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Who is Michael King DBA Martin Luther King, Jr.

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There is not one Jesus Christ Street in America talking about hatred. But everybody loves Jesus Christ?

Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., did not see eye to eye. I have a question. You have Dr. King Highway, Dr. King Memorial, Dr. King BLVD, Dr. King, Day, why is there not one Jesus Christ Street? Don’t everybody love Jesus Christ?

The Truth about the Hon Elijah Muhammad and Don. Carlo Gambino The Same Person. – me at about 10 years old

Hon. Elijah Muhammad Inherited The NOI – Nation of Islam

Don. Carlo Gambino inherited The Mafia who has been revealed to be the GAY Mob

Apostle Paul Castellano and the Dope Game

On 5 July 1989 was the Baptism. Then the decision was made to give me $500 million. I say, how can he give me $500 million of my money?  Now he could have asked me for $3 billion and I would have given it to him?  I refused his offer.  Keep it!

So he gives them $500 million in dope and says this is Paul’s dope.  Now the person who understood the directive and know me made the move to oversee operations nationwide.  Then there was those who thought they was moving my dope, being controlled by the opportunist who controlled distribution, because they knew I would not sell dope.  Therefore, they put everybody against Paul.  Those running things cannot allow Paul to either take over or destroy operations and those dealing thinking it is Paul’s dope, what can he do with that?  And some knew it was not my dope and that is how I must have found out, I don’t use dope.

Now they are the Gambino Crime Family turned to the Gotti Crime Family, what the Rene Elizondo Cartel?  See?  My dope meant the dope for my children and community and either I can manage it or not, this is Paul’s People’s Dope!

When I say inherited, I mean problems and they are basically the same kind of people, playing a different angle.

I was conceived in Sandersville, GA on 27 Jume 1958 – Where 5.5 million tons of fertilizer will surface the earth per year for the next 300 years and then I was born on 4 March 1959, exactly 240 days later in Long Island City, Queens, New York, which is a part of the foundation rock beneath Long Island City and the Manhattan Islands, which is a diamond figuratively the size of the moon.  And then my first Spirit born child was born on 4 Nov. 1959 or 243 days later and her twin system came 240 days later.  Wherefore, I was never no Prince.

Both Don. Carlo Gambino and the Hon. Elijah Muhammad were billed to be Hebrews or Sicilian and was both 5 feet 6 inches tall and was said to be about the same age.

The Hon. Elijah Muhammad was billed to be a civil rights leader, who just did not believe at that time the principles of turning the other cheek   at that time in history.  It was not working. The catch to this is at my conception so was the FBI.  I conception and birth were documented immediately at the J. Edger Hoover led FBI.  Understand So help me God got passed the U.S. Congress in 1962, I was 3 years old and they knew I already arrived. Now understand my name is Frank Paul Jones and so was Willie Mays and Willie Mays was FDR.  If you understand what happened was, they Knew God was on earth at conception.  Understanding this, you understand the reality of God and he others.  See?  How do you compare say God to Dr. King? 

The code was that Hon. Ellijah Muhammad was the leader of the Black Panthers and inherited the NOI.  And under the teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, they ate beef, beef and more beef and did not eat pork with and 1001 germs and worms.  What can I say, I again eat pork today, but I still eat beef and I do not eat people. Many brothers is that is the proper term call themselves vegan muslims, because they can’t eat beef and are people eaters.

The Code Don. Carlo Gambino was a legitimate business man and entertainer.  And the point is they knew that Elijah Muhammad and Carlo Gambino was Frank Paul Jones who is God.  And they had a plot from the beginning to dog me out and kill me, but deth just was not an option, but did I get mistreated here on earth.  Remember the use to say heaven and hell is here on earth?  I guess it is or was, because many, many, people hd themselves a good time while I had no place to rest my head.

The point these two characters were hated and lied on and placed in conditions where I had to say what I had to say.  They hated me because they knew I was God and I and the Father are One, being Jesus Christ, the Word of God.  And now the world or did everybody know but Paul, the plot was to turn Jesus Christ into a homosexual or GAY.  So they all hate Paul and the all love Nick or they hate God and love coke and dope.

Who is Michael King?  BKA Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

INTEL Suggest that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is Nicodemus in the Holy Bible, BKA Nick, who is Black, the dope Kingpin.  INTEL Suggest the mythology behind Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is rational.  Black was the person who played Josephine Baker, If this is the case, he could have been born in 1929. However, the meeting in Germany has to be investigated.  To go to Germany in 1934 and then come back and say, hey, we Martin Luther?

The Story Goes Josephine Baker was outcast for singing secular music and this placed her in harms way. the church back then is what they now call the Beulah Baptist Church. And Josephine baker went through a lot behind this. Like Janet Jackson she was the purse, the target, with the loot. The fighting temptations is about a lot of things that are dark.

 [ 22 ]BeyonceFighting temptation.PA00011633042003

John: 7:48-52 and John: 3:1-21 – Hon. Ellijah Muhammad Meets with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,  was altered on YouTube, it was a debate as explain in the book of John chapter 3:1-21.

Born: November 10, 1483, Eisleben, Germany

Died: February 18, 1546, Eisleben, Germany

Ministry – Michael King Sr. and Michael King Jr,

German Referendum – 1934 | Today In History | 19 Aug 18

In 1927, he became assistant pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church of Atlanta, then senior pastor in 1931.[3] With the country in the midst of the Great Depression, church finances were struggling, but King organized membership and fundraising drives that restored these to health. By 1934, King had become a widely respected leader of the local church. That year, he also changed his name, and that of his eldest son, from Michael King to Martin Luther King after a period of gradual transition on his own part.[4]

Martin Luther the Theologist from Germany who Michael King, Sr named him and his son after returning from Germany the year of he Reformation in NAZI Germany.

He was inspired during a trip to Germany for that year’s meeting of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA). While visiting sites associated with reformation leader Martin Luther, attendees also witnessed the rise of Nazism. Whilst the BWA conference issued a resolution condemning antisemitism, the senior King gained deepened appreciation for the power of Luther’s protest.[5]

Michael King 845 FBI Files

Michael King Jr.  5 files

 Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Part 08 of 10

 Martin Luther King, Jr. Part 1 of 2

 John Joseph Gotti, Jr Part 07 of 10

 Stokely Carmichael Part 4 of 5

 Bernard Fensterwald Jr. Part 01 of 01

Michael King Sr. 3 files

 Joseph P. (Joe) Kennedy, Sr. Part 8 of 8

 Stokely Carmichael Part 4 of 5

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