Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Operation Community Network – AN IDEA

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Should we go with the name Beyonce’ meaning creole or half and half, or place her face on “Faith?” This is the missing one off Bad Boy.

Operation Community Network AN IDEA

Gaining accountability by use of community activity

  1. Using Audio/Video Software Technologies to edit and update internet media of members of ASCAP to be inline with the current direction and agenda.
  2. Use updated media to promote ongoing agendas and activities by location and unionwide linking.
  3. Update the Volunteers agreements and contact information.
  4. Match our sponsors to organized community activities,

Mentor Programs like we have some of the best singers and dancers in the world that could teach kids how to dance at a local dance school location.

Athletic Tournaments and local gymnasiums and fields.

The Filming of Everybody has Demons could be a major event – plus would be inclusive to location and extras.

USO Shows and Tours at local venues to retransmit and or video and schedule presentation viewing to public.

Amateur entertainment contests using celebrity host and votes.

I could go on, but the idea really requires community participation.  What we do really depends on what we can deliver to you and then what you need and want.  I cannot help you do what I cannot support.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones

Young Beyoncé Talking About God, Staying Humble, and Motivation

And now she can say who her dad is.  This is a good video for kids.  Needs to be filtered and cleaned up.

Beyonce Surprises Students

People do get tired of people giving praise to everybody but him.  There is a lot of good information in this interview, but it is based on promoting the wrong people and is based on a lie that no longer is an option.

Using Video Editing software we can edit for example for starts these videos of Beyonce’  Removing Jay Z cameos and promotions and shorten parts to use short statements in advertisements, for example to school video would be great for dance school programs in local schools. When I was a kid we had Gym, these kids need to do more than play video games.

Hi, I am Janet, “There was no funeral not true.”

Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe – Definitely not true

Janet Jackson and Rene Elizondo – Not true

The Janet Jackson Campaign.  Hi, I am Janet, this is not true, one after another on the 411 not only about me but Hollywood period. Just cutout enough of the videos to make your statements.

Public Announcement concerning intent to change business name.

The Old Volunteer Agreement

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