Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Jesus Christ, INC., Getting Organized.

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Jesus Christ, INC., Getting Organized.

The 3rd World War by: Capstone Zulu

The Third World War by: Capstone Zulu

You think I AM Bad, but I AM Not

You Think I’M Bad By: Capstone Zulu

NWO – New World Order – Video Message Adult

NWO By: Capstone Zulu

Follow the rationality and application of artificial intelligence. The Beyonce’ dramas is almost like it was for Prince, but Beyonce’ is being exploited in a whole different way and levels. People can make a movie in their homes and express their ideas and upload it onto the world wide web and say it is whoever and if it is entertaining people will check it out. They did this to Janet Damita and many others in the porn industry using video FX. Then as you saw in films about the history of major entertainers are FX that was on-time published to deceive the world now. And, now movies are almost computer generated and the name Beyonce’ is widely used.

Therefore, Beyonce’ on the internet can be many things and positions depending on who up-loaded it and why.

The Spirit and INTEL Comparison

Media Coverage dealing with A-I and Beyonce’, but not just her, Hollywood and the use of artificial intelligence is something to be aware of and is now a widely used software application.

IBM is the Architecture and the Software is Windows

The Original Human Being God is the Architecture and the Spirit of God Jesus Christ the Father is the intelligence.

In both cases it can be said, “I can only do what the Father tells me to do, I can only say what the Father tells me to say.”  John: 10:30, “I and the Father are One.”

The 3rd entity is Deception verse virus.  A computer gets a virus and start to become unpredictable and out of character. In humankind, in this world, we call this Confusion.

The solution sounds simple, to stop lying and tell the truth. But we must take into consideration the effects the truth will have on those you harmed verse living a lie.

The Code: You can’t serve God and be a liar.  However, lying has to be with intent. You cannot lie about what you honestly do not know at that given time.

That’s the Spirit and INTEL comparison.

“Confusion is Hell.”

Capstone Zulu

Ideas for home on New Years Eve

Investigative Links

This is the type of information needed by the DOJ – Be Proactive and fill in the blanks.

Department of Justice – ID #3704895 PH# (301) 583-7350

  1. Beyonce’ is told by Mayor Bloomberg to take a ride with him.  They get on a private jet to the Dominican Republic. He used her as a shield and by going there he broke the Navy Blockade and Air Force no fly zone.
  2. Then when they leave Dante Bush gets onboard and was being released to our custody and seemed surprised by their terms used. I saw them about to board on television.
  3. Dante Bush is Larry Holmes and he escorted Janet Jackson to the Hawaii Velvet Rope Show.
  4. Dante is Larry Holmes, I AM Mike Tyson and more characters, LaTonya Jones is Janet Jackson, Janet Damita Jones is Beyonce’ and they know who each other are and who I AM.
  1. They know who Michael Bloomberg is!
  2. Janet Jackson who is Beyonce’ mother had a narrow escape from the jetliner that crashed flight 587. This was in November of 2001 and about 2 months after the 9/11 attacks.  They were still putting out the fire on ground zero, when this incident occurred.
  3. INTEL Suggested we had Rene Elizondo trapped on the Dominican Republic. And Mayor Bloomberg mission was to rescue him, at that time I did not know who Rene Elizondo was.
  1. Whose Supreme Justice Clarence Thomas or
  1. Mr. Barrack Obama, Both of these men are frauds.
  2. Jesus Christ, INC., website accomplished the mission of sharing with the world and family needed to know this stuff too, The Jones Family of Entertainment has been revealed and there is more.
  3. Before we can do anything we must get the paperwork in order, so when things do start to happen, we will have a system of accounting in place and more.

There is a lot going on and for things to work in our favor requires participation and commitment, nothing is going to just change for the better without leadership.

Matt:13:56=58 – Keeping it real this scripture is about how I feel, it is the response to rejection. And, I understand the scripture because I lived it.

56 Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?”

57 And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.” 58 And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.

Tour of Avon Park, FL.

Avon Park, FL., is really a nice location and has nice properties. He avoided the SRA – The Zulu Hood – But still you get to see Avon Park, FL.

Getting started, I AM going to require 2 to 3 people daily to 3 days per week or more?  Got the idea? 

The Blue House Report

  1. Turned on the Water and paid deposit.
  2. Turn on the Electricity and deposit due with first bill in January
  3. Installed a mailbox
  4. Installed blinds
  5. Installed curtains
  6. Changed all the locks
  7. Paid the Fire Tax – Property is IRS 501c3 – Tax exempt
  8. Filed IRS 990 EZ and had to correct the information concerning our accounting period that ends the 31st of December of each year.
  9. Reinstated a) Eston Roberts Community Network, INC and Jesus Christ, INC – The Network has the current 501c3 and will be located on the 1st floor and Jesus Christ, INC, will be located on the 2nd floor.
  10. I had to get things for the 2nd floor, like a Microwave, small refrigerator, printer, laptop, television, HDTV antenna, tablet, cell phones, hot spot portable WiFi, USB Mic, food, got the idea?  I still need stuff, I got robbed.
  11. The problem is I have a lot of papers, software and CD’s all over the place and there are codes, addresses, passwords, receipts to old addresses, photographs and stuff, if I throw it away, it might be gone forever and I AM not in a rush, because there is much to be done, before, we are open for business in here, with a Certificate of Occupancy.

Jesus Christ, INC.  Setting up, the 2nd floor as a place to plan things, chill out, internet access, land line phone service for phone communications solicitation that has the corporate name, Jesus Christ, INC., on the caller ID. This is not complicated and once you are linked into whatever, you are doing, often it can be done at home. Everybody cannot be in here at one time, so it is obvious for Jesus Christ, INC., to be successful the membership and officers will often take their job home.

  1. Go through papers and CD’s, software samples and loops and organize this stuff.  I have passwords and all types of stuff I need to go through before throwing it away.
  2. Setup the website and BLOGS for Jesus Christ, INC.,
  3. Setup contacts list and address and phone numbers for records at the Office.
  4. Decide book keeping system and bylaws
  5. Setup membership lists and duties of officers.
  6. Got the idea and I AM going to try and make coming here as comfortable as possible so that things can get done, because you feel comfortable and at home.
  7. Try and get the corporations up and running about April of 2024.  And that is being realistic with membership commitments and officers’ commitment in the name of Jesus Christ.
  8. This is not just another nonprofit corporation, this is the one and only, Jesus Christ, INC.
  9. That is the main concern this time around, the name Jesus Christ, INC.
  10. This is it for me here and I AM not going to attempt to do it by myself again.

Capstone Zulu

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