Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Author: wzekdqmy

  • Meet Jay Z BKA Oral Brennan

    i put it on the record I was and against them giving these guys their napkins like kotex because once the get the blood there’s no turning back. the Mack is about the Pimp Game and what happened here in this place called Armageddon is the woes got dudes into eating their cunt and as… Read more

  • Frank Paul Jones is Willie Mays Legacy

    Frank Paul Jones is Willie Mays Legacy The Civil Rights Act is Sex Right Act”  Posted on December 20, 2014 by Jesus Christ Eph:5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them John:15:28, 27 The Work of the Holy Spirit and the Coloration The Book of Acts and Paul’s Journey – brings us… Read more

  • Janet Jackson Tour 2024 FBI Probe

    Concerning Live Nation Fraudulent  Promotions – ASCAP MUST BE PROACTIVE What is going on in entertainment with the total disregard of FCC law and rules, I call on the members of ASCAP to stand up and be proactive.  It is not that complicated.  What is going on is we are just watching them exploit us… Read more

  • The Beatles Catalog

    The Beatles Music Video Playlist The truth is how can you buy someone else rights from the Lord?  I AM the Beatles and Michael Jackson and more, but for sure you can believe I AM the Beatles and that how I go those rights. The Beatles Catalog has 250 entries registered at the U.S. Library… Read more

  • Paul In Distress Reaches Out

    On 20 Dec 2020 – This took place and NASA has it on Video from a satellite located to view my home.  DOJ ID # 3704895 – Evidence The Parable of the Tenants Matt:21:33“Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in… Read more

  • The Union Made Simple – Living Arrangements

    The Union Arrangement Made Simple Why did I Get Married – Full Movie – The Underlying theme behind this movie is Hu-Wo Sexuality and lack of respect for the Christian Household, where the Human is the head of the Hu-Wo.  This is a demonstration of GAY culture. Separations are supposed to be by mutual consent,… Read more

  • Operation Community Network – AN IDEA

    Should we go with the name Beyonce’ meaning creole or half and half, or place her face on “Faith?” This is the missing one off Bad Boy. Operation Community Network AN IDEA Gaining accountability by use of community activity Mentor Programs like we have some of the best singers and dancers in the world that… Read more

  • Who is Michael King DBA Martin Luther King, Jr.

    There is not one Jesus Christ Street in America talking about hatred. But everybody loves Jesus Christ? Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., did not see eye to eye. I have a question. You have Dr. King Highway, Dr. King Memorial, Dr. King BLVD, Dr. King, Day, why is there not one… Read more

  • Hon. Elijah Muhammad Copyrights

    Hon. Elijah Muhammad Funeral nobody saw the body and if he was in a casket how was his body frozen?  You see Jesse Jackson and Muhammad Ali get in fast, but there was a long line of people who showed up. Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., did not see eye to… Read more

  • The Blue House Floor Plan

    Muhammad ALI GAVE ALL HIS EARNINGS TO HON.ELIJAH MUHAMMAD AND THAT MAKES HIM AN AGENT FOR THE BENFICAIRY Jesus Christ who is the Son of Man, his Father meaning everything he did was for the Lord = The BEYONCE’ LAW. I AM A VICTIM TOO OF THE NOI – THE MUHAMMAD ALI LAW – YES… Read more