Album on New Years Eve 1977.

I did not go to this place here or know what this is? Now they are going to say I consummated Princess Aaliyah in an insane asylum? With them It never stops.

The Consummation of the White House

In May of 1991, I was at the Saint Elizabeth Hospital in the White House. What took place that must be revealed is I Consummated Princess Aalyiah in the White House based on Zulu Traditions. This means that President George H. W. Bush consummated the White House in 1991.  Born was Darian and Marion.  And everything that took place under the U.S. Constitution was documented. They knew she was not pregnant when she came but was pregnant when she left.



Here is the report you requested
from the Secret Service. They said,
you will have to stay here for at
least 2 weeks, but no Judge will
order you to stay pass the 2 week


Thank you!
I got a full report on the Crips and Bloods and their
operations. I knew once I got out of the hospital, I would
have to go to Prison to meet with the Crips.


We are going to diagnose you as
Bipolar Disorder. If you stay until
we release you, we can get you your
job back.
No! I have some important business
in California.


Oh, by the way I was told to tell
you that Janet Jackson is in town,
and she visited the President.

Then I knew everything was set into motion, and she knew I
was coming to California.
I studied the report, and knew who I was going to be dealing
with even in the mind set of Frank Paul Jones, which was who
was going to introduce himself in California.

I do not want to live in the past – but for me to move on – I have to know – even if I never know why.

Judge Anthony L. Ritenour – The Privacy Code cannot exist.

I AM In Avon Park, FL. Beyonce; loses children in child custody case, for being a porn star. She argued how can they give me custody, so they placed her on my property and tell her she is in protected custody and should not talk to Paul. Then Oral Brennan – Jay Z contact her on everybody phone line but Paul and tells her, whatever you do, do not talk to Paul. Once again the same game. Meanwhile Rene Elizondo had access to Paul’s daughters and he did not?

This is supposed to be Uncle Brother or Short Time, he was the one who managed Etta James in Corona, Queens, New York City and is called shotgun in Everybody has Demons. He is the one who shot Etta James in the toe.

The Cotton Club?

Etta James get shot in the toe, it is a funny scene, but it really happened and it was not Sugar Ray Robinson and was Short Time who shot her, because he could not beat her?

He was the one who made sure Etta James always took her medicine which was good dope. She could not get off if she wanted to. Beyonce’ did things that goes into her portfolio that at the time seemed not as big as it is now. Cadillac Record is the Muddy Waters Story and the keynote is he took the blame for something he did not do. In the scene with a little baby and they say, is that him? I was fertile and the Lucy and Lucile is save by my seed and raised into eternal life. In Queensbridge Muddy Waters was known as Chuck Harrison and then became BB King.

Beyonce’ did not know Etta James was on dope but had to learn about her to play the role Etta James in Cadillac Records. She lived in the house with her as a little girl in Corona, Queens, New York City. But never knew she was on dope. All she knew was that man did not want me around Paul, they called Uncle Brother. Ella and Patricia is of Viola who is DBA Etta James? Everyone knows Rene Elizondo MO and line of business, but what about Ella? Did Rene Elizondo do something to her?

This Prince Mythology is the closest thing to the truth about me, but, I was never, no, Prince. Listen to the documentary, for example Prince moves to New York City to leave with his aunt. I called Etta James Aunt Vera. Beyonce’ was Keba, See? Morris Day the drummer, but everybody knows Morris Day is too cool to be sweating. The one man band. Who come out in the late 1970’s.

VHS to Digital using VCR – Video Cassette Recorders

Ti-Vo – DVR

Using video editing software we can VHS to Digital and export upload to world wide web.  Using your material you can cut, copy and paste videos and use them for whatever reason, from promo of causes to advertisement and you fix YouTube.

This is his mother – Maria Jones of Chaka Zulu and Cora Jones – She was known as Asia and her children are the Hebrews of the Jones Family and what Chuck did was unpregnant a Creole and ended the curse of rape and all of Lucy and Lucile children are Spirit Born full blood Zulu. Chuck came to me in Germany in 1977 and that was the Masonic Bible, The NIV Holy Bible and the Living Bible projects. The children from her then was, Robert Elijah, James Earl, Chuck and Charles, Ella Fitzgerald, who is Etta James Momma, she is a Hebrew, Billie Holiday, Lena Horn and Divas. And she had more children all the way until I came to California, she was my lead Attorney, by the name of Myra Sun. Her last two was Zendaya and Alana it happened in Los Angeles in he Court in the restroom, that was our only option. Now everybody needs silk sheets? Oh, no mention of Boykin “Short Time” Hilton on her list.

Question: Why has not one person, 1. Gave my phone number to them?  Which they probably already have. 2. Give me their phone number?  3. Show my where they live?

The Privacy Code?  OK!  Are there his children involved?

That is the way it is for me right now until this moment.  Why? Do you understand the question?

The Protocol that allowed this to happen was everybody but Paul.

Tidal was a move and still is a move to use my artist and my copyrights on his streaming system – where you have to pay him to hear my stuff and I was not even invited to the meeting at the Ritz Carlton, Downtown, New York City. INTEL Suggest Nicki Minaj came very close to becoming a real life porn star and the same applied to them, rather they knew it or not. And that is what Oral Brennan did to me and now I understand many of us was at that point.

Oral Did not want us sexually and that is a good thing that Chasity was protected? What he do to you is even worst, he makes you feel like you are nothing to give him and his boys a good laugh. Meanwhile, he give you some crack and back to doing grimy shit on video. So at some point what is next?

My Near Miss at the Ritz Carlton – Water Street – Downtown – New York City

I go to NYC I drove there.  It was about August 2014?  I go to Egeria apartment and stayed there about two months and over stayed my welcome. It started getting cold and people changes on me in New York City when it gets old.  I go and stay at the VAMC in the front.  When it gets too cold in NYC, the VAMC will allow veterans to stay in the front at night until they open about 8 or 9 am. I did my research and I had gotten arrested at the Ritz Carlton about October or early November.  When they arrested me, I said, how can you arrest me for trespassing on my own property?  Officer place that in your report, I said, how can you arrest me for trespassing on my own property?  He said, OK, I will place in the report, you claim you own the Ritz Carlton fine!

So, I go to court to plea my case, not guilty.  Then they said,, no, you came back about 30 Nov 2014?  OK!  I come back and they gave me a paper, case dismissed and a document with my address on it, 917 S. A. Ave, Avon Park, FL. 33825 – The Pride of Avon Lodge 462 address was on it.  He says, this address cannot change.  Fine. 

If you understand, they admitted I owned the Ritz Carlton.  So I go there one day to go and see the Ritz.  I say Kenny Smith outside the Hotel side and they guy says to me, if you have one person identify you and say they know you, you can go it.  I looked and saw Kenny and said to myself, if he ID me, they will hate him, so I walked away.

But in hindsight, I was setup.  Had he said he knew me, I would have gotten in, but not knew the Riz Carlton was GAY.  It was at the time they were out to whack me and had I went in, they would have to the world I was GAY and I would not even knew why.  I probably would have never saw any of my Hu-Wo, but people like Oral would have friended me to make an ass out of me.

So I got rejected and in February I headed to California.  At the Ritz Carlton, Los Angeles, I saw several Hu-Wo in Cali, wherefore, they was never going to let me in there.

Capstone Zulu  

I remember on the 41st side of 10th Street, Gayle laughs and says Little Paul, get real, just say no? Now the Word was it was Paul’s drugs, see? But, I had it hard, often without my own bedroom to just watch television. So I did not understand the joke until now. But, when did any of you ever say no? When I did, they crucified me.

He can have all of Cash Money but, Nicki Minaj, Drake and Lil Wayne.

Why? Because we were young and supposedly stars, who wanted to hang out in Luxury. And Blond Eva knew, she did not allow Paul in the Ritz Carlton. But Oral as Jay Z, it was his shit and we knew Paul owned it, but Blond placed us in Jay Z hands and his plan was to make us all real life porn stars, kill or destroy me and become me.

This is what they planned for you to have as you inheritance – Desecration for choosing dope over God

The New Jerusalem, the Bride of the Lamb

 Rev:22: 8I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me.

Rev:21: 9One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” 10And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.

ZECH:3: 2The LORD said to Satan, “The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”

ACTS:1:20 “For,” said Peter, “it is written in the Book of Psalms: “ ‘May his place be deserted; let there be no one to dwell in it,’ [e] and, “ ‘May another take his place of leadership.’ [f]

ACTS:23: 12The next morning some Jews formed a conspiracy and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul. 13More than forty men were involved in this plot. 14They went to the chief priests and the elders and said, “We have taken a solemn oath not to eat anything until we have killed Paul.

ACTS:28: 25They disagreed among themselves and began to leave after Paul had made this final statement: “The Holy Spirit spoke the truth to your ancestors when he said through Isaiah the prophet:

26“ ‘Go to this people and say, “You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.”

27For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’ [a] 28“Therefore I want you to know that God’s salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!”

Various Laws

Deut:21:22If someone guilty of a capital offense is put to death and their body is exposed on a pole, 23you must not leave the body hanging on the pole overnight. Be sure to bury it that same day, because anyone who is hung on a pole is under God’s curse. You must not desecrate the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.

Verse 29: Some manuscripts include here After he said this, the Jews left, arguing vigorously among themselves.  – This is the keynote:

29[b] 30For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. 31He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!


a.Verse 27: Isaiah 6:9,10 (see Septuagint)

b.Verse 29: Some manuscripts include here After he said this, the Jews left, arguing vigorously among themselves.

I-Heart Radio

ReverbNation – Artist actors, producers websites

Live Nation – Ticketing and promo –

BLOGS and Websites by WordPress


From the Screenplay the Apostle – The Days of Daddy P. The PIMP with no woes and then cocaine became the PIMP.

This was the routine about 1977

After gambling for about 4 hours.
C-Low my bank.
You have to put $500 or better in
the bank or give it up. I will give
you $100 for the bank.
I got the bank $700 is in it.
They rolled dice for a while and Frank was rolling winning
numbers, the bank got up to $10,000. But these guys were
big time hustlers and even a couple of professional Boxers
were there.
Paul played $100 worth of number gave his friend Askia some
money to hold, bought Cocaine from Mouse to sniff, bought
girls drinks. He go a lot of money out of the game, because
this game goes on for broke.
Everybody laid down big bets and Frank Ace out. After
everyone was paid, Mouse was the last person on the payment
line, and Frank paid out about $3000. But Mouse had a $20,000
bet, and won the rest of the money in the bank which was
about $7000.
Damn! Fuck!(MORE)

Why Famine And Starvation Is Bound To Happen – Peter Zeihan

In the Holy Bible Famine is when there is not enough food to feed the population leading to mass starvation. The key is food would be humans to feed the serpent population, leading to he need to reduce the demand which means a Mafias War.

What you got is a turf war, you got John Gotti claiming he took over Gambino, he is Judia – Manhattan, the Garment District, the Diamonds the Jews, the Chain stores and supermarkets, The arenas and theaters, the multi-media and syndication, the technologies and you Mr. Columbo is out of business, because I AM Jerusalem too.

But Columbo is the devil or Satan or the Boss of Bosses among the Mafia and Don Carlo Gambino was never a Mafia Family.

The Myth: – They are saying the Gambino Crime Family is really the Anastasia Crime Family BKA The Gotti Crime Family – Justifies what they are doing to me. Mob boss Albert Anastasia is killed in a New York City barber shop in a murder planned by rival mobster Vito Genovese and Anastasia’s underboss, Carlo Gambino.

Capstone Zulu

Avon Park Florida – Driving Through Avon Park 4k UHD

Avon Park Florida – The City of Charm.


The Avon Park, Florida Tour on YouTube.  This whole town has been cased.  However, they always make a turn when they come near where I AM, in the Southside Redevelopment Area of Avon Park.

Now I AM going to put this on record, I AM not going to accept these evil conditions. I have enough money to go anywhere I want to go and eat. And if I leave and something like this happens, It was not me. I just felt unloved there and moved on.

When he asked: Is the one person in this whole town that is honest? You cannot serve God and b a liar!

Understanding the Last Days

You may be wondering, what is this all about, from Beyonce’ Bogus World Tour to now Janet Jackson Bogus World Tour, I mean what is this really about, presales and fraud or is there more to this?

Remember what the keynote to these teachings are, you have a bunch of people among mankind who were made to do wrong and are no longer being coordinated at the same level of intensity. So, what you are seeing was either already planned to take place under the conditions that was supposed to be or IA – and her response to the fact that it will be well known Beyonce’ is Janet Jackson daughter and both have the same dad.  This is a GAY Culture Platform. This will be there way to create dialog concerning GAY culture. 

Where we are now on the subject aof Zulu Tradition, the right to life  and the U.S. Constitution verse GAY Culture and where we were on the subject is not the same.  However, when they planned this move, what was supposed to be our understanding concerning what is going on in this world and the condition of the Union, Jesus Christ, INC.? 

Either or – it is a pre-ordained action based on the Code or an artificial Intelligence response to the current state of awareness.  Regardless, at some point we too must become proactive, what they do, they are going to do until the end, but when do you get off this sinking ship

Capstone Zulu

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