Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Michael Jackson Not Dead – The Mafia Wars

The Artist DBA Michael Jackson is not dead

The code to the Dangerous album cover is the eyes, I have brown eyes, with a black ring around them, not at this contrast, but still my eyes are brown with black rings around them.

Frank Paul Jones now calling myself Capstone Zulu is also, the Artist DBA or Do Business as Michael Jackson and is not dead. It is an ongoing conspiracy to claimed I AM RIP, to rob me of everything, but they could not take away my dignity.  The scam was not sophisticated at all. But because I had a lot of people out to get me, they were able to convince many people, I died.

The Big Paul Castellano Hit

Jesus Christ, INC – The state of this Union.

We share the Blue House with the National Community Network, INC, now called Eston Roberts Community Network, INC, who has the 501c3. We will apply for a 501c3 and will do whatever we can do to assist the Network.

Florida Not For Profit Corporation


Filing Information

Document Number N16000009754

FEI/EIN Number N/A

Date Filed10/04/2016

Effective Date09/26/2016

State FL Status ACTIVE


Event Date Filed11/22/2023

Principal Address

923 S. A. AVE
Avon Park, FL 33825

Changed: 11/22/2023

Mailing Address

923 S. A. AVE
Avon Park, FL 33825

Changed: 11/22/2023

Registered Agent Name & AddressJones, Frank Paul

923 S. A. AVE
Avon Park, FL 33825

Name Changed: 11/22/2023

Address Changed: 11/22/2023

Officer/Director DetailName & Address

Title President


923 S. A. AVE
Avon Park, FL 33825

Title Secretary


923 S. A. AVE
Avon Park, FL 33825

Title Officer

Jones, Whitney Elizabeth, Q.S

923 S. A. AVE
Avon Park, FL 33825

Title VP

Jones, Ciara

923 S. A. AVE
Avon Park, FL 33825

Title Officer

Jones, Mary Elizabeth, Q.S.

923 S. A. AVE
Avon Park, FL 33825

Title Treasurer

Jones, Latonya

923 S. A. AVE
Avon Park, FL 33825

Title Queendom Sister

Jones, Sonya, Q.S.

917 S.A. AVE

Title Officer

Jones, Alysha

923 S. A. AVE
Avon Park, FL 33825

Annual Reports

Report YearFiled Date

The Mafia War of the 1980’s

Big Paul Castellano was not murdered, my Unit came out of Fort Riley, MO and fake his murder, it is in my 201 files.  At the Paul Castellano meeting in September of 1985 in Long Island City, Queens, New York, they said, will the real Paul Castellano please stand up and he did, to protect me and signed his death warrant and we got him out of it. 

He was not shot getting out of the car, but we fake his hit while he was coming out, therefore, there was no witnesses and we use Russian AK-47 Assault rifles.  Had we not plugged them to shoot blanks and shot real bullets it would have knocked down the whole building.

I have a lot of children and many of them famous who have the Spirit of God.  And if they could get to them, they can damn sure get to a mortal.  Their blessing is death was not an option for them, but there were lesions learned.

Some Links to My Artist Mentioned

In September of 1985, they tried to send my Unit on a one way trip to the Middle East, to a war I did not declare to wipe up my family.  That was the Mafia Wars of the 1980’s

September 1985

In short, they tried to kill, Maria Theresa Jones BKA Tracy Cooper the night of the Bib Paul Castellano meet and the night of the Prince Concert, when I can to her rescue, I still had the makeup one. She is my oldest Spirit born child, only months apart. She is Mariah Carey mother and Mariah Carey twin is Theresa BKA Hallie Barry the actress.

December 1985

My unit came to NYC to get Big Paul Castellano out of a bad situation. They shot Tatyana and she was pregnant, if you understand when they conceive from me the fertilization is spontaneous. We rushed her to the hospital and she had to surrogate and was sent into protected custody and ended up in Malibu, her and Jada BNA Jada Picket Smith.  Jada twin is Gina BKA Gina Foster, whose career simply got stopped and drugs was involved.

The Summer of 1986

LaTonya almost got killed and when I came to their rescue, I saved them with my seed.  She conceived and at the time had no breast. She had to surrogate to not have a miscarriage. Her breast cancer was kept out of the media, but Mobsters knew and used that to control her.

Janet Jackson until this day was kept away from me, told if she comes near me while I AM on paper, she would have problems from her drug connect.  They say the SRA in Avon Park is under surveillance based on an article I read about that killing in Avon Park last Wednesday. They claimed they filmed the incident.  They claim what else could we do being always coup up.   

Janet Jackson is LaTonya Jones and her twin is Tatyana Jones BKA Tatyana Ali the actress and chili in TLC and Coco in SWV.  They got to Janet Jackson with drugs and the fact she had Breast Cancer.  By the power of the Spirit, they were completely removed and years later about 1989-90, during the Rhythm Nation 1814 era it was surgically placed back on.  And that is the story about me in Malibu, CA.  She conceived and carried both of our children and that is how she found out for sure, those breasts were actually her beast as I said they would be.  She has 6 children all female, because she and Tatyana are covenant and will always have girls, Tatyana has 6 too.  And that is how they got to Janet Jackson, drugs, shame and hurt.

Whitney Houston Not Dead her twin is Mary J. Blige

Whitney Houston Music Videos

Whiney Houston Death Investigation

Whitney Houston

Whitney Elizabeth Houston (1963-2012) was a well-known American recording artist and actress. This release consists of several FBI investigations into threats …

 Whitney Houston Part 01 of 01

Whitney Elizabeth Houston (1963-2012) was a well-known American recording artist and actress. This release consists of several FBI investigations into threats …

She got caught up and played a foolish game.  Her death investigation wa my letters of encouragement to her.  I went to see lead Investigator to the John Gotti Investigation FBI Special Agent Bruce Maow. He asked my questions about Whitney Elizabeth Jones, by the way they all have the last name Jones and had several children from me and the children and them as well are twins.  Being born post Messiah.  That said, He offered me Witness protection and I refused his offer and he had problems with me contacting Whitney Houston, so I agreed to stop writing her, because I did not want to do anything to hurt her or her career.

Aaliyah Not Dead her twin is T-Boz of TLC

A lot of my children got caught up into Cocaine and she got caught out there like many of them.  And they mistreated her in many ways concerning R. Kelly and her being 15 years old as they say.  Claiming they had a secret marriage, weak stuff, but if you are a woman alone, people teasing you and feeding you cocaine, it places you are a serious disadvantage.  This was her downfall and the downfall of most of them, using drugs and having to deal with the dope man.  Then they claimed Aaliyah died in a plane crash.

Marcellas found me in Queensbridge and Conceived 


Sexual Immorality12

I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. 13You say, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both.” The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 14By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also. 15Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! 16Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” [b]

17But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit. [c] 18Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. 19Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Mark: 12:28-32

The Greatest Commandment28

One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” 29“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. [e] 30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ [f]

31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ [g] There is no commandment greater than these.” 32“Well said, teacher,” the man replied. “You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him

Matthew 15:16-20

That Which Defiles

15Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.” 16“Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17“Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

20These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

Matthew 12:37

37For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

I have no more to say.  She got caught out there and something wrong was done to her.  If fact they all got caught out there one way or another.

Capstone Zulu

1989 – The Baptism took place in Long Island City, Queens, New York

The Baptism from the Apostle Screenplay

The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus – Luke: 3:21,22

Who is Queensbridge remember what happened on 5 July 1989 -read the scripture and then the scenes.

21When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened

22and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”

23Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of Heli,

These are scenes from the Apostle Screenplay.  You have to understand this is really called the baptism and this is how, people are made.  You are not supposed to remember any of this. And, what you need to understand is that I had to playa roll from this day on or they would have known I was not made.  They never had control over me.

A dude called Chico walked up to me showing me that he had a
Somebody is here to see you.
If you are going to kill me, kill be
here, because I AM not going anywhere
with you.
The reason for this response was I use to go to his bar and
give him a hard time, because I couldn’t handle my alcohol
consumption, so I thought he was out to hurt me.

I was just let out the hospital for one day, for
administrative reasons after detoxification and was scheduled
to go back into the hospital for 28 days of alcohol
Chico walked off after an argument. Then a dude named Russell
walked up to me and asked me what in the hell was wrong with
me. He showed me he wasn’t packing and KEYED in Paul
Castellano, he had a KEY.
He took me to a Park two blocks away from where we were. I
saw Janet, a Producer name Jimmy Jam, and an old friend who
arranged this meeting a radio personality named Dr. Bob Lee.
What is going on?
That girl came to see you.
Me Paul, you told me to say, “Come
to you.”
I started to remember things again; those were code words to
wake me up.
I said, for you to say “Come to me.”
I remembered the meeting in 1975 when the arrangement was
made. A lot of things came back to me. We walked to a bench
and talked for a little while, as I asked her crazy questions,
like, “Are you real?” “Is that your real nose?” And so on.
I want my breast back!
Janet I love you and everything is
going to be all right, but I have to
do what I AM about to do to protect
I cursed her out and called her a whore, because I knew I
had to face a very powerful man and I didn’t know who he was
and I didn’t want Janet to be used as leverage against me.
Everybody was surprised of my behavior, but Janet knew it
was all an act.
Next thing I knew I was inside of a bar, and I saw a few
people, but I mainly notice the three men in the back of the
Pub. One of the men had a gun with a silencer.

What are you going to do, are you
going to kill me?
I got louder and louder.
Are you going to kill me?
The man in the middle said he isn’t going to kill you Paul.
Hey put that gun away!
Then the man in the middle said, Chico has something you
have to drink. I said I don’t drink anymore I just got out
of detoxification. The man in the middle said it isn’t
alcohol, it is truth serum and you have to drink it.
I don’t drink!
Didn’t the man say drink the shit,
now damn it drank the shit?
I drank the shit.
Damn that shit is strong, when I was
drinking were was that shit?
Then like something out of Mission Impossible, the man in
the middle took off a mask.
I know you!
The man in the middle said, how do you know me?
I saw you in the newspaper.
The man in the middle said, who I am.
You’re John Gotti!
Can you believe this guy?
Everybody laughed.
Paul they are going to kill me, I am
as good as dead. You can’t go around
killing a Godfather.

Who are you?
The Godfather!
So how can they go around and kill
I am here to settle with you Paul;
if you want me to I will kill myself,
because I was disloyal.
How could you be disloyal when you
are the man?
Just give me the word and I will
kill myself.
While he was saying this I had a gun pointed at my own head,
but, it seemed to me that John had the gun pointed at his
head. So if I gave him the order to kill himself, it would
have been me pulling the trigger on myself.
Show me both of your hands.
John Gotti showed Paul both of his hands,
How could you have a gun pointed at
your head, and both of your hands
are free?
Then Paul Castellano realized the gun was pointed at his
Get this fucking gun off of my head.
You want to kill me.
No Paul I just had to know it was
you; I didn’t know who the Army sent
Well Paul Castellano would never
kill John Gotti, so if I ordered you
to kill yourself it couldn’t have
been me.

Paul you have to get me out of this
shit, you are going to have to show
me something, before I pay you.
Where is Janet, where is Janet!
You put that girl through enough,
why did you pull that stunt.
I knew I had to face the unknown,
but now I know it was you, so
everything is cool with her, I was
just protecting her from the unknown
factor. They sent for Janet, and
then they gave Paul Castellano a
complete status report, and important
plans were made. All this stuff I
told you about in this story was
found out by Frank Paul Jones at
these meetings. Had I never made it
to these meetings, I would have been
left in limbo, and never knew who I
was. This was when I found out
everything about me. It was called
the Integration because the two minds
became aware of each other. This
was when I found out about my children
and this was when Janet found out
her child was mine’s and that Frank
Paul Jones was in fact Paul
Castellano, which upset her, because
she didn’t know what was going on
either. What was to come about, a
lot of it was planned in this little
Pub. Paul Castellano arranged to be
married to both Janet and Latoya,
and when he sent them off he told
them they could do anything but,
give birth to another man’s child.
They both became his wives again.
This Integration begun on July 5th
1989, Frank Clark Jones died in
October of 1989 as it seemed, and
Paul woke up because all the good
news put him into shock in April
1990 in Avon Park, Florida, because
he had to be put back to sleep for a
slower transition. Janet’s Rhythm
Nation 1814 album woke him up while
watching the “Alright” video.

Now remember Paul we have to do this
my way, I know how these people think.
You have to believe I am your Father
for this to work. And when you go
to the White House, remember to tell
the President I said, “I have to go
to prison for 10 years, so that kids
know that crime doesn’t pay.” This
will set everything into motion and
there will be no turning back.

FBI Records: The Vault – Michael Jackson

The FBI Michael Jackson Death Investigation are my letters – Basically proving I AM Michael Jackson – Another story.

Who was behind the scam?  This is the file that will explain how we know it was him.

FBI Records: The Vault – Rene Elizondo

 Michael Jackson Part 06 of 08

In 1992 I went to Malibu, CA, to see about LaTonya Jones DBA Janet Jackson, then I went to Santa Monica near the Michael Jackson Ranch and then to Encino to the Havenhurst Estate, where I was arrested. I stayed with Janet Jackson for about one week or so. She conceived. After I got arrested, she was pregnant when they lie started that I was stalking her. There was no Rene Elizondo in that mansion in Malibu, CA, located on 1600 Pacific Coast Highway. After I got arrested, I went to Santa Monica jail, to L.A, County Jail and then to MCCLA Federal Detention. But something very relevant happened at Santa Monica, that has to be explained. The Michael Jackson death Investigation are my letter to her and that lead to these charges of threatening Rene Elizondo who was behind a lot of things that happened.

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by

The catch is there is no Rene Elizondo – He was a publicist scam and did not exist and he was not in Malibu, CA with Janet Jackson.  But is the person behind the scenes causing all kinds of problems for us all and has been discovered by the FBI

FBI Records: The Vault – Frank Paul Jones

At the Santa Monica beach I saw this young kid, he told me all about Hollywood, he talked about Janet Jackson and Mariah Carey to mention two of the artist he told me about. I took an interest in him and took him to the store hereby to get him some food and check him out and see if he was using drugs or whatever. He had no shirt on, like a beach boy. On the way back, we got on a cyclone at the Michael Jackson ranch. So, when we got back to the beach, I gave him some milk and food, he thought I was going to give him a wine cooler, I said, no, you got milk.

I said to him, I will never hurt you, OK. Now I AM going to take you where I AM staying at the hotel a few blocks away and in the morning you come back to my hotel. Now tonight, you sleep under the life guard post and nobody is going to bother you. He did. The next morning when I woke up, he was eating up a storm, I said, oh no, why you feed him all that food, he has a long bus ride ahead of him. They was laughing saying he was hungry and he is such a nice boy. He took a dump. OK, so I gave his escort instructions, look, I AM going to get on the bus before your stop…basically and you do not place him on that bus, until you see me on that bus. So I took him to the Havenhurst Estate and they let him in and then later that morning I got arrested there. I remember him crying and yelling out, where is my brother, who was taken to the hospital. This is the truth. But what you need to understand is that boy is my son from Mariah and his twin brother was beat so bad, he went into a coma and was hospitalized for several years. Then they claimed I molested my son, after they almost beat his twin brother to death. They had Mariah on lockdown. This is what happened, because I road on the cyclone with my son who was abandoned because they abducted there mother. And they beat him almost to death, because they said they are Michael Jackson’s son and had a right to be at my ranch. They are not white, but their skin was bleached. They said, how can you be Michael Jackson sons and be white. This is the type of stuff they did to me and my family.

And my file name Frank Paul Jones has over 1,000 files and growing.  Now do you understand the nature of my business and why I could not doing anything about what they was doing at that time to me and my family?

These are the files under the file name Michael Jackson concerning my identity.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

 Michael Jackson Part 07 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

 Michael Jackson Part 04 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

 Michael Jackson Part 05 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

 Michael Jackson Part 08 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

 Michael Jackson Part 01 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

 Michael Jackson Part 02 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

 Joseph Jackson Part 01 of 01

 Michael Jackson Part 03 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

Michael Jackson Estate claimed to sell my catalog – look at the source of the 411. The source is all tabloids. These days peoples source for news is Trivia television.

Michael Jackson Ranch sold for under the price of the land when purchased – See the pattern and the sources? People want to believe this crap out of hatred and not out of rationality. This makes no sense to anyone with any common sense.

Next on this agenda of fact patterns – FX imagery is really old technology that is now available to anyone with a Personal Computer.

I used FX imagery to avoid my identity to be known to protect my privacy, so that I could be able to go places without gangster style security details allowing to enter places of common people..  Changing your video image is old technology as I said and is widely used in entertainment.

It can be done using software applications.

How to SWAP HEADS in Photoshop | EASY – Click link and see how easy it is to do.

Michael Jackson – Scream (Live HIStory Tour In Munich) (Remastered 4K Upscale)

I did live performances and this one was in Germany the last show of the HIS-Story Tour.  The catch is they knew how I looked there and when I took off the mask at the beginning of the sho, they knew it was me. See?

And when they claimed I was all burnt up, yes I got burned and some of my hair where I got burnt worst did not completely grow back till this day. But in 1984, we did a small tour and it was actually in Germany, called the Victory Tour by the Jacksons, but it was really or could have been billed “Off the Wall” we did lot of songs from the Off the Wall album, but for security reason we billed it the Jacksons Victory Tour. It was a USO Tour and I was actually in the Army at the time.  During my military tours, we did Morris Day and the Time around 1983 and in 1985, we did Prince and the NPG, it was actually in Long Island City, Queens, New York, in September of 1985. It is documented in my 201 files. I did not post the Prince Concert because the actually footage shows that he is not short and what is out there now has been changed – I will post it later once I get the original footage back up.

Morris Day and the Time was in Fort Polk in 1983 – This is my complexion – I was always light skin.

The Jacksons Victory Tour in 1984 – So when did I get this plastic surgery?

Michael Jackson plastic surgeries – all lies.

They convinced the world I was a weirdo and had all types of plastic surgeries done to myself, I never had plastic surgery, never had a nose job or bleached my skin, I was always kind of light skin.

In 1997 we did the HIStory tour I spell it HIS-Story Tour and this was the last show in Germany and like I said over there they knew how I looked.  OK?

Michael Jackson HIS-Story concert in Munich Germany.

To make a long story shorter, now they say I AM dead and was broke when I died, because I live above my means, when in fact I lived like a poor person.  And that is another story. I had to keep a low profile to do the things I done.

They say I my estate (family) sold my ranch in California and my catalog and all types of stuff and because they thought nobody in the general public knew who I was and had my family basically under total complete control as they robbed them too, they would get any with this, but it is under Department of Justice Investigation as I write.  And we know who they are.

Capstone Zulu

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