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Do I Have Any Hu-Wo Children

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i, Capstone Zulu next to me is Egeria Jones BKA Oprah Winfrey and Janet Jackson Man Rene Elizondo and the picture was taken by Stackz Gotti and nothing He the serpent Eunuch who had daughters many I will never know is wearing the this is it 👕 and the phone in my hands was making the activation phone call to Stackz Gotti.

All the time this was her man she had the whole world ostracize me and had Hu-Wo become prostitutes and dope addicts and porn Stars meanwhile I was supposed to be her sucker but I was not her sucker he or it was and what the serpent dogs do is no human and that was not good enough but they had to try and take me for everything to include my dignity as a human being and I AM the One who is

Capstone Zulu

Jesus Christ the Son of Man and the Only Living God.

John 10 30 and 1CO 11 3

Capstone Zulu

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