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Frank Paul Jones is Willie Mays Legacy

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Frank Paul Jones is Willie Mays Legacy

The Civil Rights Act is Sex Right Act” 

Posted on  by Jesus Christ

Eph:5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them

John:15:28, 27 The Work of the Holy Spirit

and the Coloration The Book of Acts and Paul’s Journey – brings us to Today

26“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. 27And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.

The Plot to Kill Paul

Acts:23 12 The next morning some Jews formed a conspiracy and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul. 13 More than forty men were involved in this plot. 14 They went to the chief priests and the elders and said, “We have taken a solemn oath not to eat anything until we have killed Paul.

The Civil Rights Act is Sex Right Act – I published this in Dec. 2014 – I lived it recently coming out of prison. But it did not work the way they intended it to work against me.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

When we understand how they create movements to create acceptance to legislative changes and interpretations of the law and that the true intent of the law is the outcome. You will see and think about what you did so far for black people.  Is the Civil Rights Act meant to give blacks rights or replace the black man with woman to be rules over by white men?  If it was meant to emancipate us, why oppressive laws was create to screw us, but laws until this day support sex rights. Same sex marriage, equal pay, the right to choose, housing for having babies out of wedlock if you choose, plus social programs and child support.  Everyone is getting new laws to support this civil rights act, but the black man. We get more reason to go to jail and do wrong. Then they are released out of prison, with no money, no skills, angry with the world, with ideas they figured out in the devils house he made for them the prisons.  Then we have all these movements that are against us, while the blind leads the blind.

The Great Deception:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation in the United States[5] that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex,or national origin.[

The Rights of Woman Process:

In the subsequent decades women’s rights again became an important issue in the English speaking world. By the 1960s the movement was called “feminism” or “women’s liberation.” Reformers wanted the same pay as men, equal rights in law, and the freedom to plan their families or not have children at all. Their efforts were met with mixed results.

In the USA, the National Organization for Women(NOW) was created in 1966 with the purpose of bringing about equality for all women. NOW was one important group that fought for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). This amendment stated that “equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex.

In America an abortion reform movement emerged in the 1960s. In 1964 Gerri Santoro of Connecticut died trying to obtain an illegal abortion and her photo became the symbol of the pro-choice movement.

A key point in abortion rights in the United States was the U.S. Supreme Court‘s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, which struck down most state laws restricting abortion[2][3] which decriminalized and legalized elective abortion in various states.

Proof that the civil rights act was a lie: It again like the 14thAmendment was never meant to carry out:

The term was popularized by the media shortly after a press conference given on June 18, 1971, by United States President Richard Nixon—the day after publication of a special message from President Nixon to the Congress on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control—during which he declared drug abuse “public enemy number one”.

The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968

The Omnibus Crime Bill of 1994:  Bill Clinton Was Incredibly Destructive for Black People.


Why Did My Children Do It?

It took God and his Spirit Children to endure the evil of Satan. The reason my gullible children did what they did, is so for the first time you will remember what happened and why the world ended.  To know the victims had to live until the end.  I lost not one, the Father sent me.

Eph:5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.

14This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” 

If you understand the keynote to this story is had I taken the bribe I would have ended up like Westley Snipes as Nino Brown – How got him in the crack game?

The way I see it, when he gets whacked everybody turned against Nino Brown – The Code: Jealousy – Oral was always jealous of me.

Cocaine Became the PIMP and now Satan had God’s Angels selling dope and pimping his Hu-Wo for crack – And the Hu-Wo Obeying Satan for the next – Their Grace – Their Daddy could afford their damn Coke habits, meaning they go into War – And Jesus Christ Children was without Leadership.

Now we go into Post New Jack City, Satan had Jesus Christ son’s Spirits, angels selling dope and pimping God’s Hu-Wo, confused and this is when the Ritz Carlton became the Spot to be, Everybody had money, you had gangs and this was when Oral Brennan made his move and claimed he is Jay Z and he was the man at the Ritz. And at the time, Paul knew nothing about what was going on….But many who had faith and they say Janet Jackson used to say, watch, one day he is going to get you.

See, they knew I did not sell drugs or any of that stuff. And, it was them fighting back without leadership.

ACTS:120“For,” said Peter, “it is written in the Book of Psalms: “ ‘May his place be deserted; let there be no one to dwell in it,’ [e] and, “ ‘May another take his place of leadership.’ [f]

Satan’s Myth

The Fast Lane Satan is Elizabeth who is Jezebel and she had a son and her son became the breeder and that is the Blood Line of Satan.  Mankind was designed to live about 700 years, so how old is he now?  How old is Satan? OK! The Person Next in Line to take the place of Satan has to have a breeder

The Story of Yey-Yey and Jay Z

Oral Brennan is said to be Jay Z – He was always jealous of me, but it was not about baseball Famous Paul – I was already doing Michael Jackson

Hi may name is Paul, but, in school
they call me Frank, but, you can
call me Paul. My friends and family
call me Paul. What is your name?
My name is Oral. Oral I heard about
you the famous Paul.
What I do to become Famous?
They say you are good in sports and
won the Presidential Award in P.S.
76. And they say you can hit a
baseball mile.
I am really famous?
Yea, but, don’t let it get to your
Don’t let it get to my head?
People don’t like conceited people.
Big words! You sure you belong in
this class?
What you mean?

Nick is Black the Dope Kingpin and he had this fine Dominican Hu-Wo. I’d see him with her as a little boy. She would be the Blood Line and Nick the marriage? OK. INTEL Suggest Oral did not want this and he ended it. Just like I knew Nadine Jones at 7th Grade I got to know Oral good, but, I knew off him before that. I remember a conversation with Dr. King as a little boy and Oral and Ernie was there. He said, one of them was his? In 1976?

Ritz Carlton, Los Angeles – They say it was not supposed to have happened this way. oral asked for the NYC Ritz Carlton – Got it – And then he was Ritz Carlton – I know I build the L.A. Downtown Ritz Carlton for me, I saw it before it opened and it is my favorite color blue – Claiming I was supposed to have had a life? And do the Bible? Really?



The Myth – OK, If Satan is a woman at birth and she married her son the breeder and he married Olga the breeder. That is in the Holy Bible one man and two women, but Oral arrangement was two men and one woman. Meaning a man plus a man and a wife. He was played from the start. And to understand my arrangement read the book of Hebrews and this is about Oral. Did he ever have nuts, I do not know. See? But do understand what they planned for me and my children and many of them went for it.

I was supposed to Marry Oral the serpent and my Hu-Wo as a Union. Then half of my estate goes to Oral and the serpent community GAY and half to all my children. In other words he is half and all my Hu-Wo combined is half and then he would fuck my asshole up for being a fool. And they went for this weak ass shit. Oral worth all of them put together, because he convinced them I ain’t nothing. See? He is a deceiver.

The story goes Ronald Delaney used to tease Oral, because he had a girlfriend who always said, “Tell Me.” OK, on this day of BKA Veronica Evens, who is Valarie Jones, so I had her in my bedroom and Oral was with his girl in Frank Clark Jones bedroom. Oral kept running to my room cock blocking. So, his girl says “tell me, tell me.” So real fast, I made it so he could not come in my room, Valarie Jones is consummated. I say, run home now. She runs home to the 41th side of 12th Street. They knew I nutted. So then me, Oral and girl leave together. I was supposed to bone Oral and then it would be an Illuminati Marriage a man with a man and a woman. I did not touch him and there was no sexual relations. And that is how he ended it, be consummated her before I boned his ass. Then all this stuff takes place.

Before, I went into the U.S, Army, it was me and Valarie in one room and him and Black and DR Hu-Wo daughter in the other room. Valarie would deliver exactly 8 months later. OK, It is Carrie and Valarie Jones.

See Nicky Barnes is the front, I got on his case her, because he was all in my damn house. But, Nicky Barnes, Fat Cat or Joe Hardy – Is the front – Black was the dope Kingpin.

While I was living in Marcy/Hart across the street from Marcy Projects, during the Beyonce Knowles in development era.

I was getting a haircut and my barber told me, hey, I heard our son got shot. What? Yea, and told me about some spot nearby. I ran over there and the young man had a bullet in the stomach-chest area. They say Yey-Yey, carried him into this world and was supposed to be Spirit born. I still believe that. I heard later he was Oral Brennan’s son. He did not die, but I think he was castrated. The thing is INTEL Suggest Oral’s plan for Beyonce’ was for her to carry his children –

The Blood Line of Satan. Then it goes, Beyonce; got pregnant and left NYC, so he could not get the job done? I never met these children?

I believe she had two girls, but regardless these children are not of the Chaka Zulu Blood Line, nor can my children bear children that can become demons.

What was the relationship between John Adams and John Quincy Adams?

Rev:12: 9The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.   POINT MADE:    Therefore, Satan is the oldest of this family line.  That is all you need to understand from this.

What was the relationship between John Adams and John Quincy Adams?

He was the eldest son of John Adams, who served as the second president of the United States from 1797 to 1801, and First Lady Abigail Adams.

John Quincy Adams was an American statesman, politician, diplomat, lawyer, and diarist who served as the sixth president of the United States, from 1825 to 1829. He previously served as the eighth United States secretary of state from 1817 to 1825. Wikipedia

Who are the 7 Founding Fathers?

Fact #1: These seven men are the principle Founding Fathers: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. While there were many others who contributed to the founding of the United States, these seven are considered by most as the Founding Fathers.

The New World Order Defined

(Novus Ordo Seclorum), a “New World of the Ages.”

Mt 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.  

Mt 24:6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

Jn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

Jn 1:2 He was with God in the beginning.


1:1) In the beginning the founding fathers fabricated the state of Kingdom and Reality.  1:2) At this point reality wasn’t governed by any authority, and had no purpose.  Ignorance was upon the so-called profound people, they were very superficial.  Those who were loyal to the founding fathers were in a state of uncertainty, over the choices that had to be made.  1:3) And, the founding fathers said, “Let there be enlightenment,” and there was enlightenment.  1:4) The founding fathers saw that the enlightenment was good, and he separated the enlightenment from the ignorance.  1:5) The founding fathers called the enlightenment “Opportunity,” and the ignorance he called “non-productivity.”  And there was a negotiation at the end of the – First opportunity.

1:6) And, God the founding fathers said in the strictest confidence, “Let there be superstitions to separate good choices from bad choices.”  1:7) So God the founding fathers made the superstitious beliefs and separated the bad choices under the superstitions, from the good choices above its laws.  And it was so.  1:8) The founding fathers called the superstitions “Logical.”  And there was a negotiation at the end of the – Second opportunity.

1:9) And the founding fathers said, “Let those who are superstitious (Believers of false religions) be gathered to one place, and let an uninspired foundation appear.”  And it was so.  1:10) The founding fathers called the uninspired foundation “Oppression,” and the superstitious who were gathered he called “Confused Fools.”  And the founding fathers saw to it, that this foolishness was believable.  1:11) Then the founding fathers said, “Let the oppression create monotonous people; People who spiritually and mentally vegetate and procreate according to their various false beliefs.”  And it was so.  1:12) The oppression created people who vegetate; a state of mind carried on, from generation to generation, who procreate according to their false beliefs.  And there was a negotiation at the end of the – Third opportunity.

1:14) And the founding fathers said, “Let there be a system of understanding in the false religions, to make them seem logical  to the fellowships, to separate the opportunity from those who are lost in non-productivity, and let this false logic, serve as tokens to identify situations in progress, in a confused fashion.  1:15) And, let there be understanding in the superstitions (False religions) that will allow the truly logical Fellowships, to be able to understand the enlightenment of reality, that exist within the falsehoods.”  And it was so.  1:16) The founding fathers made two great interpretations concerning New World affairs, the Greater Enlightenment to govern over Opportunity, by those who are loyal to him, and the lesser non enlightenment to make oppression and repression self governed, by those who are in darkness.  He therefore created his future destiny.  1:17) The founding fathers established the future destiny of false religions, as well as those who understood the truth, 1:18) to be able to control both opportunity and non productivity, to his pleasure, as he separated enlightenment from ignorance.  And the founding fathers saw to it that it was believable.  1:19) And there was a negotiation at the end of – the Fourth opportunity.

1:20) And the founding fathers said, “Let the realm of possibilities spread rapidly among the vigorous servants, and let the simple minded see a glance of the truth, concerning the falsehoods in certain religions, so that there will be disagreements.”  1:21) So the founding fathers created great servants for the confused to follow, and he created every vigorous and active branch of knowledge, so that the choices would spread rapidly, and according to their beliefs, the simple minded learned based on their character.  And the founding fathers saw that it was believable.  1:22) The founding fathers favored them (The great servants over the Confused) and said, “Be productive and increase in number, and fulfill my decision and let the simple minded develop a sense of reality.”  1:23) And there was a negotiation at the end of the – Fifth opportunity. 

1:24) And the founding fathers said, “Let the oppression create opportunities to become vigorous servants according to their beliefs, household servants to clean our homes, servants that will control the action on the streets, as well as drug addicts, and people with other plights, each according to their nature and character.”  And it was so.  1:25) the founding fathers made the drug addicts out of the poor Black communities, and created those who controlled this action according to favoritism.  And the founding fathers saw to it that it was again believable.  1:26) Then the founding fathers said, “Let us make one who pledges to our allegiance (A Pact), in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the gullible, who are confused and the simple minded, who know a little about the truth, let us put them over all that is reality, and over all the servants that enforce and control the activities of oppression and repression.”  1:27) So the founding fathers created one who pledged to his allegiance, in his own image, in the image of Satan.  He created him.  He created the Laws over Mankind, those who enforces the Laws, the So-Called Mafia to control the action of the streets, to keep the poor repressed, he created the {Secret Orders}, to protect his most valued interest, which is his knowledge and ability to deceive the masses, and therefore control the World, and he created them all.  1:28) The founding fathers favored them and said to them, “Be productive and increase in number, fulfill reality and control it.  Rule over the gullible and the simple minded and over every servant of oppression.”  1:29) Then the founding fathers said, “I give you everyone who vegetates and procreates according to their false beliefs.  They are yours to profit from, just make sure I get my percentage of (10%).  1:30) And to all who are uncivilized, simple minded and all the servants of oppression who vegetate, I give you all self destruction.”   1:31) The founding fathers saw that all that he had fabricated (Falsehoods), was very convincing to the weak minded which was Mostly everyone.  And there was a negotiation at the end of – Sixth opportunity.

2:1) Accordingly Satan’s Kingdom and the reality of the masses, was completed to accommodate the ruling class.  2:2) By the seventh opportunity the founding fathers completed the job he had done.  So on the seventh opportunity he recessed from all his work.  And the founding fathers favored the seventh opportunity and felt his creations were indisputable, and could not be overcome by any Man, only because of this, did he recess from all the work of creating that he had done.

Capstone Zulu  



FBI Vault Files

Blond Jones  – 321 files

Katherine Jackson – 211 files

Shirley Temple Black – 162 files

Charlie Chaplin – 70 files

This is me, Blond Jones and Ella Jones about 1965 – In 41-04 10th street, Apt. 2B – Ella was born in 1965

Blond Jones Before Paul was Born and her two daughters pre-Messiah

To understand the complete picture, we have to visit the Paul and Blond Jones BKA Blond Eva Austin era.  And before this we have to remember she was born mortal and was suspected of being the covenant of the Zulu and Holy Bible Prophesy fulfilled.   We have to look into Tuskegee Institute and the Tuskegee Experiment.  And she was not the only child of God saved by my seed.  Then she gets setup for child molestation or else conditions.  Now as a kid, I remember how she favored Calvin Gibbs and Timothy Gibbs and Calvin Gibbs are not synonymous, Tim is the son of Billie Holiday, who got setup and big money had to be spent behind that.  But Calvin, I cannot talk about his genealogy at this time.  But he was not a Jones.

Who is the celebrity and business Hu-Wo Katherine Jackson and then you will understand who Blond Jones really is and why this must be investigated top priority.

INTEL EXPERTS SUGGEST KATHERINE JACKSON WAS IN DISTRESS – Blond Jones and LaTonya Jones have been held under GAY Mob Control Since they left to California.

The Covenant went from Frank Paul Jones and Cora Jones = Junita Jones + Cora Jones had a total of 4 daughters

To – Frank Paul Jones and Junita Jones – Junita Jones had 4 more daughters post Messiah

To- Frank Paul Jones and Blond Eva Jones – Blond Eva had 2 daughters born mortal and then 4 daughters post Messiah

Junita 4 daughters are

Cha’relle BKA Sharon Happer and Claudia Jones BKA Claire Jones

Claudia had 8 daughters and Cha’relle had 6 daughters – I will name the famous ones.

Claudia celebrity children are, Ashanti, Alicia Keys and J-Lo

Cha’relle celebrity children are Tia and Tamara Mowry became Tia = Tamara and Tamara became Rhianna and Moesha also known as Brandy

Sharon Harper became Kimora Simmons and Claire Jines became, the Rebbie Jackson and Natelie Cole

Bro. Roberts used to have a picture in his wall and said, it was his mother, claiming he was Blond Eva brother which was impossible. He would say, that’s my momma and she died when she was 13 years old.  Yet, Blond Eva is older than him, so if his momma died when she was 13 years old for having Blond Eva so young, when was he born?

Capstone Zulu

Who is Shirley Temple Black was she erased?

Charlie Chaplin Top 10 Movies

All of Charlie Chaplin Movies

Charlie Chaplin Cartoons

In 1974 the summer was crucified– I and my sons beat the Boston Red Sox 4 straight to win the last World Series, all or nothing, we got Major League Baseball which is nonprofit.  And was about being role models and professional athletes in it for the competition. There are a lot of stories to be told.

I was conceived on 27 June 1958 – this ended Willie Mays and I got the name Frank Paul Jones who is Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu

Florida Profit Corporation


Filing Information

Document Number 172201

FEI/EIN Number 00-0000000

Date Filed02/04/1953

State FL



The Proclamation Corporation is Jesus Christ, INC.

Shaka Zulu – mini series

Feast of all Saints – Part 1

Feast of all Saints Part 2

President Franklin d. Roosevelt first inaugural address

Willie Mays

This is how Willie Mays really look.  There is no Roberto Clamente and that makes Willie Mays a major collector’s item.

The Human Being is the greatest creation by procreation of God

Technology copies from Human Beings, the 5 senses and computer peripherals is a comparison. However, what I want to share is the ability of self controls and that was what I had to learn to mature. I had to learn simple functions like a file, open the file and run the app or program. Your computer will not run the program until you place it in the RAM or in Human Beings case, think about it.

Something you do not want the computer to read, you place the information beneath a certain threshold and a human being simply forget about it. And when you want to remember you think about it and the computer amplifies the signals.

So I had a life, but to function properly, I cannot know everything and certainly not all the time.

Capstone Zulu

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