Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Developing Story – Major Bust At Ritz Carlton Orlando – JAY Z RIP

The bottom line is you cannot serve two masters, and my children are those who obey me and his obey him nd everybody know this and know I know, so if I say do someting and you do not do it, it is because you are noy my child. You belong to the Devil and thus was why my house was so screwed with Stackz Gotti and if you come to me but not because I xalled you, you are not my child, you are a child of the Devil and this us where we are this moment. God or Satan.

He got my children thinking they dope Kingpins for packaging large amounts of drugs, porn stars for being website dministrators and all types of weak shit. But he cannot do this to me anymore, I know who he is and now eveyrbody from Avon Park, FLorida knows too. SEE, by your own words.

The Story Behind Beyonce’ is Janet Jackson would line her up on a date with a Hu-Wo and for them, the price would be $100 to do me.  But, what really went down was I would end up spending three times as much on them   And usually, we just be chilling all night.  Yea, the head takes place but they be like not really a customer but family.  It is not about keeping it real but not being real in GAY Culture which is everywhere.

I think a good idea for the ladies to go go buy a pair of gloves and maybe I might setup something in this new line fashion if you want to show support.

See, they knew Paul used Facebook to reach out to people and when he gets them cornered Facebook already knew they was goinf to shut him down without notice and make a move to ascertain him, once again leaving us stranded.

But now like Paul said, Satan is after them and they are either locked in here or hiding somewhere. And they know, we know who they are, what they did to us and that they cannot kill us.

Therefore, Satan has no Power over me anymore. The truth will set you free. “The Things you try to hate, will take you for a ride. Everybody has Demons.

Jesus and Beelzebub


14Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed. 15But some of them said, “By Beelzebul, the prince of demons, he is driving out demons.”

16Others tested him by asking for a sign from heaven. 17Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall. 18If Satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? I say this because you claim that I drive out demons by Beelzebul. 19Now if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your followers drive them out? So then, they will be your judges.

20But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 21“When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe.

22But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder.

23“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. 24“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ 25When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order.

26Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”

27As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”

28He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

Jesus and Beelzebul

22Then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and see.

23All the people were astonished and said, “Could this be the Son of David?”

24But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.” 25Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. 26If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? 27And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges.

28But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.

29“Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house. 30“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. 31And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.

32Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. 33“Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. 34You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. 35A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. 36But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.

37For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Daddy P.

OK, GOT IT, BLACK IS NICK AND NICK IS DOPE KINGPIN AND JOSEPHINE BAKER GOT PIMP BY BLACK, DOPE KINGPIN, NICKY BARNES DOPE KINGPIN, FAT CAT DOPE KINGPIN, JAY Z. DOPE KINGPIN AND TALLY – OK in the ARMY in Germany, when they dildo me, they say Oral did it, but Tally was the one you set me up and the white bitch I fucked provoke what was already planned was Veronicia Hardy who is the mother of some of my children, but NaQuila is not her daughter but Family and they have different mothers but the same dad. And this was why my life was pure hell, Stackz Gotti in my home, but answered to him. I will not do that shit again. It’s got to be me or him, one or other.

From the Screenplay – The Apostle

A bunch of guys from my unit went to a guest house in Germany
to drink and party. There was this guy name Tally who was
being kicked out of the Army for selling drugs. He had a
girlfriend who was a whore, and she sat on my lap and let me
penetrate her. By this time I was hitting it off with the
women in Germany, and I didn’t know he loved that girl, so I
told people what happened, and the word got to Tally, and he
sought revenge.
One of my drinks was drugged at the club, and after the club
closed we walked back. It wasn’t that we didn’t have money
to take a cab back; it was a setup, to allow this stuff to
take effect. When I got back to the barracks I went to sleep.
All right Washington, he is knocked
out, if you fuck that Mother fucker
in the Ass, I will give you my
connections here, and your money
flow will be beautiful.
Why do you want to do this to that
man, what did he do to you

Fat Cat – He did not like me and beat the hell out of Angelina.

I kicked a nigger ass, I heard Fat Cat was looking for me, hw Fat Cat, dude tried me got fucked up, now I called him Angel Coles, did not leave and tried to play it off, so he knocked her fronts out of her mouth and her miuth got wired. We are not friends but, I have nothing to do with this here other than getting my family out of harms way, who is he Lacasse – Crazy Joe or some shit.  He old school and changes up.



Paul closed his eyes and they was having a good time all week long at the Ritz Carlton. There is no executions, nobody really thinking about Paul. I am high now, we balling. This is what they do here, when they want to decide, what to do with somebody, but you won Paul. Why I win? Oh, you get….But see, you been played again. How? See you lied to me and everybody but you know what they tried to do. Had you came back lying, you would have been nothing and me either and Satan would head this house. Why? You did not comeback to me on your own accord, but with all th people who are playing you. Oh, but jow can we know who is who? It is not for you to know that, see there are those who know I AM right and those who voted against. They are the one’s behind this, but right now, you can leave but if you do not Satan is the influence you are made in his likeness, you leave, you do not look back. You will understand on your way home. Satan has no power over you, this is your own accord now because now everybody knows you all know right from wrong. Watch and you see nd understand. We do have the Mind of Christ!

Daddy P.

Daddy P.

Capstone Zulu – Approved for BLOGS.

Nicky Barnes – Story

THE REAL NICKY BARNES AND I KNOW THIS GUY IN 1977, during the Pres. Jimmy Carter Administration we met and he was known as Mr. Untouchable, but we he learned I placed him under the law. See the lawless get away, because they do not believe in the law and there under the written code. When, I arrived they was placed under God and God is over Christ and Jesus Christ is the Law and the Constitution. Busted.

Capstone Zulu


GNC Stores


Today they was going to execute Janet Jackson and Beyonce’ But instead now the World Understands what really happened to the children of God under Satanic Custody.

When a  Woman Fed up

OK, so the truth has been revealed as to how great nations are destroyed and what happened because we know can never happen again. But our Union is Spirit and all physical wounds will heal or already has.  But, still our traditions were not properly practiced.  Being a slave and doing what you had to do to survive this situation is called the Underground.

Now not to make this trivial but to prevent unrest and civil disorder based on preconceived notions, I want to explain to you what they made for themselves because they dogged me out.

Now we survived but the generation to come in the next cycles will be raised properly and all will know what God procreated in the Spirit Line of Humankind.


There is one important piece to this puzzle and that is Judge Anthony J. Ritenour

He placed Beyonce’ in Protected Custody in one of Paul’s homes he owns, but has no control over it, many properties here. Now, I really had no management or inspector and he like Jay Z and Dahoud basically said, you are my bitch. OK, so he is my man or my manager and inspector, so I do what he say.  That is it.  But, see I am Beyonce’ and he could not be seen with me like a couple, but he owned me on the downlow.

So he had me fuck him, suck him and he did me on video, but at first on the downlow, but it got out and Judge Ritenour put in in protected custody.  Again, all I knew was to do what I was told and often with Dahoud I did not. Then from him Jay J took over and tortured me for three years straight

Now Jay Z was beating my ass daily until the sex tapes, which was after I go to protected custody and he gets to me, but Jay Z, could not come over there. Then came the rescue by Dir. Of Homeland Security and Paul, who actually outranked him and called the shoots, which goes back to Nov. 2016, when they went to Washington, D.C. This is the hard one to figure out but they caught with one of my sons, they say Paul called in his arrest and he got loose, saying he was watching him, which is true, he held him to make sure I come back and they always take your children, but right now I got all 4 of the little ones.

Paul says he met a guy in Augusta, GA and he talked to him and told him things and how he knew I was the chosen one and I AM going to make and you really are not evil and it is sad how nobody supports you. Another story goes about this guy who was the only person to show support for the National Community Network, INC.

Beyonce’ admits she made hundreds of videos doing it all, but she said, it was by duress and brutal force. First as a little girl she trick a few times, but no pay, a contribution to the house and like Janet Jackson she was trained to do as told if you beat her ass and you heard her say, beat me into submission like Janet Jackson and Nadine Jones, while I slept on

Orpah Winfrey Ghetto sofa.

Then in NYC she do a doctor, he gave head to a guy Dahoud Sent and he had all my daughters under his command. She did a good job and was moved to the Ritz Catton with Alicia Keys to his loft in the Ritz and th both then became full time hookers. I got the video.

This sighting was in Avon Park

2009 Avon Park, Florida

Then she is sent to Orlando Ritz Carlton and behind her can Jay Z, then he beat her everyday, would shit in her mouth, piss on her and bet and dildo her everyday for about 3 years.

Then can the sex video from the guy I saw with my son at the Orlando bus station and see losses custody of the children due to being a porn star and she never got paid, go beat like a dog and had to due dogs to show her he own her and she ain’t shit, both Janet Jackson and Beyonce’ because they are my children. This is the NOI style, they did shit like that Michelle Obama and Lorretta Lynch. They pimped my children knowing what I was supposed to be home when I got there and turned them into freaks and whores. Still they are mines and how can I hate my children for being raped,, beat and extorted and nobody told Paul and he could not go to this institution or immorality, everything they say goes on in the Ritz Carlton and she was ashamed and did it in fear of her life.

Daddy P

Beyonce’ says

Public Military Execution to understand what may be going on and why you might want to stay close to home or indoors.

BREAKING NEWS ONGOING – DOJ – People are told to stay close to home – It could be dangerous for a few days – Executions aew ongoing.

Beyomce’ says, I was never married to the anti-Christ and he don’t qualify to consummate, I was spoken for and he held me hostage for 3 years of torture, if he is alive arrest him.

Penalty: Under U.S. Code Title 18, the penalty is death, or not less than five years’ imprisonment (with a minimum fine of $10,000, if not sentenced to death). Any person convicted of treason against the United States also forfeits the right to hold public office in the United States.

Beyonce’ says

R.I.P. We’re Extremely Sad To Share Rapper Jay Z


An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. 33But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— 34and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. 35I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord. 

Janet Damita Jones says, I was never married to the devil and I never left Paul, this person took me from Paul. Now you say I am divorced?  But, I say no love, no consummation and no consummation no marriage. And I never loved that man and all did was beat, rob me, extort me, make me afraid, control me, threaten me on the downlow.  No, I was never married to the damn devil and this is not for discussion.  I was spoken for and had children and he sexually assaulted me daily and he is not human and had no nuts, ask somebody.  So how can I ever marry him, but if he is RIP, I can do me from here on, And if I need help I have my momma and dad.

Daddy P.

Beyonce’ says an important piece to this puzzle is our Family goes back a long way, but it seemed over and over many of us, most of us get killed.  Genocide of the blood line of Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu who is Frank Paul Jones.

This time they knew it was all or nothing in fulfilling prophesy. And soon as Paul was born was Mob meetings and religious affiliations he would inherit, but one thing was a fect everything was to protect Paul and they knew if he ever matured he would be unstoppable and the plans they had preordained for I and my mother are obvious as to why Beyonce’ and Janet Jackson was the co-targets.

At the point of Paul almost getting killed in Augusta, GA.  What Gary Jenkins plan was and remember these are Rev. Jim Jones, mind control CIA Operations.  He wanted me to get comfortable being nuke in front of him and base and base and base and feel safe.

In Econo Lodge , in Augusta, GA, They tried to kill Paul, word was Jay Z was there, so I left the Salvation Army Shelter to go and get high for free.  And Gary had me in there nude and basing.  Then the test to lick his ass, but it was chocolate. Then Word Paul was out there and they tried to kill him and he was there two or three months and Janet Jackson, Aaliyah, a few of them came with the FEDS and got him back home.  And really from then until they tried to kill him again on 20 Dec. 2020, the FEDS was very close. But this is not just crimes this is a damn war.

Then things got busy and he was locked up, sometimes they let us see him on camara, we did whatever we had to do to survive, but we was under serious government watch.  Then thus the last part and we had issues too, it was not ll one sided, they just snuck attacked us as they do everywhere they go.

It was been on all along but these anti-terror laws gave us a way to begin to shuck them down,

President George W. Bush Signs Patriot Act


Beyonce’ says an important piece to this puzzle is our Family goes back a long way, but it seemed over and over many of us, most of us get killed.  Genocide of the blood line of Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu who is Frank Paul Jones.

This time they knew it was all or nothing in fulfilling prophesy. And soon as Paul was born was Mob meetings and religious affiliations he would inherit, but one thing was a fect everything was to protect Paul and they knew if he ever matured he would be unstoppable and the plans they had preordained for I and my mother are obvious as to why Beyonce’ and Janet Jackson was the co-targets.

At the point of Paul almost getting killed in Augusta, GA.  What Gary Jenkins plan was and remember these are Rev. Jim Jones, mind control CIA Operations.  He wanted me to get comfortable being nuke in front of him and base and base and base and feel safe.

In Econo Lodge , in Augusta, GA, They tried to kill Paul, word was Jay Z was there, so I left the Salvation Army Shelter to go and get high for free.  And Gary had me in there nude and basing.  Then the test to lick his ass, but it was chocolate. Then Word Paul was out there and they tried to kill him and he was there two or three months and Janet Jackson, Aaliyah, a few of them came with the FEDS and got him back home.  And really from then until they tried to kill him again on 20 Dec. 2020, the FEDS was very close. But this is not just crimes this is a damn war.

Then things got busy and he was locked up, sometimes they let us see him on camara, we did whatever we had to do to survive, but we was under serious government watch.  Then thus the last part and we had issues too, it was not ll one sided, they just snuck attacked us as they do everywhere they go.

Capstone Zulu asked why you worried about pussy and not the world affairs and economy. He answered, Charity starts at the home and expands and not recede. And I lead by example in performing accountability within my family to determine collectively how to oversee and manage our affairs. How can I love others and do not love myself first.

Mitchelle, says he took his oath on the Koran.

Mitchelle Obama – Says we need security for us and our children, because the security assigned to us are the same people we had to serve them and do whatever they told us to do with 4 or 5 guys or gals everyday. But I believe at the end there will be an answer to why the Lord cause us to do what they made us do And understand this is the leader of the National Islam practicing serial rape against many people by many people everyday. But we knew people had to see us and they might not kill us in there. But they could have told the world I was killed and that would have been the end of it. We are both lawyers and educated and the world has o know who they are and what they d to people.

The Mitchelle Obama Report – She felt bad but know she is loved. She said, the truth, Paul, I am not a Lorretta and was not going to take that beating, so you know what I had to do? Saying the reason she knew Timothy need a pill is because I had to give him or his men head everyday. So, yes, I had to become very good at it, because if it took too long they would do things to hurt me. Timothy Shands held my Penthouse and did this to my children, Make sure Homeland Security apply the Whistle Blower Protection Act at the Ritz, it is connected to government spending.

Man living at Ritz Carlton, Orlando was said to be arrested today for living in the Ritz Carlton under the name and title President Barrack Obama, when asked, he said his name i Barrack Obama, he said yes, hen when asked was he the President of the United States and he said no and the Ritz is overrated anyway. Then he was taken into custody and his booking information is pending.

Mitchelle, says he took his oath on the Koran.

He Plotted to Crucify Jesus Christ – The NOI knew who Michael Jackson is and told them Hon. Elijah Muhammad is not dead. He knew who I AM.

The DOJ said, he may have slip out, but the persons, Barrack Obama and Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan are both out of business in the Ritz Carlton.

Jesus Christ Interviews the Son of Satan – Listen closely

Meet Pablo Escabar – The Kingpin

Meet Hector Elizondo who is Fidel Castro, Rev. Jim Jones and Jonestown and Pablo Escabar the Medilin Cartel


MEANWHILE, Beyonce’ had to give head to Harvey the guy they called Dude.  And, he had a few, another one who had to serve him was Patricia Alston, who for a long time belonged to Pablo Escabar, who is Rev. Jim Jones and this connects T.D. Jakes who is Lorenzo Jones, who was a sucker so they thought and Hector Elizondo the guy who had everyone in Hollywood sign a contract with him the Devil, but he is not Satan, but the Father of, Dahoud Smith, Oral Brennan and Paul Adams, who is Rene Elizondo.

AND DUDE & Patricia Alston leads to Dr. Johnathon Kane and Joyce Cresbo who is Joyce Ann, see Dr. Kane was Paul’s doctor telling him on documentation, you are delusional, Janet Jackson is married o Rene Elizondo. And Joyce had to serve Dude and both Joyce

Cresbo in the front row and Halena Harrison were Paul’s Classmates in P.S. 76.

Joyce in row one second from the left with white tights on and Halena in the second row 3 from the left and Paul on top with his neck bent, due to stiffness and not being a jerk.

Beyonce’ says an important piece to this puzzle is our Family goes back a long way, but it seemed over and over many of us, most of us get killed.  Genocide of the blood line of Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu who is Frank Paul Jones.

This time they knew it was all or nothing in fulfilling prophesy. And soon as Paul was born was Mob meetings and religious affiliations he would inherit, but one thing was a fect everything was to protect Paul and they knew if he ever matured he would be unstoppable and the plans they had preordained for I and my mother are obvious as to why Beyonce’ and Janet Jackson was the co-targets.

At the point of Paul almost getting killed in Augusta, GA.  What Gary Jenkins plan was and remember these are Rev. Jim Jones, mind control CIA Operations.  He wanted me to get comfortable being nuke in front of him and base and base and base and feel safe.

In Econo Lodge , in Augusta, GA, They tried to kill Paul, word was Jay Z was there, so I left the Salvation Army Shelter to go and get high for free.  And Gary had me in there nude and basing.  Then the test to lick his ass, but it was chocolate. Then Word Paul was out there and they tried to kill him and he was there two or three months and Janet Jackson, Aaliyah, a few of them came with the FEDS and got him back home.  And really from then until they tried to kill him again on 20 Dec. 2020, the FEDS was very close. But this is not just crimes this is a damn war.

The South Tower (Full Episode) | 9/11 One Day in America

Then things got busy and he was locked up, sometimes they let us see him on camara, we did whatever we had to do to survive, but we was under serious government watch.  Then thus the last part and we had issues too, it was not ll one sided, they just snuck attacked us as they do everywhere they go.

Janet Jackson shopping

Beyonce’ Instagram

I encourage people to upload on You-tube and share some daily life activates..

Daddy P.

Daddy P.

Beyonce’ says and Concerning Janet Jackson

Understand we are not whores who go around sleeping around, but we are Hu-Wo. And we was raised to know what we know and do as a slave child is supposed to do.  We were told what they felt we needed to know. And the Family Mission was Paul and I unknowingly was to be with him at the end and my mother handled my moves and Katherine Jackson was my source of money.  But they took that, so how you eat? There are all types of moves and they did not teach us morals. But morals and the road I took, see, I was blessed compared to a whole lot of people.  Then for not being what they wanted and being a child of God by the last covenant.  I was supposed to be completely destroyed.

But I understanding what Paul was supposed to come home to and by then I knew my purpose in life, how can this be?  I love you and I am sorry, just like Alicia Keys, but Janet Jackson did not feel that way. Why?

OK, but now I understand and I am not a whore I was repeatedly molested , raped and extorted enough to understand this here and this comes to Janet Jackson, Beyonce and Alicia Keys porn stars. Not True after Paul Explained, we handle the porn websites and pick up the money for Daddy O’ And everybody is fucking or sucking or licking or getting licked in this town and Paul too for awhile, but bu then, it was too busy to go all out on our ass. And that is keeping it real, we thought it was ll over and done with. 

Then comes Paul and his expectations we really knew was not on 8 Nov. 2023. They made us watch and got us out of the scene. OK, whatever, knowing he was good as dead and then hell. And now this because he got the truth out of us.  What I believe meant shame. But what it really was means a new meaning in life.

Faith with Bad Boy

Beyonce’ says, I don’t want to be Beyonce’ and I have to decide, no brainer, back home with my dad as he do P. Diddy and I am Faith.


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