Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

The Carlo Gambino and Elijah Muhammad Connection

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The Carlo Gambino and Elijah Muhammad Connection

At age 15, in 1974 I was crucified. Now you know who and why they crucified me and who THEY ARE!

Now I will share something with you all, When I was born, the family had to make a decision to protect me.

They knew if I ever matured, I would succeed in anything and everything I was sent here to do. I read the Holy Bible and remember what happened and the Holy Bible tells me where it happened in Holy Bible names of places. And a secret in the Holy Bible is Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul. Jesus Christ was the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and after the crucifixion in



Let’s get drunk Don?
What are we going to do, get drunk
and play music?
Yea, let’s get drunk and jam.
We both got a quart of liquor each, which cost about $2 or
$3 each bottle because we didn’t have to pay taxes on it,
and drank it, straight out of the bottle. We would do this
often. We were about the same age, we were months apart, he
played the lead guitar and I played the bass guitar. This
was our regular routine, when I got out it broke his heart,
because we had plans of getting a band together.
I would put on Mickey Mouse Sunglasses and act crazy, and
the unit got a good laugh out of it, they would say “Jones
is playing crazy again, sometimes I wonder about this dude.”
And, they would laugh.
We would play music, and we didn’t sound bad, considering we
were always almost out of it.
On the way back to the United States we stopped in Ireland,
at the time there was battles going on in that Country with
the Irish Liberated Army. I got off the plane and used the
rest room. They actually had Irish Spring Soap in the rest
room. I got back on the plane and we were escorted by two
Fighter Aircraft’s.
I took control of all three jets while in midair in
International Airspace, which is what we were escorted
through. And, after a minute or two, I saluted the Pilot on
the right side of our passenger plane, and Paul Castellano
was commissioned in Air Space. We continued through
International Airspace, and the Fighters turned around back
the Air Base


FBI Records: The Vault – FRANK PAUL JONES

FBI Records: The Vault – ELIJAH MUHAMMAD


Hon. Elijah Muhammad Copyrights – Jesus Christ, INC (

The Apostle real names – In PDF Format Download

Everybody has Demons– In PDF Format Download

FBI Records: The Vault – JAMES JONES

FBI Records: The Vault – JESSE JONES

the Army and now you have Paul, Apostle Paul Castellano.

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad speaks about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and what they agreed on

Nick means dope kingpin. This meeting took place when I was about 10 or 11 years old? 10? It was in 41-04 10th street, apt.2B. All I AM saying is this meeting took place. John: 7:45-52 + John:3:1-21

My understanding of this is the things that happened and who I was dealing with like Dr. King is Nick or Black, Nicodemus in the Holy Bible, therefore, Galilee is the 41st side of 10th street, so where is Jerusalem?

They were both said to be about the same age and height which was 5 ft 6 inches, my height in the 6 grades.  They were the same person who is Frank Paul Jones.

This as the type of stuff it was about and we had it made in Queensbridge, great sports programs, shows at the River Park, the 40th side of 10th street, you saw some of the greatest basketball players to ever play the game.

See now I AM going to do something, I should not have to do. They say what Paul ever do for the community and live in HUD homes I built, doing charity and non believers just taking everything and again Everybody but Paul. Now you have me feeling like, what have you ever done for me. They made this my best option.

My conception and birth were witnessed by the J Edgar Hoover FBI.  They knew I arrived. The myth is Don Carlo Gambino had Albert Anastasia whacked and took over and became the Gambino Crime Family.

First of all, the Apalachin meeting took place in 1958 in Appalachia, New York and I was in the womb of Blond Jones, inside of her was eternal life.  There is and never was a Gambino Crime Family. They knew who I was, I was very smart and was making big business moves.  And they knew, I was against dope.

Anastasia was murdered on October 25, 1957, on the orders of Vito Genovese and Carlo Gambino; Gambino subsequently became boss of the family. Albert Anastasia.

The Apalachin meeting was a historic summit of the American Mafia held at the home of mobster Joseph “Joe the Barber” Barbara, at 625 McFall Road in Apalachin, New York, on November 14, 1957.

What is Apalachin New York famous for?

One of the most direct and significant outcomes of the Apalachin meeting was that it helped to confirm the existence of a nationwide criminal conspiracy, a fact that some, including Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover, had long refused to acknowledge.

The Hon. Elijah Muhammad was the biggest Civil Rights Leader at that time. And Carlo Gambino was making sound business decisions from Entertainment, to Fashion, to Technologies, remember I AM the One who walked on the moon and NASA and IBM was major to space exploration.

Hon. Elijah Muhammad was the Leader of the Black Panther Movement, who was doing great community work. A lot of Black Panthers were role models and some had celebrity status.

The Hon. Elijah Muhammad really did not teach Islam as taught to the Nation of Islam.  For example, I taught that the Black Man is God and the White Man is the Devil.  But I remember talking to Bob Harper as a child. He explained, see the White Man is God and the Black Man is the Devil.

They changed a lot of stuff to convince you I AM some type of hypocrite. The truth is the nation of Islam was taught to not eat pork and to eat beef. Now you have NOI Vegans. I still eat beef and now I eat pork also. They can change a lot of stuff and the Hon. Elijah Muhammad might say stuff like Allah in the flesh, but is that good?  ALLAH is the lowest man on Earth.  So please do not call me ALLAH in the flesh.

The bottom line is they can say all kinds of stuff about the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, but they can never say, he said, The White Man is God. That I never said. And I still eat beef and do not eat people.  That was they key to don’t eat pork and to eat beef.  Serpents cannot stand beef.

Capstone Zulu

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  1. […] Hon. Elijah Muhammad Copyrights The Carlo Gambino and Elijah Muhammad Connection […]

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