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The Duty of Hu-Wo

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The Love Potion – OK Dude gives you dope and he requires human protein. I had to masturbate like a mad man when I was younger. They collected it and put it in the food of their manager. Next thing she is Spirit Hu-Wo – the go between of Satan and the Spirit World. But, now he or she is obsessed with Jesus Christ and these same people kept my Hu-Wo away from me, because they wanted my nut in their mouth more than them. And that is crazy! Obsessed! Who?

Michael Jackson Not Dead – Jesus Christ, INC (

PROOF REV. Dr. FRANK PAUL JONES – Messiah, M.D. is Owner of the Michael Jackson Estate = DBA = Do Business As Michael Jackson

See, The Heads are Asexual and nut is very high in human protein. This is not sexual, but for some reason after they gave them my nut, they wanted my nut and not just any nut. And, now you have artificial intelligence making decisions and Spirit Hu-Wo giving advice. There is no code. They improvise via Spirit Hu-Wo.

Michael Jackson Beat it

Now what was the inside joke behind this song. See Michael Jackson was made into a joke, If Michael Jackson was not a joke, how he ended up with a Debbie Rowe and she is a gold digger. See? He, he, he…Michael Jackson to them was and is a joke.

What is sad is what I had to do to survive was a joke, to have to masturbate all of my life. That was and is a joke to them in this asexual arrangement I was given. They basically told me be a faggot or be alone. I was alone.

Now the rumor goes, my Hu-Wo left me out there alone, because the people who kept them away wanted me more than them. The word on the streets is that the Spirit Hu-Wo gave the big shots, the heads of these mafia families my love potion. I did not authorize that weak ass shit. But my Hu-Wo might can use some?

The joke went like this, oh, just tell Paul it is human nature, because Paul will believe anything. So people would tell me any crazy shit or nothing at all.

The Duty of Hu-Wo

I explained my life story to express my need for love and why.  Now as I said, I had to be alone and if I showed affection for a Hu-Wo, they would take her away and I would not see her for a long time.  Wherefore, I knew and had to live accordingly to this scripture.

1:CO: 7:29-35 – I knew the conditions I have to live in.

29 What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not; 30those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep;

31 those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away. 32I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. 33 But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— 34 and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband.

35 I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord. 

1:CO: 9:24-27 – Sex and masturbation reduces stress

The Need for Self-Discipline – I knew I would have to be able to take care of myself by masturbation.

24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

Blue Balls is real and it comes from lack of ejaculation and to ejaculate has to be a human right

I was locked up for 3 years and before that I went on Paul’s Journey. In detention I was given no petroleum jelly and in prison around a bunch of men all day and night.

My testicles almost turned into blue balls, they got too big. I was down at one time at 129 pounds and my blood pressure went up to 235/130 or some shit.  I wore slippers for three years straight. So, I need time alone, to cleanse myself for starts.

But in all honesty, I AM tired of beating off and it just isn’t right. And everything I AM doing is time sensitive to include arrangements for long term hygiene’s. 

I been tired you did not get the message – This way of life ain’t about nothing

My message is I AM tired of beating off and should not have to.

From my experience the three main side effects are, frequent urination, Pre-mature ejaculation, you become a minute man and I knew I should not have had to live like this. You know the requirement is not right in most cases. You are travelling on the road alone and feel stressed, you stop at a hotel for the night, fine OK, you feel better, but in a city or hometown and because nobody cares about you. That is sort of a side effect after long term.

My experience with Cialis is I cannot take it more than 2 or 3 months, maybe 90 days. It ends ED, harder and stuff like that, which is due to pre-mature ejaculation. But it works with your mind and I guess fixes the physical dysfunction causing ED.

Michael Jackson Child molestation Accusers

Michael Jackson Family Discuss Child Molestation charges

I was never a registered sex offender based on the Federal Data Base – And the salvation Army Shelter, Augusta, GA., Is far from that Ranch and Estate.

They are saying I was at the Neverland Ranch molesting these dudes for several years.  Meaning I was living in the Neverland Ranch.  And they played along with this bullshit all these damn years.  Oh, I forgot, now I AM dead, so you can tell people anything.

Michael Jackson Child Molestation on FBI Vault has 15 items – the 1st one seems to have files on child molestation investigation seems to be hearsay.  Janet Jackson might find an interest in the file name Tupac Shakur, it also talks about Eric Wright who is Eazy E.  Then the other Michael Jackson stuff is when I went to California, stuff like handwriting test to verify my letters was from me, court documents collected and the investigation.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

 Michael Jackson Part 05 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

 Michael Jackson Part 08 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

 Michael Jackson Part 03 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by …

 Atlanta Child Murders Part 14 of 24

 Michael Aquino Part 01

 Jimmy Hoffa Part 10 of 18

 Tupac Shakur Part 1 of 1

 Jonestown Part 102 of 287

 Francis Shelden Part 01

 Jonestown Part 183 of 287

 Jonestown Part 154 of 287

 Jonestown Part 282 of 287

 Kansas City Massacre Part 65 of 93

 FOIA Log 2017 Part 01

Frank Paul Jones DBA Michael Jackson, Egeria Jordan DBA Oprah Winfrey and Rene Elizondo – Back at it, with these setups.

The John Singleton Investigation on FBI Vault

The telephonic interview of John Singleton is unverified and is not a fact.  There is no John Singleton or Tupac Shakur.  Check the copyrights to the ownership of John Singleton Copyrights and Janet Jackson can verify how that movie was made. 


John Singleton Top Movies

John Singleton’s Filmography (Boyz N The Hood, Poetic Justice, Higher Learning, Rosewood, … THEY RIP JOHN SINGLETON.

FBI Vault Files – Michael Jackson 6 of 8 – Found in John Singleton Death, Janet Jackson and Rene Elizondo


John Singleton Death – Files

 Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by 


Janet Jackson Files

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by 

 Michael Jackson Part 06 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by 


Rene Elizondo Files

 Michael Jackson Part 06 of 08

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by ..

Rene Elizondo

John Singleton, director of “Boyz n the Hood,” dies at 51

Poetic Justice (1993) – Getting Acquainted


#Title <Full TitleCopyright NumberDate
 [ 1 ]John Singleton Copley : an American painter entirely devoted to his art / by Carolyn J. Weekley.John Singleton Copley : an American painter entirely devoted to his art / by Carolyn J. Weekley.TX00038559761994
 [ 2 ]John Singleton Copley in America / Carrie Rebora and Paul Staiti, Erica E. Hirshler, Theodore E. Stebbins, Jr., Carol Troyen.John Singleton Copley in America / Carrie Rebora and Paul Staiti, Erica E. Hirshler, Theodore E. Stebbins, Jr., Carol Troyen.TX00040848591995
 [ 3 ]John Singleton imagesJohn Singleton’s poetic license.VA00007468581993
 [ 4 ]John Singleton: Interviews.John Singleton: Interviews.TX00070710452009
 [ 5 ]John Singleton Mosby, “The Gray Ghost.”[Contributions by Edmund Wilson]RE00003661491987
 [ 6 ]John Singleton’s Classic Influences.John Singleton’s Classic Influences.PA00020519442016
 [ 7 ]John Singleton’s grand tour, 1815-1817 / Richard Cargill Cole.John Singleton’s grand tour, 1815-1817 / Richard Cargill Cole.TX00025248791988
 [ 8 ]John Singleton’s Poetic justice.Poetic justice.PAu0017617561993
 [ 9 ]John Singleton’s Poetic Justice.Poetic Justice / a New Deal, Nickel production ; written and directed by John Singleton.


Capstone Zulu

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