Jesus Christ, INC is a nonprofit corporation that promotes entertainment and Technologies. Many of our members are mainstream entertainers and professionals.

The Beyonce’ Conspiracy Part 2

  1. Beyonce’ as Keba in Corona Queens – 1st to call me daddy
  • Beyonce’ surprises students

Click Link Below to see Beyonce’ and Beyonce’ Knowles Copyrights registered at the U.S. Library of Congress.

  • Grows up and becomes Destiny Child – Beyonce’ Knowles – She works with the Queens, New York City teams in music and video production, during the Tyler Perry Era. Harvey was the head of the camara crew. Tyler Perry was the guy who slept in his car and was homeless. Then came the shelters and the housing programs. He was a brother who had ideas and told stories Tyler Perry 3367 copyrights.
  • She Gets involved with the GAY World – Begins going to the Ritz Carltons – Code_ Everybody but Paul – It’s GAY. {aul cannot go there. The first mistake.

The Story goes the only person who listened to Prince, was Prince. This photo was taken near Houston Street, I was headed from the LES to Alphabet City and this was about the time we did the Michael Jackson History World Tour. 1997. I was known for wearing a CD and walk listening to music. I had my music.

The Code to Everybody but Paul – How they planned to erase my ever existence and how it backfired.

Prince Hall in Freemasonry logo.Prince Hall in Freemasonry logo.

What they did is they wanted the world to believe I was a Prince, so I got the name Prince and anything in that name belongs to Frank Paul Jones

Prince has over 10,000 entries at the U.S. Library of Congress.

Let’s go crazy

This song is really about cocaine and how it will dtive you crazy, because you can’t get off.

Prince in Get off

Morris Day – In Fishnet – The other side of Prince

At the Ritz Carlton GAY Bash in the ballroom you can get high and everybody can be in there, then you leave with someone of the same sex.

The Ritz Carlton is Distribution. So I guess, everybody but Paul due to drugs and the fact Paul is not GAY or homosexual.

The Pusher-man knows that as long as they continue to use cocaine they will not have an interest in Paul. They will be sexually numb and no Paul cannot use cocaine and perform sexually.

  • Becomes known as the wife of Jay Z as they developed FX events to substantiate the claims concerning her love life and agenda as they promoted it.

The Ritz Carlton is about getting high. Then is the sex myth. You think people got to the Ritz Carlton to get their dike on, but that could be done home even easier, but there is cocaine and sex in that state of mind. And you might find yourself in an untense moment because of the reduction in sensation. And, Humans have a harder time getting and keeping a hard on.

What Cocaine does to a man it does to a Hu-Wo. You are wide awake, you can get horny, but your body is numb, so you can go crazy in a state of trying to get off, but cannot. To some this is fun? But the lie that cocaine helps your sex drive is a lie. The result is if they get high and get caught up all night, by day the are nothing. Burnt out, because they drained themselves and burnt out in the process. I guess guys can use Viagra, but just like a Hu-Wo can be licked, they can be hit in the butt to ejaculate. Viagra is not an ED medication and it works on serpents – The warning you can have an erection for 4 hours and all the doctor if it happen? With a human once you ejaculate with Viagra you get soft. That is how a serpent will dildo and is what they was telling the world.

  • In Nov. 2009, I moved to Florida – she was already here.
  • Mini me Fucks Beyonce’ Knowles – Must watch on YouTube – click to see, he it really funny

Austin Powers’ Beyonce!
Beyonce’ Knowles Library of Congress
  • Becomes known as a major porn star due to FX videos by those who dealt with in the GAY Mob world
  • In 2016 a few things happened. 
  • State of Florida v. Izzy Jones Rodriquez (2016) Highlands County Florida – proved that angels exist on earth.  In this case Izzy was accused of rape of a Hu-Wo carrying boys for Beyonce’ But the test on his alleged semen showed the semen was from the Father and the surrogate was not the parent.  Izzy was is an angel Eunuch – It was my semen and Beyonce’ was the mother.  But they got my semen unlawfully. 
  • Angels eat beef and have human protein in their blood, but cannot procreate, serpents cannot eat beef, eat people and have no human protein in their blood.
  • In November of 2016 – I was escorted to Washington D.C. by then secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson and it was decided that it was best Beyonce’ not travel with me, but that was what I wanted.  She just delivered a girl.  War Powers Placed into full effect.

Using Goggle Earth Pro – I locked into this location – which was my position more than once.

When I arrived at the Macon Inn in Augusta, GA. I did not see Beyonce’, but I was concerned about her having clothing. I bought stuff for her, but did not see her, so I gave it to BKA Tongo who is Mildred Cintron out of Queensbridge. Janet Damita, the surrogate was in a room and Beyonce’ and Tongo while there dildo them and took the Pea Coat from Beyonce’. This must be investigated. Because Beyonce’ knew I was there, I knew she was there, she saw me but I did not see her. The hand played Tongo gave her Cocaine, making her both manager and inspector and did not tell Beyonce’ she could be with me. But, as long as she was doing that, they knew she was no good to me.

Judge Joseph Anthony Ritenour

Then came custody issues due to Beyonce’ being a porn star and I understand I got custody and she disagreed and the result the County Judge kept her away from me and my children I did not get to know.

Janet Damita Jones DBA Beyonce’ loses custody of our children because she was determined by the court that she was unfit to be a parent, because she was a porn star.  What she did was posted a couple of home sex videos on YouTube.  They The Jay Z crew this time edited it and removed her partner in the video who was said to me.  OK! Her email address was her return address and it was non commercial and porn is for pay.

How to change the face using software

Then it became about 350 porn videos on porn sites of Beyonce’ having sex with hundreds of different men.  And all they did was use image FX.  And Judge Ritenour caused us all a lot of problems,

The common Judge in my cases are;

State of Florida v. Izzy Jones Rodriguez who is my son and is an angel and my cases to include the

State of Florida v. Frank Paul Jones (2016) Highlands County is Judge Joseph Ritenour.

Janet Damita Jones child custody case

I was forced to have 3 competency examinations by 3 psychologist and by a 2 to 1 margin I was found to be incompetent. The problem with this is I was forced to be examined and because I was in detention, I went along with it. The best way to fight your case is out of jail. But, here is the catch and it cannot be denied, the nature of the charges were nit serious. The only way a Judge in this court can force you to be examined for competency is the nature of the charges are serious and your attorney cannot work with you. The charges were misdemeanor, not serious, wherefore, Judge Ritenour did not have the authority under misdemeanor court to force me to submit to a competency examination. And then my competency was restored and charges were dropped. I got no restitution, but just paid them over $2,000 for another unconstitutional case. Again, I never waived my rights to a speedy trial.

I made this complaint to the Department of Justice these cases refer to DOJ ID # 3704895 and was the foundation to the ongoing hate crimes WACO and RICO investigations.

Again, I did not waive my rights to a speedy trial. I was held under county jurisdiction for about 2 and 1/2 years. I never said, I wanted my mental capacity to be considered for a NGI Plea or Non Guilty by Reason of Insanity. They again involuntarily committed me to DCF in Gainesville, FL., OK! This time they can say, but it was a felony. But, I never had any legal representation and was approved by the court on record to represent myself. But because I did not accept a plea bargain, this was the move he made. It is on court documentation, I never met Mr. Bruce Carter until about June of 2023. And, they found me incompetent based on hearsay, one Doctor’s opinion. Because I refused Psychiatry and psychology under my 1st amendment rights and that case was heard by a panel of U.S. Justices, I had the right to refuse psychiatry, psychology and psychotropic medications, under the 1st amendment, right to religious practice. This is on record at Orlando Behavioral Medical after they tried to kill me at Peace River in Polk County. I arrived at Orlando after they gave me an Overdose at Peace River.

  • I with the assistance went on a rescue mission to find Beyonce’ she was joined unto the bus with me and the segregate.  Beyonce’ fell asleep and a photo of her was taken.

  • I spotted a boy with a man in the Orlando Bus station.  I guess she went to the Ritz Carlton in Hindsight.  Reported it and he was found.  Mission completed. That morning I saw my son and he had on clean clothes and was with an agent. Then, I headed south on the shuttle to Avon Park, FL.

The Conclusion

This was not just about sexual relations and responsibilities. But so that you understand what happened and why.  And had they convinced the World this time around that I was insane, crazy, these lies, you all would have had to pay the consequences for.  And still until this day, not one person spoke up and said, these are lies.  And now you know without a doubt, what this was all about.

To turn Jesus Christ into a homosexual and/or perpetual humiliation. And claim these children from Debbie Rowe are the children of the Prince.  There is no bloodline after Adam, the Son of God.  But my blood type is AB+ and my children are all AB, If you become a serpent prince, you are erased without Human Protein in your blood and they cannot prove the child is yours or not.

Frank Paul Jones is crazy – Still nobody spoke up

Mark:3:21  21 When his family [b] heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.”

Mark:6:32-35  2A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, “Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you.”

33 “Who are my mother and my brothers?” he asked. 34 Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! 35 Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

Michael Jackson Plastic surgeries – I never had plastic surgery – Nobody spoke up yet?

Michael Jackson Funeral that never happened – Still nobody spoke up

Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe – Post RIP

Samson Jones as Joe Jackson in photo with me as Morris Day? This was the day of Lois fake Funeral?

They injured his spine real bad, but they did not kill him in WW II

The Solution is simple. Understand you was going to take your medications being base and I had to take crazy meds, but I stopped and then came 40 Baker Acts. this is the story of Etta James, if she stopped using dope, they put her back on it. It be the good dope and she had to take it. But the good news is, Satan cannot kill you. He wanted me to do his dirty work for denying God. Is there one righteous person in this whole town?

Empire Sitcom was about a world I was unaware of in the Entertainment world.  Remember, Everybody but Paul. Then people start using terms like GAY Mob.  When I grew up it was the Mafia. I came to believe Empire was about the GAY Mob and how they operate and the fundamentals of their language and culture.  I got to see a few episodes and really was not aware of this mentality and scenes like guys kissing guys, in their world this is normal, but something I really did not see unless it was on television on a show that says explicit.

An Example of GAY Mob understanding and Hollywood is the family head couple a man and a woman will never happen in Hollywood today. Almost every couple in Hollywood are fakes and here are a few examples.

Ashanti pregnant for 1st time by Nelly who has 3 or 4 kids

I AM Will Smith and Duane Martin – In Hollywood almost all major couples are fakes.  See the coloration to Empire?

Janet Jackson new secret son from husband number 3 or 4

But now I can watch this sitcom I guess and watch it for underlying messages or statements made about this world that came down on me.  It seemed that they communicated to the world the state of Hollywood and the powerful GAY Mob and everybody knew but Paul again?  Because he did not know that world.  And it was about drugs? And now you know how every great nation is destroyed, they turn the nation into drug addicts and tell them to do stupid shit and believe anything they say or else!!!

Had they got her over there, we may not have ever saw her again. It may have sounded like a Hollywood Gossip but people was made to and may still believe it and it links to Lawrence of Arabia and like Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson ends up with a European only child. This is prince hall mythology. And we ended up Euro from Zulu.

Qutar on YouTube

Qatar is a peninsular Arab country whose terrain comprises arid desert and a long Persian (Arab) Gulf shoreline of beaches and dunes. Also on the coast is the capital, Doha, known for its futuristic skyscrapers and other ultramodern architecture inspired by ancient Islamic design, such as the limestone Museum of Islamic Art. The museum sits on the city’s Corniche waterfront promenade. 

The agreement had two clauses. One was that the singer would receive $100 million if their marriage lasted at least five years.

The second clause was that she would receive another $100 million if she gave birth to a boy for the billionaire.

Jackson became pregnant in 2016 and had a son, Elissa, in 2017, when she was 50 years old.

The singer decided to file for divorce on the basis of cultural differences from her billionaire husband in 2017, shortly after she gave birth to her son.

Al Mana also kept his own part of the bargain by giving Jackson the sum of $200 million after they parted ways.

I use to call the Billionaire Wizam-Wizam, but  if you understand this was about Lawrence of Arabia.  

The use drugs to control you. INTEL Suggest their target was Paul and they used them to get to Paul. And, whenever they seem to want to come to Paul on their own accord, they are given lots of drugs and by Monday or Tuesday, once again they are no good to Paul – Burnt out. They will give them enough of that stuff to base all night long. All to turn Jesus Christ into a homosexual.

Remember the Scam. 1. Take over your mail. The fan club. 2. take over your house. 3. as they control your mail and media. 4. Control your life. 5. Destroy your ability to earn a living in your profession. 6. Destroy you and your associates.

Michael Jackson is the story of Prince Hall Mythology. And I think this movie is on point to this.

This is how I really looked in 1997 – about the time of the History World Tour

On the other hand the story about me is Prince but I was never a Prince, I did not qualify. See the Documentary of Mythology is about me and the Michael Jackson story, I did not live. But I did not live like a little midget freak either. But Prince got into doors. Listen between the lines.

This publication contains the text of Title 17 of the United States Code, including all amendments enacted by Congress through December 23, 2022. It includes the Copyright Act of 1976 and all subsequent amendments to copyright law; the Semiconductor Chip Protection Act of 1984, as amended; and the Vessel Hull Design Protection Act, as amended. The Copyright Office is responsible for registering intellectual property claims under all three.

I wonder if there is a coloration between Prince coming on to the scene and this about the same time, the late 1970’s..

The Keynote is Satan cannot kill you and you do not have to obey the devil anymore. All he can do is deceive you, What you do from here on, will be based on this fact, you have a choice.


Go to the MAGIX.Com website links below and scroll down the whole page and see all the features they both have.

I have ASIO and is installing the apps to these programs and been at it all night.  I have a USB Microphone and need headphones and then look at a playback sound system. The VHS to digital or hard drive and YouTube upload and download options makes for plenty of stuff to use for making films and audio recordings.

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MAGIX Video Pro X15 – I got to work with

Sound Forge Audio Studio

Capstone Zulu

Capstone Zulu

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