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Apollo 13 Reentry

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27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

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Apollo 13 Re-entry (1970) (

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NASA File name: Apollo 13 Reentry 1970 it happened in 1969

File name – Apollo 13 reentry 1970

It happened in1969, we took of in the East coast and landed in the Pacific and I was 10-year-old when it happened. I earned a doctorate in Rocket Science.  The video has been altered.

The truth is while we was in the atmosphere, they sent Nail Armstrong up and he came down, while we was still in the atmosphere.  Then they said, he returned from the moon.  Then we landed in the Pacific.

The original footage showed the whole thing to include me jumping up and down on the moon, like a little boy jumping on a bed.  That is the truth.

While we were inflight, a lot of Black Panthers were killed.  NASA is a nonprofit corporation and not a government agency.  People who was alive during that time, know that NASA is not a military.

And I will tell you’ll something else and it is a scientific fact, without the Spirit of God, humankind cannot leave the third vector.  Albert the Chimp 3 proved this, when he died once he went so far up and we proved with the Spirit of God, you can leave the third vector.

 Our promise is not to simply populate this planet, but to populate the Universe. And this is in the Holy Bible and was the promise given to Abraham.

FEET – mean – Free Emancipated Eternal Travelers

Capstone Zulu

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