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Alicia Keys and Native Instruments

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(1) ALICIA’S KEYS Product Demonstration | Native Instruments – YouTube

Alicia Keys is the name now associated with native Instruments Virtual Instruments.  What she did was sample her piano. She has a rare piano by Steinway, that I used in Fort Polk to record Lionel Richie former lead singer of the Commodores. We had people stage the Commodores, You remember how he was crying why Michael Jackson won all the awards, that was fake Lionel Richie.  That year for Thriller Michael Jackson won 7 Grammys.

Red Means Recording explores KOMPLETE 14 | Native Instruments (

Native Instruments Komplete 14

I remember being downstairs at the EM Club, upstairs was the club and bar and downstairs was the restaurant. People would go downstairs to chillout and eat and there was a Steinway Piano down there.  One night I was playing and singing these songs, crying and all types of stuff, so I turned around and behind me was all these women.  That is the story about that Piano and Lionel Richie big release back then.

Alicia Keys – Fallin’ (Official HD Video) (

Alicia Keys Music Videos

Alicia Keys wanted to sing and dance like everyone else. Bit now she sees her blessing, for doing that boring job of sampling one note after one note. Now I AM not going to front, she is not an electronic engineer.  That was the job at Native Instruments.  But Alicia’s Keys has to go back into Research and Development called R&D.  Why?  Now she has to learn how to use it. DAW development is when an artist actually make it do things and then you hear New in Acid Pro or New in Cubase or New in Reason Pro or New in Native Instruments.  Those engineers, computer programmers and technicians do not know what these Virtual Studio Technologies can actually do.  They don’t and that make Alicia keys the main endorsement for Native Insgtruments.

Therefore, she has studios out of the deal, they said she does on the Ad you will see. And that is how the business DAW works and she is blessed for doing that boring detail and this is a blessing to them all, because she can really play those keyboards and once, she learns how to program them.  Man oh, man, she is going to be a monster.  Watch and see. 

The IBM PC 5150 – the world’s most influential computer (


This places all the big guys in Computer technology into sponsorship, like IBM, who is really behind Microsoft, who is behind the PC or personal computer industry and Native Instruments is VSTi, Virtual Studio Technology Instruments, which is PC.   

Capstone Zulu

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