Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

Beyonce’ and Alicia Keys the Mains

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Ultimate 80’s & 90’s R&B Slow Jam – 753 slow songs,

Just Kicking it and now really focusing on one things, First all I got to put it out there;

Beyonce’ and Alisha keys are the Capstone Zulu Mains.. This means they will be the one’s I spend the most time with. With Alicia Keys as my keyboardist and Beyonce’ my secretary at Jesus Christ, INC, by the nature of their work assignments, these two are Capstone Zulu’s mains. Understand everyway sister of Jesus Christ serves a purpose in this world and in our community, but not every duty places you were I will be most of the time in body, regardless we all are one in Christ and have the mind of Christ.

I have been busy and need to review and document the activities and expendetures. We did not earn any money really ever. It has been a struggle because of the stand I made. We all caught up in hell to some degree, some more than others.

Strange thing Beyonce’ is one day older Alicia keys, but they are not twins but both are full blood Zulu and born Spirit and both have twins who are one day apart 240 days later. AND THEY ARE ALL MY CHIKDREN. ALICHA ALICIA AKICIA KEYS IS MY DAUGHTER!!!.

The Call to all who are down with the Zulu Hood Movement of Entertainment and Technologies, bringing the techology sector in synchonizaion and wherefore, allowing consumers to catchup with techology sector and bring back the desire of the people to want to learn and make the vision of a better world really doable,. I did a lot to get us back on our feet ASAP. And I had to buy things for me, from a laptop HP Core 7, Tablet, TV, HDTV antennia, refregarator, hot spot, DVD player for DVD/CD playback, Microwave…more..a USB Condensor microphone for my laptop studio and more. I AM getting there, I like listeneing to music and messing with DAW.

PLus I had to be evrything for both Eston Robert Community Network, INC and Jesus Christ, INC, reinstarements, then there was the utlities, locks, blinds, curtains, cleaning stuff, light bulbs, household items…more and stayed in the Hotel six weeks straight. It put a dent in my wallet. And now I AM looking for those who are going to be committed to what we are doing an trying to accomlish. The stuff I got is for Jesus Christ, iNC, who will be upstairs. Next after we get rid of a lot of stuff, because by holding on to it will prevent better things to come in and take up space on the properties.

Do not get it confused, these are expenditres to be filed in the next years and not the listen of doing charity in secret. this is stuff i need to documnt while I can still find rhe receipts. The key to success is how much to commit to something and being a direct part of Jesus Christ, INC,. is a blessing and a once in a lifetime oppurtunity. This is my calling, iy is tme to gather,

I did some research on the big picture here in Avon Park and I watched him do a tour of Avon Park, who has nice properties, funny thing,everytime he came close the SRA in Avon Park’s black section, i’d say, lets turn left. Things can happen even her, but it will not happen by itself.

Beyoncé – Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) (Video Version) (

Beyonce’ top music videos -click link

So in Symmary my mine two Hu-Woman are Beyonce and Alicia Keys and I AM calling on those who plan to be a part of this Zulu Hood Movement, bringing Entertainers and Techologies in sync., creatingwiser consummers and making the movement know by it’s support, not just by what we say but also by wha we do.

Capstone Zulu

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