Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

The Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Conspiracy

This Prince song got major radio airplay. I think the song is very today relevant.

Capstone Zulu

Sign O Times

What is this? My combat arms MOS is 13F and

This was the mentality they was selling us. FIST is a dangerous job, we all survived

Document shows after years of being highly medicated for my relationship with Janet Jackson, who had children from me, I admitted to this being a delusion. This is the VAMA, how could they not know about my relationship with her?  As for John Gotti, she knew him, but did not know he was Butch Jones, so how AM I delusional for knowing them.  This is a government Administration, now called the VHA, Veteran Healthcare Agency.  Veterans Healthcare is at a crisis due to fraud. Look what they did to me on Government Record, instead of being my reference to the facts.

The Veterans Administration Medical Center VAMC – was not right for a long time.

It happened on 5 July 1989 in Long Island City, Queens, N.Y. It was the baptism, when they try to mind fuck you into doing what they tell you to do. I was not made, because I did not lie. If you lie, they can mind fuck you and people be lying big time. Janet Jackson was there and she was lying to them and they knew it. But, I knew, I could never stop loving Janet Jackson, because if I do then what? If I gave up on her, I would have gave up on them all. LaTonya got in real deep, they went after her as a little girl.

Luke: 12:49-52

Janet Jackson was at the Baptism on 5 July 1989, I was about 30 years old at the time.

Not Peace but Division

49 “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! 51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three.53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

Luke: 3:23

23 Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of Heli,

This happened 5 July 1989, I was about 30 years old and 4 months and 1 day. It says I was thought to be Joseph Son. Not so!

For the first time you had a Godfather of the Mafias on the front page. Actually there was a photo of John Gotti, watching the fire works on 4 July 1989. You see John Gotti watching the fire works from L.I.C. Queens, New York. How it got there? I saw his face. I use to have photographic memory.

The Major screw up was I AM Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, yes I have a production team. OK, They wrote on Janet Jackson’s albums produced by Rene Elizondo and Janet Jackson was the Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis biggest act. Meanwhile, on national television Frank Paul Jones – Stalker. The mistake they made was they posted my name Frank Paul Jones, thinking I could never prove I was Michael Jackson, but the name is Frank Paul Jones is Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu.

The Janet Jackson Projects became coded Songs were written that seemed to endorse Rene Elizondo, but was saying he is nothing. The story goes, the GAY Mob made big moves in Hollywood and if Janet Jackson went along with this program the Rene Elizondo bull, so the other artist would be heard. See? she sung this song for you, people will say he is the man, but see my God is eternal and what we are putting out will be everlasting. Stuff like that was in songs. Oh, there was a song, let’s wait awhile or something, we used morse code 4Q for fuck you Paul. The trick was Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson songs often linked.

For Many Years People Teased me about Janet Jackson

I did not stalk LaTonya, in fact she was pregnant. Nadine Jones was the stalker, first as James DeBarge and the love child crap, got a retrain order and again in Malibu, CA, just taking over people mansions.

When this happened, she was pregnant with twins and I just left the White House. Now think about it, how is President George H. W. Bush?, I stayed at the St. Elizabeth Hospital and somebody got pregnant there and do they hate her? I did not get my nuts cut off, I made Spirit Human Boys.

As you can see now, the whole case was built on Fraud. They investigated Janet Jackson’s security concerns with the FBI and she is not there? But Rene Elizondo was there? Come on!!! READ THIS REPORT CAREFULLY – IT IS PROOF OF WHAT THEY DID AND DO. 1. takeover your mail – fan club – publicity, 2. Takeover your house and act like it belongs to them – move drugs and whatever, fraud operations. Then they own you and control you and you have no word or say. To survive, you do as you are told.

As you can see, I was convicted for sending threatening communications through the mail and I threatened Rene Elizondo, who is said to be Janet Jackson’s live-in boyfriend. She was not at her own security briefing to decide anything. This conviction was based on fraud and human slavery. Myra Sun, is Maria Jones.

From 1981 until 1992, was 1st The Ronald Reagan Administration. And then during his 2nd term the White House was ran by Vice President George H. W. Bush, Sr. And then he ran as an incumbent in the 1988 elections and won. Making President George H. W. Bush the youngest President of this Union ever. Born Frank Paul Jones on 4 March 1959. Age elected to the presidency was at the age of 29, going on 30. He ended the cold war, when the Berlin wall was knocked down in 1989.

I have a certificate for my participation in the cold war from 1945 to 1991, signed by the secretory of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld.

Now understand a sad moment in this Union. World War 2 ended on 1 Jan. 1977, it was the first major act by the President Jimmy Carter Administration. To stay on the subject being explained, is that not all but many served under USAREUR – I did, but some was NATO. Those who served under USAREUR in Germany up until 1 January 1977, were World War 2 veterans who earned their FREEDOM by fighting in a foreign war. There was no Vietnam War and many real veterans sold or gave away their freedom for a PTSD Check, meaning shell shocked in a war they did not even go to.

Jonestown, (November 18, 1978), was the location of the mass murder-suicide of members of the California-based Peoples Temple cult at the behest of their charismatic but paranoid leader, Jim Jones, in Jonestown agricultural commune, Guyana. The death toll exceeded 900, including some 300 who were age 17 and under, making the incident on

INTEL SUGGEST THESE TWO COULD BE THE SAME PERSON. They say he was the one, who brought this to worldwide news.  INTEL Suggest the Jonestown mass murder was in Rainy Park, Astoria, Queens, New York City.

If this is proven a fact, this demonstrates how deeply rooted the ploy against me and my family is.

Charlie Norwood Medical Center in Augusta, GA.

Sen. Charlie Nelson – 218 items matching your search terms

Sen. Charlie Norwood 29 items matching your search terms

He is a Vietnam War Hero of some sorts. There was no Vietnam.

Norwood served as a captain in the United States Army from 1967 to 1969, beginning with an assignment to the U.S. Army Dental Corps at Sandia Army Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In 1968 he was transferred to the Medical Company (Company B-Med) of the 173rd Airborne Brigade in South Vietnam, and served a combat tour at Qui NhonAn Khe and LZ English.

Since after 9/11/2001 – Or soon after, LaTonya Jones DBA Janet Jackson started being close to my locations. As you can see the VAMC co-signed my being a nutcase and Janet Jackson did not help the situation.

Example, I AM in Avon Park, FL., so she comes to Avon Park, FL., but I do not see her, but see sees me.  Why? The Manager, made it clear, if she messes with me in anyway, she done with him. It was about a comfort zone on the surface, but she made a decision and it may have been the wrong one, but it happened this way. She figured if she was near me and something went wrong, I would be there.

The way it worked, if I was anywhere near her, either she had to go or I was redirected.  The problem is she knew I was here, but I did not know she was here. So people would tease me, saying Paul Janet Jackson is married to Rene Elizondo, or Paul, you know Janet Jackson?  He, He, He…See? This went on in NYC and in Florida, often because everybody knew but Paul.  Nobody ever tells me anything, everybody but Paul!

Even now, I’d be a fool to go and try and find anyone, they know where I AM at and if I try to locate them and the conditions are the same, I will never see them, they will hide them from me. It has always been this way. And if they can come and go as the please, I guess one day somebody will stop by. But, I cannot go around this town looking for anyone.

1:CO:7:32-35 The thing about this scripture is it tells me, I must serve the Lord and my devotion must be undivided. And the huwo I end up with in Union, will be the ones attracted to my love and service to the Lord. Meaning if sister wants a brother, her decision on being with that brother or not, depends on his relationship with Jesus Christ. A huwo will not mess with a brother who has no God in him.

32 I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. 33 But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— 34 and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband.

35 I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.

In all truth, I was the one not invited to the party. But, had I been invited, would have I enjoyed myself?  The world I was not invited to, I do not miss. I was never a crowd person, the D.J. be jamming and everybody be dancing but me…I’d chill, think and watch.

There are a lot of things I like to do, but places like strip bars, bars and night clubs, to drink and pretend and get all dressed up to what?  Owning a club is ine thing and going to one is another. What I was not invited to, I do not miss, but going it alone in my route and my journey, the people I once knew, I do miss, but not those places.

Janet Jackson explains she hung out at GAY bars and Stripe bars. The Stripe bars are high prices, gangsters’ roles and you go there and watch and stuff goes on to talk about.

The GAY bar is man with man and woman with woman.  We would party get there about 11 pm and we leave about 2 am.  The thing is that I saw someone in a stripe bar and she went beyond her call of duty.  Now she might say, Janet Jackson is GAY, because she saw me kiss a woman on the danced floor, she was my daughter. My daughters and Natalee who is Hillary twin sister, that was allowed and how we lived, but Paul could come anywhere near us.  They say Paul had problems in city hall too and I was supposed to meet him here, he got with someone and that became the arrangements.

Maj. Gen. Dante Bush – Secretary of Homeland Security Protection Agency

A Photograph of Maj. Gen. Dante Bush – Director of the Homeland Security Protection Agency

Pres. Barack Obama Inauguration 2013

They say Timothy Shands looks a lot like Mr. Obama? But this is no look alike contest.

Dante Bush was the Number 2 of the front crew.  He was my best friend and I turned him into my adversary. In other words, he was my main competition. We seemed to always be on the opposite sides, my and Victor Fleming against Dante and Vern Fleming. Then he started recruiting people like Angel and Jerald and my side started losing more.

Larry Holmes v. Muhammad Ali

He Ended Muhammad Ali and then Mike Tyson takes it all.

He is Larry Holmes and I AM Mike Tyson OK! On 5 July 1989, at the end of the baptism called the integration, I ended up in the front in the grass. To my right Bernard Garrette who is Sugar Ray Leanard and to my right John Gotti who is Butch Jones. Dante was not supposed to be there, the front crew I do not recall was in Queensbridge on 5 July 1989.

This is bullshit, the fight lasted less than one round. But I did take it all, then they said I fought Holifield and this never happened, Iron Mike Tyson and Thomas Hit Man Hearns never loss a fight. I never fought Sugar Ray Leonard –

I beat Wilfred Benitez who beat Sugar Ray Leonard, who suffered an eye injury and did Benitez as a result of fighting Hit Man Hearns. this is not true, I won, but I stopped him. Wilfred Benitez is Gesso and his eye injury came from this fight.

John Gotti says, Paul, Paul, That’s Dante, your best friend Dante.  He looked frightened; he could see behind my back. Paul, Paul, that’s Dante, your best friend Dante…

They had a snaper on the roof and it was pointed at Dante, so I say, pull the trigger. Click, it don’t go off.  The Code – My sons cannot kill me.  But had they pulled the trigger on Dante, they would have found out too soon, they cannot kill either.

Now he was Heavy Weight Champion, Larry Holmes.  The catch, when you become the Heavy Weight Champ you code Dope Kingpin.  Mike Tyson beat them all and retired.  So, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, makes Beyonce’ get on a flight to the Dominican Republic. 

Leaving there they announced a change in custody and Dante with one star on says, change of custody?  Then both was on the private jet out of the D.R. He knows who they are and they know they cannot kill him.

Thomas Hit Man Hearns beatdown Martin

This was supposed to be a joke about the Thomas Hit Man Hearns beatdown of Wilfred Benitez, but is was not a joke, it was how I looked after the crucifixion in 1974 at age 15. They beat me so bad by head was disfigured.

I became the first person ever to win both Heavyweight undisputed and Middle Weight undisputed championships.  I beat Ron Jones he came up in weight class and retired and place all that money ina Foundation Fund.

Florida Not For Profit Corporation


Filing Information

Document Number N95000002864

FEI/EIN Number 65-0640302

Date Filed 06/16/1995 State FL Status INACTIVE


REPORT Event Date Filed 09/24/1999
Event Effective Date NONE

Florida Not For Profit Corporation


Filing Information

Document Number N95000003182

FEI/EIN Number31-1470430

Date Filed 06/30/1995 State FL Status


Event Date Filed11/03/1997

Corporate NameDocument NumberStatus
DON KING, LLCL19000109678Active
DON KING MEDIA, INC.F11000001300Active
DON KING PRODUCTS, L.L.C.L13000087779InActive
Corporate NameDocument NumberStatus

It stated here:

Corporate NameDocument NumberStatus

Now who is Don King?  They tried to rob the purse.  But everybody knows who everybody is and they are not going to let these frauds just take their stuff.  Mike Tyson is to Ocala, Florida, what James Brown is to Augusta, GA. A big-time investor.

10 reason why people love Ocala Florida

Capstone Zulu

Janet Jackson Live The Velvet Rope

Larry Holmes escorted Janet Jackson to Hawaii for the Velvet Rope Concert. It made her the most famous person in the World, it was shown all over the World Close Circuit. I saw it in NYC with Egeria. She had a passport for LaTonya Jones DBA Janet Jackson. After the show they had to leave immediately. Mission was accomplished. Now everybody knows who is who. Now they are saying she ain’t Janet Jackson, she is LaTonya Watson, her Foster Care name.

At the beginning you see a brief nude scene, they wanted something and this showed the world she had breast.

Capstone Zulu

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